4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 351: Still scene

The body of the army covered the surface of the static core like a dense swarm of insects, and they used various weapons to constantly attack the machinery all over the sky.

Although they seem to have fierce firepower, they are small weapons used by individual soldiers, so they can't cause much damage to machinery.

This group of machines also began to bombard the surface, and the rain of barrage madly landed on the ground, blooming with countless dazzling brilliance.

The large body shell was blown into pieces in the shock of the explosion. After the ground was cleaned up, the mechanical army fell again, and they directly tried to dig out the cracks drilled by the shell.

When the mechanical force was about to dig, the surface burst again and opened more cracks.

A large number of shells continuously drilled out of it, and they rushed toward the machine like a tide.

It's just that these units also lack heavy firepower, and the machines can easily kill a large number of bodies, and they are also advancing underground in battle.

These mechanical forces... are still quite strong.

Although all the cities have now fallen into a static state, the granular creatures still see hope in these machines.

However, the granular creature soon saw despair again.

Some ruined fortresses floating far away began to move.

The fortresses that originally participated in the war were all used to stop the enemy and were exhausted, but these fortresses did not participate in the war in the first place.

They are all unfinished fortresses with very few weapons. After the war began, a large number of shells continued to work in these fortresses. They removed most of the original unfinished parts... .

The only goal of these shells is to complete the engine, so other parts including weapons are not needed. It is better to remove them and use materials to improve the engine.

After completion, these fortresses began to drive towards the stationary core.

On the way to the stationary core, the fortress began to slowly... turn black.

A large amount of black obscured the entire fortress like a thick fog, and a fortress that flew the fastest had turned into a pure black fog.

It directly slammed into the surface occupied by the mechanical army, unmoved by the pouring mechanical fire.

These machines noticed that the situation was not good and all dispersed, but they couldn't fly far, and they were obscured by the black of the explosion.

Next, two more fortresses that turned into black fog hit the ground.

All the machinery completely stopped operating in the explosion, as if they were fixed in time, the mission of these machinery...here is over.

The particle creature felt desperate.

In fact, the main reason for the failure of this war was that it did not know that it would use the fortress as a'static bomb'.

From the perspective of the firepower of both sides, the army of the intelligent system is bound to win.

But everything...stopped.

No, not yet, they are still alive, those immortal creatures... are still alive.

At that time, the granular creature had a mad mood. It began to try to spread its consciousness to all the places it could see and to all creatures.

It tries to drive these creatures to attack the source of stillness, regardless of whether they are big or small, whether they have the ability to fly or not. In short, it tries to transmit its strong desire to end stillness into the mind of every creature.

As a result, it really works.

Some creatures with the ability to fly in the air flew in the direction of the source of stillness.

In the beginning, there were only a few creatures, and then gradually became more and more. Many creatures were attracted by the thinking of granular creatures.

Those who can fly directly fly over, and those who can't fly try to board some giant flying creatures.

Of course, these creatures are not fighting, many of them are simply curiosity.

It’s similar to the feeling of ‘hearing the noise constantly, so I have to see what’s going on’.

Generally speaking, the process of seeing is too difficult, and creatures will lose interest in seeing, but it seems that because the thinking of granular creatures is too...strong, all creatures have to travel long distances to see.

This is somewhat similar to the effect of the little nuclear protector, the consciousness of the granular creatures constantly invading the thinking of the creatures.

Under the intrusion of granular creatures, countless creatures gathered and moved towards the static core.

The first creatures that arrived near the stationary core were led by a creature called the ‘recoverer’.

The corpse has a technology similar to the previous biological structure, using some internal organs and other materials to construct a new creature.

It's just that the reclaimers never construct a complete creature. They like to excavate. In the ecological area where they live, these creatures have been digging the organs of some ancient giant creatures.

After they dig out an organ, they will try to resuscitate it... only a single organ, not an entire organism.

They mainly use their own internal organs and excavated organs to mix together, so that the giant organs can reactivate.

Even biological organs that have been dead for a long time can be revived.

They process food or building materials for themselves by reconstructing biological decomposition organs, reconstructing biological combat organs as weapons.

Of course, it is also possible to reconstruct the flying organs of organisms and use them as the engines of aircraft.

When they activate some ancient giant biological organs, the floating land they live on can move like a flying vehicle, bringing all the wreckagers and various creatures living on them to their destinations.

Therefore, the first batch of floating land masses were some giant land masses transformed by the wreckagers.

But it's not just them, there are other disturbed creatures that came here, they are also giant flying creatures.

There are many small creatures on them, some want to find out, some are forced to be transported here.

The number of these creatures is too large, and the granular creatures are a little surprised. There are tens of thousands of creatures more than a hundred meters in size here, and the creatures in them don't know how many billions.

It actually doesn't know the number of these ‘immortal creatures’. The body forces of the Source of Stillness have been cleaning these creatures everywhere. Although a lot of them have been extinct, there are obviously more surviving.

Moreover, such a rich variety should not have been sprinkled by the original wasteland.

However, after thinking about it, it is easy to understand that apart from the vortex cities, there must be immortal creatures in other places.

It's just that they were originally inconspicuous compared to stationary circulating creatures. After the source of stillness spreads still, immortal creatures everywhere quickly rise up on the corpses of circulating creatures.

These creatures came here, looking at the still battlefield with puzzlement, they don't know why here they are called here.

The wreckager landed on the surface of the static core.

The countless stationary machinery floating on the surface and in the surrounding air aroused their curiosity. They are also intelligent species.

They feel that these machines can be revived.

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