A creature that is old enough and powerful...their birth process is usually not very simple.

This creature... is the same.

In the observation of the granular creatures, many creatures were born on the fragmented Tumbler Lands. They carry on a variety of different lives that must be in frequent contact with each other.

Pellet organisms discovered that many organisms slowly began to multiply.

They reproduce in many ways. The most common one is to use other creatures to reproduce... The specific process is to kill a creature, empty its internal organs and other things, and then inject some ‘substance’ into the remaining body.

This kind of substance can be said to be necessary for reproduction, and the substances put in are different for different organisms. Some organisms just put some debris in, and some organisms will stuff their own limbs or internal organs.

Generally speaking, this method of reproduction will only be caused by prey that is much smaller than itself. Usually after these steps, the body will grow into a new creature.

What is more interesting is that this method of reproduction is not ‘evolved’. The origin of this group of creatures is still a mystery, and these creatures seem to have emerged suddenly.

Because granular creatures can't observe all places all the time, as long as they don't look at every place for a period of time, new creatures will emerge.

The reproduction method was originally discovered by certain organisms.

When they try to reproduce in this way, there are other biology around them.

Some creatures will make individuals exactly like themselves, which is very similar to ordinary reproduction.

There are also creatures that tend to create creatures that are much weaker than themselves, but obey their orders. This kind of creatures are considered to be servants.

Whether the produced organism meets the manufacturer's requirements is very much related to the manufacturer's technology.

Generally speaking, it is the easiest to make an individual that is exactly the same. Particle organisms have discovered that even creatures with low intelligence can produce offspring close to them.

Of course it will not be exactly the same, there will always be some small differences, which may lead to the birth of better or weaker offspring, which is similar to the ‘evolution’ of cellular biology.

During the observation process of the granular creatures, it was discovered that some creatures entered the ‘reincarnation’ mode, that is, they created offspring, and when the offspring grew up, they asked the offspring to kill themselves, and made their own shells into...the offspring of offspring.

When each individual demands his own offspring in this way, and their offspring continue to demand their own offspring, they are caught in an endless cycle. Even creatures with low intelligence will do so, and granular creatures cannot understand them. Why do you want this.

Those who make servants are usually creatures with higher intelligence.

They need a variety of research, through the matching and debugging of manufacturing materials, etc., in order to create perfect servants that will not "betray" themselves.

This is usually very complicated. If they fail, they will not create servants, but new species.

These servant lovers generally do not have a ‘race’, they only have themselves. Although they occasionally create offspring, most of the time they only have themselves and a group of servants.

There are other creatures that are more peculiar. They are dedicated to research...making powerful creatures.

Will they try to hunt down creatures that are larger than themselves? Then use these huge bodies to create...things far stronger than themselves.

Of course? They are essentially similar to making ‘servants’, or they are making protectors.

They try to create powerful creatures that they can control, but the risk is much greater than creating weak servants.

If you are not obedient? This powerful creature may kill itself.

Even so? They still try to create powerful creatures to protect themselves.

They will only follow the shape of other creatures at first? Slowly they start to try to make different things.

For example, build a living building to protect yourself and resist foreign enemies.

And they also began to not just use biological shells to construct? They study other substances? Investigate the difference between them and living beings.

Slowly they can add some non-living things in the process of making new creatures.

This allows these creatures... to make more kinds of things? They also become very powerful? At the same time, they have once again established villages and towns on the fragmented land. They are a group of new civilized creatures.

After being strong, it is easy to be attacked by other creatures.

Especially those creatures who like to make small servants, they began to besiege those villages and towns.

So? This group of civilized creatures also began to fight against foreign invasions, and a new round of war began.

The war lasted a little longer. Quite a lot of creatures were involved in this war? At first, most of them were besieging civilized creatures.

Although civilized creatures are powerful? But they can't resist the attacks of a large number of creatures? So when they are losing ground, they start to constantly try to make more powerful creatures to help them fight.

As a result, their opponents also tried to create more and stronger servants. They also found that civilized creatures can use a lot of non-living materials to make troops, so they tried to do the same.

As they continue to dig the surface to obtain various manufacturing materials, the war has made the originally fragmented land more fragmented.

Many creatures also perished in the war.

The main reason for the extinction of most creatures is that they are caught and used as materials, whether their internal organs or their shells are used to make creatures.

After all, many creators are alone. They can't create a large number of troops by relying on their internal organs... But they have also discovered that they can be replaced by other creatures.

In short, only proper adjustments are needed? Even if you don't use any part of yourself, you can create loyal servants.

Most of the'wild animals' that have nothing to do with war suffered as a result, and they were captured in large numbers as materials.

But not every part of these creatures is used as material. Many creatures are just part of the body structure removed, and the rest are thrown away.

These mutilated corpses covered the ground. Since the moving objects in the body were all extracted, they were static and would not rot, except for a small part that would be eaten by scavengers.

Of course, scavengers will also be caught to make materials, so there are not many.

At this time, the besieged civilized creatures developed an ultimate weapon.

This kind of weapon can be called ‘perpetual light’.

The living beings here rely heavily on stillness. They use still storage materials to store food, but the most important thing is that the process of making living things must be in stillness.

This is the process of putting materials into the body. If it is in motion, it is impossible to create any living things.

Only after the materials are completely placed, can the body enter the active state, so that it will begin to grow into a creature.

Civilized creatures decided to completely isolate the entire world, the Tumbler's plot where they live, from the effect of stillness.

In this way... nothing can be made.

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