Endless bodies gathered again...Of course, for Huangwu, this phenomenon was the first time they had seen it.

These corpses continue to grow'roots' around them, making them entangled.

Finally, the pile of corpses on the ground became a huge ‘carpet’ covering the ground.

Huang Wu didn't do anything to this phenomenon, they just hid in horror where there were no bodies, watching everything happen.

However, they calmed down quickly, mainly because they noticed...these corpses would not attack themselves.

So they began to explore on the ‘carpet’ made up of corpses with caution.

Although this vortex team was not directly attacked by the'carpet', it suffered some other dangers.

That is... the body.

The corpses of some creatures were not assimilated into a part of the ‘carpet’, but their bodies moved.

When Huangwu encountered these moving bodies, they were attacked.

Unlike the previous shell that the Star of Biting had originally created, which would only be in a daze, the shell here is very aggressive.

Although the vortexes that came here were all heavily armed forces, some of their weapons were undamaged, so they defeated these shells, but this situation made them even more frightened.

Therefore, this group of wasteland decided to repair the aircraft and leave here.

At least don't stay on the surface.

It's just that it's quite difficult, because it means replacing the stationary moving objects in the aircraft... but it's still possible.

It's just that when they tried to repair, they suffered a lot of physical attacks.

The number of these shells was quite large, and under their frenzied attack, the vortex slowly couldn't resist it and was forced to retreat.

After the vortex escaped, they found that this group of bodies did not chase them, but occupied their aircraft.

It seems that the target of this group of shells is the aircraft from the beginning.

The vortex can't lose the aircraft, otherwise they really can't go anywhere, so they immediately collect materials everywhere...repair and make more weapons, and when they think they can attack the aircraft, they immediately dispatch.

The vortex smashed the army made of shells, and when they tried to recapture the aircraft, they found the aircraft flying.

This phenomenon shocked them quite a bit, which meant that when they were making weapons, this group of bodies had repaired the aircraft, and they had also started to operate.

The vortexes immediately attacked the aircraft, and their weapons hit the aircraft's engine and caused it to fall.

Finally, Huang Wu found a large number of shells in the crashed aircraft, and it was indeed these shells that controlled the aircraft.

Although they discovered this shocking thing... but they couldn't do anything.

They can only continue to try to repair the more difficult aircraft and leave this place.

During this period, the body seemed to become a little more peaceful, and they would still attack the vortex, but there was no mass gathering to attack.

So after a period of time, Huangwu finally repaired their aircraft.

But this was only a temporary fix, they couldn't fly too far...so they flew to a nearby ‘mud ball’.

They thought it might be safe there... but only after flying there they found out that this place is the same.

A ‘carpet’ made up of corpses, a wandering body.

All this means...The new bitter star is rising.

The vortex that discovered this phenomenon was quite frightened. They repaired the aircraft more urgently. Fortunately, their new mud ball had more suitable materials.

So they adjusted the aircraft more perfectly and flew into the void.

It's just that they didn't have enough fuel to fly back this time.

But they don't plan to land, they plan to stop in the void, locate the fuel location first, then fly down to collect, and then take off immediately.

This can minimize the damage to them by the shell.

The plan went very well at first, they slowly collected a lot of fuel, but the vortexes thought... they couldn't just go back like this.

There is another reason besides that they have not learned the technology to construct creatures. They think this new bitter star is a huge threat.

Although they just leave and return to the city, they may slowly rebuild their civilization through their own way of reproduction, but it will definitely take a long time.

After a long time, it's hard to say how much the Star of the Devourer can grow.

After all, they can learn to drive the aircraft so quickly.

Therefore, this group of vortexes decided to eliminate the bitter star here, but they did not carry any weapons of mass destruction.

So they decided to use...microbes.

The vortex itself uses microorganisms as weapons, and they believe that it is possible to destroy the phagosome by breeding a microorganism.

Although the microorganisms here hardly store living things, they all rely on the playground to thrive, but the vortex has experience in cultivating microorganisms.

They can allow microorganisms that would not otherwise store moving objects to carry certain moving objects to keep themselves active.

Of course, although they have cultivated several kinds before, they don't know whether they can succeed here.

First of all, they need to find some microorganisms that are harmful to the bitter star. In fact, due to the static relationship, most organisms have very weak resistance to microorganisms.

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