4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 328: Madness and silence

In a world where everything is still, it is much easier to make things.

It's like assembling various internal organs together, assembling the body of a living thing with various materials...All assembly processes must rely on static effects.

If it is not still... if it is not solidified, nothing can be made, and any internal organs will die during the assembly process.

This void creature has a very curious ‘judgment’ that when a large amount of visceral material is placed in a suitable position, they can move.

However, it cannot enter the active state until it is placed in a suitable position.

Just stop this and the war will end.

Civilized creatures here think so...so they collect a lot of living things.

Moving things were very rare things in the earliest days, but with the increase of living things, moving things have become very common.

Civilized creatures have created a very powerful...explosive through the study of various moving objects.

Once this explosive is exploded, it can make the entire Tumbler land into an active state.

The land masses they live in are generally hundreds of kilometers in size, so this explosive is quite strong.

When the civilized creatures decided to do this, they gathered a large number of moving objects in the largest city, and created this weapon called the ‘perpetual light’.

Although called this name, there is no light in their world.

Almost all living things don't know that there is such a thing as light, let alone rely on light to perceive it.

And this group of civilized creatures is considered the first creature to discover light. They once produced luminous objects in a small space of activity.

Of course it was created by accident, but what granular creatures don't understand is that these civilized creatures should not have photosensitive organs, but... they can feel light.

After they noticed the characteristics of light, they thought that light could diffuse indefinitely in a non-stationary environment, so they gave this weapon the name of perpetual light.

When they made explosive bombs, other creatures besieging them also learned the news, so they besieged the city frantically.

The reason they knew the news was because this group of civilized creatures had... traitors.

Some individuals find that it is also good to create a large number of servants and serve themselves, so they leave civilization to live alone and want to destroy the entire civilization city.

But even if they continued to besiege, they still failed to invade the city.

And the civilized creatures in the city have also succeeded in creating eternal light.

When it exploded over the city, the entire land mass was illuminated by light...Of course, because almost all living creatures have no photosensitive organs, they did not find this light.

It's just that they soon discovered the impact of the light of perpetual motion.

Its explosion formed a huge ‘field’, causing the land mass to fall into a state of complete loss of static activity, and everything here is no longer fixed.

However, the explosion did not stop the attack. The minion enthusiasts continued to send waves of troops to the city until they were all destroyed before these creatures returned to their lairs and tried to create more troops.

This is the first time that many creatures have discovered...rot.

They like to store a large amount of spare materials, such as visceral biological shells. In a static state, it doesn't matter how much these things pile up, but in an active state, they quickly rot.

Because this place also has microorganisms.

In this world, the influence of microorganisms is very small. They are attached to various large organisms. Because they are too small, there are few microorganisms that can store living things.

They only move when large creatures enter some areas of activity, and they will seize the time to eat and reproduce crazily.

The mode of reproduction of these microorganisms is not structure, but division similar to cell biology.

It can be said that they can't do anything when they are still.

When the entire area is in an active state, these animated microorganisms begin to decompose the stored visceral materials.

When the servant makers discovered this, they began to panic. They tried to quickly assemble the decayed internal organs, but they encountered many problems.

In the end, they couldn't piece together these internal organs in an active state, and couldn't construct any new...servants at all.

Therefore, these servant-makers panicked, and they fled to other land blocks that had not been affected by the bombs, and civilized creatures attacked them aggressively at this time.

Of course, civilized creatures can't create new creatures, so they are fighting in person at this time.

And the servant maker, after letting their remaining servants break, quickly evacuate by themselves.

However, not long after they fled to other land masses, civilized creatures continued to produce more perpetual light.

They themselves intend to throw the light of perpetual motion on all land masses and exterminate all servant-makers.

In this way, when each land block was illuminated by the light of eternal motion, all the servant-makers... became crazy.

These creatures make servants not entirely because they rely on the protection of servants. Many creatures like the process of making servants, although they don't know why they have such a personality.

Many creatures regard the creation of various servants as the greatest pleasure in life. When their pleasure is taken away, they attack civilized creatures like crazy.

There were land blocks of corpses everywhere... now it is covered with death.

The most dead are not the fallen creatures in the war, but all kinds of wild animals.

The creatures here are also very dependent on static life. Many creatures have very special immune systems. They need to be in a static state to clean up harmful microorganisms.

Many organisms themselves will only stay in the field of activity for a short time, and they have to return to static to completely dispose of the microorganisms.

The living things stored in an organism generally only affect the organism itself, not including microorganisms, so they can be processed in a static state, but if there is no static environment... they can only be swallowed by microorganisms.

When a large number of creatures died out, civilized creatures also discovered this phenomenon... They had thoughts of regret.

But they were unable to recover, so they decided to destroy those servant-makers and see how they would go in the future.

This war did not last long, because no new servants were born, and civilized creatures participated in the war themselves.

They cannot produce any offspring and have no additional troops.

Slowly...the creatures on these land masses became fewer and fewer, and there were more and more corpses.

A large number of microorganisms multiplied crazily, but it didn't take long for them to die.

Because these microorganisms quickly ate up their decomposable parts, leaving most of the incomplete corpses.

Then, these land masses fell into silence.

Only very few creatures are alive...and they have witnessed the birth of miracles.

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