These intelligent systems... are rapidly transforming their cities.

The city that had been abandoned for a long time became alive again.

Although only a few factories in these cities have sufficiently intelligent systems, they can transform entire cities with only these.

Of course, this is also the credit of the particle organism.

The particle organism found that it could influence the intelligent system, so it immediately began to act.

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Just like affecting ordinary creatures, it can only cause a small impact, but a small impact can become a big impact with continuous attempts.

Although these intelligent systems can think, they are limited to how to maintain the factory.

In other words, they only have this goal.

When foreign organisms invade, they will try to make weapons. Some systems have integrated a small arms factory for automatic weapons in the factory, and when there is no energy to continue operating, they will even make remote control machines to collect energy outside.

These machines, weapons, etc. were invented by themselves, rather than prepared by the vortex.

In short, they will think of various methods, but they have never thought about the meaning of doing so by themselves. Their purpose is to ensure the normal operation of the factory.

The strange thing is that they do not guarantee that the factory will produce something, but simply run it.

Knowing this, what the granular organism has to do is much simpler. It tries to input some information into these intelligent systems.

The content of these messages is that stillness will sweep everything and destroy everything.

Of course, their factories will also be completely stopped, unable to operate.

Granular organisms cannot directly tell them such complex information, but can only slightly affect these intelligent systems, making them feel that the factory is about to stop operating.

They will start to wonder, trying to investigate where this feeling came from. Of course, these factories usually send some of their own reconnaissance machines to investigate.

At this time, the granular creatures will try to make them feel that the information comes from the vortex... from the historical archives.

The historical archives of Huangwo also record things about the source of stillness, and it asks these factories to investigate the records in the archives.

Because there are archives in every city, granular organisms can be discovered by the factory system of all cities.

It will try to direct the system to see the content of the source of stillness rather than other irrelevant history.

When the system reads these records, they soon think that the source of stillness is a huge threat to them.

Huangwor's records are not casually recorded, they are more true.

In the historical archives, the vortex mentioned that the source of stillness is the disaster of the entire void, which allows stillness to continue to spread, so it can only be kept away from it.

At the end of the record, it was also mentioned that no matter how they escaped, they were finally affected by stillness.

There are more and more vortexes falling into static...Of course, these historical records have no end, because the vortexes that can be recorded do not move;

Of course, these intelligent systems also know the scene when the vortex died, but they don't know the reason.

Now they finally know it under the guidance of the particle creatures.

Therefore, in order to allow the factory to continue to operate normally in the afternoon, the system decided to end this void threat.

Although Huangwu escaped because of fear of the source of stillness, these systems did not, and they did not have fear.

They only fight to maintain the operation of the factory.

Knowing that the source of stillness is a huge tumbling person, and also knowing that it has a large number of fortresses under protection, they have to make considerable preparations.

Of course, these systems will not conflict with each other. They can all think that to defeat such a powerful opponent, they must cooperate.

As a result, they began to transform the floating vortex cities.

They quickly produced a large number of machinery, allowing them to dismantle the entire city's original useless buildings.

After dismantling these buildings into materials, they began to construct a large number of weapons and at the same time refit these cities.

They want to create a floating fortress that is stronger than that made by a shell, and the granular creatures find that they have a strong thinking ability.

They can quickly imagine how the design should be made, but everything is based on historical data.

Fortunately, the fortresses made by the shell are not much different from those made before, so the design of these systems should work.

Of course, the system does not just create fortresses, they are also preparing to create powerful weapons to destroy the static core.

For this reason they decided to make...'movement shock device. ’

This device once destroyed the border of the giant hole. After the vortex escaped, the particle creatures mentioned this device to the vortex.

At that time, the granular creatures wanted Huangwu to study this technology so that they could destroy the stationary core in the future.

Of course, Huangwu didn't listen to it because he lost faith in the particle creatures, but they still wrote it down.

After the factory system discovered the relevant records of this device, it began to try to study it.

This surprised the particle creatures.

It is certain that when the vortex died, these systems were not so intelligent.

Perhaps during this long maintenance process, their intelligence has undergone a certain change and become higher.

In short, they will continue to think of ways until the problem is solved.

And they also have their own standards, they will not attack until they think they can win 100%.

Therefore, these systems took a long time to prepare.

The oscillating device, the particle creatures don't know the technology inside, it's just mentioned with the vortex, this is a completely new thing for the system, and it doesn't know how to make it.

But they will still try to think and study how to make this kind of thing. They will test all kinds of explosives and experiment with all the possibilities.

In fact, it is the manufacturing method of ordinary explosive bombs. The explosive effect is tested by mixing matter and energy.

Particle creatures also found that although they are very intelligent, they do not exceed the vortex.

What they are stronger than the vortex is that a few or one system can transform the entire city. There are no physiological needs, entertainment needs and other things that slow down the action. They will only be tirelessly manufactured, tested... until completion.

Later, they succeeded.

Some systems successfully tested an explosive bomb.

Once this kind of explosive bombs explode, they can cause the large-scale moving objects around them to "shock". According to their calculations... as long as enough explosive bombs penetrate the static core, they can destroy the 20,000-kilometer diameter. Tumbler.

Although it is called the static core, the static core is actually composed of moving things.

In fact, the function of the static core itself is to attract moving things, and make the surrounding void lack moving things into stillness.

This particle creature had told Huang Wu before and it was recorded.

So the system believes that such explosive bombs are definitely effective, and they also have enough materials.

Now that everything is ready, the hundreds of vortex cities have moved again.

Drive to the place where they used to be far away again.

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