4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 338: Static diffusion

The disaster called stillness...it's not over yet.

A civilization soon fell into ruins.

Because Huang Uzum could not activate the weapon, of course, it could not deal with the flying fragments.

These fragments gushing out of the vortex are the main reason for their civilization and prosperity, and now they are also the disaster that destroys them.

The huge fragments shattered the shell of the floating city, turning the cities into ruins.

After the storm of fragments ended, all the cities in the vortex...almost all were destroyed.

Of course, some cities survived. Because these cities drifted farther, and there were other cities that gave them shields, they didn't suffer much damage.

But they have also fallen into a state of complete paralysis, almost all instruments, technical products and other things are unable to operate...These eddies living in the city are also completely trapped there.

It didn't take long before they began to attack each other in order to fight for food, one after another vortex died in the civil war.

In the end, only a handful of eddies wandering in these cities are left, and they can no longer reproduce due to their small numbers.

And they don’t even know the way of reproduction other than the ‘traditional reproduction’ that gathers more than ten vortexes.

Therefore, they can only wander in the once civilized cities, waiting for the demise of the race.

There is also a figure wandering in the ruins, that is, civilized creatures.

It is in a city destroyed by huge fragments, but it is not dead. It has been wandering here like a ghost, looking for anything to satisfy its hunger.

Its main purpose of eating is for excretion.

Every time it finishes eating and excretion, it uses excrement as a written record of everything that has happened. From the birth of its own civilization to the demise of the vortex, all the past events are recorded by it.

At the same time it also has things written down...including what will happen in the future.

The particle organisms also discovered during observation that this disaster seems to have just begun.

There have been some mass extinction events in the normal void, and this... can be said to be an extinction event in the solidified void.

This void is inseparable from stillness. This stillness is like time being suspended, but not everything is still.

Many things, including physical matter and ‘energy’, can remain active. The creatures here depend on these things... these things can make them move.

Therefore, when the living things were reduced on a large scale, the extinction event also occurred.

Since the phagosome star entered the huge hole, the granular creature found that its "view" has become much broader.

It could only see things within a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, but now it... can already see quite far away, and it doesn't know how far it is.

But even so, it couldn't see the situation inside the cave.

So it turned its attention to the void in the distance.

Huangwu dispatched an expedition team before to find those creatures with ‘tectonic ability’.

The direction they go is a place they have always been familiar with. In fact, they often run outside before, and they have encountered many creatures outside.

Of course they have never encountered a creature with ‘structural ability’.

But they know an ecological area with a lot of living things, and they think they might find some tectonic species there, after all, they have not fully investigated before.

Now, the particle organism has moved its perspective to this ‘ecological zone’.

The reason why this place is an ecological zone is not because it used to be tumbling people, but because there are many ‘aggregates’ in this area of ​​almost one million kilometers.

These aggregates are all similar to huge mixtures, which look like mud blocks. They don't know why they have gathered in this area. There seems to be some kind of magical ‘gravitation’ to attract them.

But they are not gathered at one point, but at many points.

As they gather more and more, they become ‘spheres’ with a size of tens of kilometers, and their branches are in this area.

This is the preliminary result of Huangwu's investigation of this area.

And on these spheres, there are many biological activities, probably because the spheres contain nutrients, most of these creatures are relatively... normal.

Like most normal void creatures, their main goal is to eat and multiply, unlike the creatures in the place where the granular creatures started to observe that they will not even eat at first.

On a mud ball floating in the ecological zone, the particle creature saw the remains of the crash of the vortex expedition.

Even if they flew so far, their aircraft was affected by static and crashed.

However, those vortexes survived, and in fact these vortexes were affected somewhat.

In other words, most of their body functions are shut down, and they are still alive.

This group of vortexes originally to investigate is now witnessing the end of this ecological zone.

The mud ball... is covered with corpses.

The cause of death of these creatures is also the cause of stillness.

Generally, there are many moving things in the body of an organism, usually including different kinds. Some moving things have wonderful characteristics, such as being active at certain times and static at certain times.

Many organisms'evolved' visceral structures that utilize these characteristics.

For example, the digestive organs of some organisms are static most of the time and only become active during digestion.

There are also some creatures that can create very violent explosives in their bodies, but this kind of explosives are still static when they are mixed, and when they are launched, they can activate the moving objects inside to make them explode.

This is the case in most organisms, partly active and partly stationary, to maintain balance.

But if this balance fails, their bodies will collapse.

Most of the biological deaths here are like this, and the vortex is quite special. They can stop any part except the thinking nerve at any time, so they will not die so easily.

They have witnessed the end of this place, and of course they have heard of the end of their civilization.

The vortexes were in great shock, but... they did not sink into complete despair.

They think that beings with ‘tectonic capabilities’ are their hope.

If they find this kind of creature and learn how to construct it, then it is possible to reorganize a civilization.

So they began to explore on the mud ball, but they couldn't even find a few living creatures... let alone learn structural abilities from these creatures.

After they explored for a period of time, they discovered anomalies in these corpses.

This is exactly the same as when the bitter star was born...

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