This huge hole...where does it lead?

The vortex has always referred to it as the "land of reincarnation", and they have always put a lot of corpses, waste and other things.

They believe that after thrown in, these useless things will undergo a series of transformations into useful substances.

Then these substances'burst out' and give back to them.

After this tradition has lasted for a long time, it has also become a worship of the cave entrance. They describe the giant cave as a place full of legends in various myths.

There are so many legends about it that some residents regard the giant cave as a **** and worship it.

But no matter what, they never went in to see it.

Sometimes some crazy drivers fly in, and they never come out... These crazy drivers all have one thing in common, they think something is talking to them in the hole.

After feeling the news there, some vortexes felt that they should meet their gods.

And now, the same is true for the bitter star.

After controlling the aircraft, it originally didn't want to escape into the hole, but it felt...things in the hole.

So, it drove towards the entrance of the cave...Of course, the vortex would not let it pass easily, they could easily destroy the controlled aircraft.

However, at this time, the entrance of the cave changed, the huge vortex appeared again, and countless fragments flew out.

A huge fragment directly hit the spacecraft of the bitter star, which directly destroyed the spacecraft.

Because Huang Wu had to deal with these fragments, he did not carefully investigate whether the destruction was complete.

So they didn't notice... a strange ‘rescue capsule’ flew out.

The bitter star didn't use the original rescue capsule on the aircraft, but hugged all the shells together.

After the aircraft was destroyed, some of these shells remained... the internal organs were alive.

These last remaining parts floated in the void filled with artillery fire and rubble... and it was never hit by anything.

It seemed lucky to survive these firepower and floated towards the huge hole.

Thus, the story of this bitter star ended.

...But this empty story continues.

After the fragments stopped pouring out, the vortex carefully inspected it, and they found that after the aircraft on which the bitter star was being destroyed, a strange thing flew out... and finally this thing flew into the hole.

Since Huangwu didn't intend to enter the cave to investigate, there was no way for them to continue their investigation.

After the event of the bitter star ended, the vortex continued to lock up the civilized creatures to strictly guard it, but did not kill it.

Civilized creatures were desperate at first, as if they didn't want to do anything.

But it didn't commit suicide, it was just in a daze, and Huang Wu didn't care much.

After a period of time passed, the civilized creatures appeared strange.

It started to make strange moves, postures, etc... Actually, it was communicating, but who was it communicating with?

This time, no matter how Huangwor tortured the civilized creatures, it didn't say anything, because Huangwor didn't want to kill it, so it didn't matter.

The vortex is currently forming an expedition team, and they decided to explore the depths of the void, looking for more such creatures that can directly construct creatures.

So they want to keep this civilized creature, they think it can provide many key clues.

After some time passed, the civilized creature did not continue to hide who it was communicating with.

It used its own excrement to lay out the text and ‘written’ the information it felt.

In fact, all the information it wrote were prophecies about the end.

Although Huangwor could not understand the information expressed by these excrements, the granular organisms who had been observing them could understand.

What it expresses are all prophecies about the'doomsday'.

Like the civilization of the vortex, and the end of the void, all this is what it ‘hears’ from the huge hole.

It can also be said that it felt the news came from.

Then, its ‘prophecy’ did indeed happen.

The next time the vortex at the entrance of the cave opens, the fragments flying out will be larger than before, and at the same time...very strong.

This kind of abnormal phenomenon has never happened before, and it seems that fragments of new materials have appeared.

This resulted in Huangwor's inability to destroy all the fragments, and some fragments hit a Huangwor city.

These fragments smashed the city's "shell" through, and they fell into the city and smashed a large number of buildings... and the life of the vortex.

Although similar things had happened before, it was generally because Huang Wu's own weapons had malfunctioned, and there would be nothing wrong with the flying pieces.

And now it is entirely the reason why the fragments themselves have become too strong.

The city was not completely destroyed, so Huangwu quickly gathered a rescue team.

But they found that the situation was not just that, a strange situation spread in the penetrated city.

This is a kind of "contagion" phenomenon of a situation.

And it was not passed to Huangwu, but to the ‘Activity Field’.

The vortex itself has the technology of using moving objects to create an activity field, such as their factories, etc., where the inside is an activity field, and the things inside can be continuously produced.

And now, these playgrounds have disappeared.

Including those buildings that were not affected by the impact of debris, the internal activity field also appeared ‘faulty’.

That is to say, there will be multiple static phenomena in the arena, which will cause some machines to run and some to stop.

Of course, these projects will collapse.

This phenomenon did not just appear in this city, it soon spread to other cities.

Because of the normal operation of the entire city of Huangwu, event venues are used in many places, and the emergence of these event venues...may cause the entire city to collapse.

The vortex immediately dealt with this phenomenon urgently, but a similar situation appeared in their aircraft.

They found that not only the playground, but also many original moving objects...will also be still.

The things that could be used for activities no longer had the effect of activities, and this time the civilization of Huangwu fell into panic.

Although they themselves have not been affected, the infrastructure of each city has almost ceased functioning.

Moreover, the aircraft can no longer fly, they are completely trapped.

Whether it is the production of general utensils or food factories, the order of these cities has gradually collapsed after they ceased operations.

But there is also a part of the vortex trying to construct new aircraft using those still normal moving objects, and at this moment...

The vortex in the hole appeared again.

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