The particle creature wants to save this void.

It doesn't know why, maybe it's because of the kind of despair it has experienced before.

It feels that the void should be full of vitality.

This is the final battle.

The smart factory maintenance system left by the vortex has transformed a total of 101 cities into a fortress full of weapons.

Granules believe that they have a chance of winning.

In fact, the ruins fortresses made by the shells are mainly used to clean up the creatures in the void. They do not have too strong protection, and these ruins fortresses are very scattered.

Around the static core, there are only more than a dozen, and some are under construction.

Although the stationary core itself can move, the particle creature never sees that it has any attack power.

If it can't protect itself... then it is indeed possible to blow it up.

The intelligent system is set off. Every city has a diameter of several kilometers. They look like a huge army.

Just because of the long distance, it takes some time for them to reach the target location.

Along the way, the intelligent system encountered some ruined fortresses with shells. These fortresses were cleaning the creatures in the void. The instant the intelligent system destroyed these fortresses.

However, the action of the intelligent system caused the source of stillness to react, and the ruined fortresses floating outside all gathered towards the core.

And the shells around the core also speed up the construction speed, they already know that the threat is approaching.

Granular creatures expressed concern about this. It felt that the chances of winning would become smaller and smaller if this went on, so it tried to give the system some information to make them feel crisis and drive quickly.

But anyway... it will take a while.

After several Ersh years, the system's urban forces finally reached the source of static.

After all, the vortex has always been far away from the source of static, and the system uses the modified engine to fly towards the target the fastest.

Along the way, they continue to destroy all ruined fortresses they encounter until they reach their target.

At this time, more than 60 ruined fortresses gathered around the static core, and some were still under construction.

When the system's troops approached within a million kilometers, these fortresses began to violently open fire on them.

During this period of time, the shell almost recovered all the surrounding resources...that is, those floating objects and made them into ammunition.

Now, they are firing frantically, pouring a huge amount of barrage toward the city of the system.

It's just that the system already has perfect protection. When the barrage approaches, each city has deployed their protection.

This is a kind of intercepting firepower network invented by the system itself, and countless sharp warheads flying around the city accurately intercept every approaching threat.

At the same time, these cities also began to fire on each other.

Hundreds of millions of small machines rushed out from each city like a honeycomb. They dodge the enemy's fire while advancing toward the static core.

The fortress of the carcass noticed these machines, and they began to target the machines to attack. A large number of missiles immediately moved toward these machines, and the large pieces of machines disappeared in the fierce firepower.

At the same time, the city of the system is moving forward.

Countless machines are flying around these cities, making each city look like it is surrounded by a storm.

The mechanical storm resisted the enemy's barrage, and also covered the city from approaching...a hundred thousand kilometers.

At this time, the body's troops increased their firepower.

Some fortresses started to activate new weapons.

This is a weapon that has never been seen before by a particle creature. When it is activated, many buildings will turn black.

Then, these blacks began to spread to the surroundings, and finally covered the entire fortress.

The particle creatures couldn't see through the black what was happening in the fortress inside. After a fortress was completely black... they rushed out.

The black covering the fortress ‘boils’ as the city moves, making it look like a cloud of surging black smoke.

All the cities immediately cast fierce firepower on the black that rushed over, but these barrages flew into the black smoke without any response, and they could not stop the opponent at all.

Then... a cloud of black rushed to the city.

It exploded when it approached a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, and a large amount of black spread out like ocean waves, affecting the three nearby cities.

These cities and the machinery surrounding them stopped all movements in an instant...They were stopped.

The rotating machinery collided with each other because of the difference in time when they were still stationary. The city itself was no longer active, and all its functions ceased to operate.

This surprised the particle creatures.

Because these cities are made of permanently moving things, they should not be so easily static.

Maybe the source of stillness still has a way to still these permanent moving things, but it has to pay a considerable price.

So before, I used the method of slowly converging, instead of directly building a pile of static bombs like this fortress and bombing everywhere.

But at what price?

When the particle creature thought about it, there were already ten fortresses approaching the city and exploding, and they could affect two or three cities each time.

These cities have fallen into a standstill, and the cities behind are therefore afraid to move forward and start to retreat.

At this time, the remaining fortresses are also turning black.

The particle creature believes that the source of stillness wants to turn all fortresses into this state to defeat more opponents than it.

The intelligent systems in the city will not wait to die. The machinery surrounding the city is now scattered. They no longer protect the city, but fly quickly towards the static core.

Many of these machines carry ‘moving shock devices’.

As long as they are close to the stationary core, placing these devices on it can break the surface of the stationary core, but it is unknown whether they can destroy the entire core.

They can only take a bet.

Soon, these blackened fortresses, which were not affected by any attack, paralyzed the cities of the system one after another.

But since they were unable to intercept the machinery, a large number of machinery bypassed them and flew to the surface of the stationary core.

The machinery needs to bury the devices underground to achieve the best results, and before they start digging, the core surface cracks.

From the cracked surface, countless bodies were drilled out, and they used various weapons to attack the machine.

The machinery and the body on the surface were caught in a fierce war, and the rain of barrage fell from the sky and rose from the ground.

Every second, countless bodies and machinery were destroyed. Watching this battle, the particle creature was surprised and puzzled.

It was surprised that such a huge number of troops were hidden here.

But it is also strange that since there are so many troops, why not transform the stationary core like other fortresses?

If the ground here is also full of weapons, it must be inaccessible to machinery.

There may be some reasons why it cannot be transformed.

Finding that reason is probably the key to victory.

But now...all the cities have been static, and only these machines are left.

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