4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 352: biological

Creatures... many creatures.

Most of them came here with curiosity, near the source of stillness.

Except for a few creatures, such as the reclaimers, who investigated this place, most creatures don't know what happened here.

So, they started wandering here, looking for food, and doing what they do daily.

The granular creatures discovered something special while observing the actions of these creatures.

Originally, there were no living creatures here, mainly because the creatures that came nearby would ‘sleep’.

Even those creatures that are already resistant to sleep cannot last long here.

But now the creatures gathered here did not have any similar situations, they all behaved very spiritually.

So, the granular creature continued to observe.

The static core... and nothing happens.

It didn't send out its shell to attack these creatures, nor did it let them sleep or stand still, it just let these creatures move around in this place.

Particle organisms therefore thought of a possibility.

Those fortresses that have turned into black fog may have exhausted the ‘stillness’.

Whether it is to let the creature fall asleep or let the stillness spread, the source of stillness should store some kind of ‘energy’ here.

It needs to consume this kind of energy to spread the stillness... and it also needs to consume this kind of energy to turn the floating fortress into a black mist that can forcefully stop the enemy.

Previously, it turned a large number of fortresses into black fog groups to attack the city of the system, which made it impossible to stop the creatures here now.

In this case... it still has a chance of winning.

Many of these creatures have landed on the surface of the static core. Most of them are wandering here, and some are studying here.

The granular organisms try to transmit the information that allows them to move deep underground.

But it may be because the granular creature has calmed down now... or for other reasons, it can no longer give the creature the same strong information as before.

But it can still make creatures interested in the underground and try to dig into it.

It wanted to see if it could allow these creatures to dig to the deepest point, or even shatter the entire static core.

Although it will take a long time even if it can be done, the ‘energy’ of the source of stillness does not know when to recover.

But it can only be tested like this.

The most interesting thing here now is the group of creatures called skeletal creatures. They are mainly studying stationary machinery.

They have a keen interest in this group of machines, and they have taken some dismantling for research.

Although they have a deep understanding of biological organs, they don't know anything about these machines... Therefore, they are more and more interested in these machines, and they want to understand what it is.

Thus, these creatures began to...life in the Source of Stillness.

Many creatures who came here found that there was nothing special and left, but there were still many staying here.

After all, there are a lot of floating objects everywhere, and there are many resources for them to obtain.

Many creatures just stayed here, and then... some time passed.

The granular creatures looked at these creatures living their lives here, as if it were a very common ecological area.

As for the recoverers, they have dug into the depths of the ground, and they have built some ‘institutes’ under the core...there are full of machines made by intelligent systems that are used for careful research.

After a long period of research, the intelligent system almost understands how these machines work and is trying to revive them.

Moreover, the wreckagers also sent many troops to conduct research in cities where the intelligent system is still.

Of course, there are many other creatures that are constantly moving around in the Source of Stillness, making this place a very dynamic place.

However, the crisis is slowly...recovering.

The particle creature noticed that some of its shells moved.

In fact, after the war, all the shells did not move.

These shells are not only in the static core, but also in the surrounding floating objects and unfinished fortresses.

After all the machinery was stopped, these shells also stopped moving, and did not respond to the arrival of a large number of creatures.

Now they have started activities.

The first thing the shells in some unfinished fortresses move is to gather in the key facilities of the fortress.

It was the engine and the control room. They seemed to be planning to start the fortress, but when they arrived at these places, they found that it was full of creatures.

These creatures have lived here for some time, and their activities and excrement have severely damaged the original facilities.

The shells gathered in the weapon arsenal, and there were also a lot of individual weapons stored in these fortresses.

But they found that all these weapons were gone.

Because the reclaimers also searched for everything they were interested in in these unfinished fortresses, almost all their weapons were taken away.

This caused these bodies to recreate weapons on their own, and when they planned to do so...the surrounding creatures suddenly began to attack them.

This is made by granular creatures, and it gives some ‘carnivorous creatures’ nearby the idea that their shells are good food.

So they immediately began to attack, which is a serious threat to the body without weapons.

They can only hide in the city, and cannot organize any effective counterattacks.

At the same time, the granular creatures became tense. It felt that if more and more bodies moved, they might be able to eliminate the creatures here.

Although there are many creatures, they don't fight side by side. They just come here because of curiosity. The effect it affects is impossible for all creatures to fight together.

However, when the granular creature becomes nervous, its influence will be more effective.

It affects the corpses who have been digging deep underground, wanting them to directly dig through the entire source of stillness.

Moreover, it also gave these rehabilitators the idea of ​​going deep underground to study.

In addition to the machinery, the recoverers also received the'oscillation device' that the machinery originally used to blow up the stationary core.

Of course they are also working on oscillating devices, but these devices have been stopped.

The granular creatures gave them the first idea of ​​"resurrecting" the concussion device, and many reconstitutes were affected and began to study the concussion device in detail.

But it will obviously take some time for them to succeed in research.

Before that, they had dug deep and found something special.

This thing can be said to be the core...the core.

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