4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 353: Final stillness

Still... it broke out again.

Everything was stopped again, and all the creatures here stopped moving.

And this is caused by the ‘core’.

The recoverers dug into the depths of the stationary core, where they found something special.

This is a small "hole".

Similar to the previous giant hole, it looks like a **** hole with a rock structure frame.

The hole is only more than one hundred meters in diameter and one meter thick. It appears in an underground cave dug by the recoverer.

And it was floating in mid-air, without touching any place.

The reclaimers were very interested in it. When they first discovered the cave, they flooded in to explore it, and of course none of them returned successfully.

Even so, they still have a strong interest and continue to study in large numbers near the entrance of the cave.

Their research method is to try to throw various things in, or try to tie themselves with ropes and the like to jump into the hole.

Of course, no matter what the method is, those who go in can't come back, and the rope will break.

The particle creature was very... scared of the appearance of this hole.

It felt that this was a symbol of the revival of the source of stillness, so it tried to give the survivors the idea of ​​destroying this place.

It's just that the reclaimers are so interested in this cave that they reduce the effect of particle creatures a lot.

The thinking influence of granular creatures still cannot directly conflict with the thinking of the creature itself, so it can only watch these creatures continue to study here.

Later, the reclaimers began to throw other creatures in. They experimented with various captured creatures, but throwing them in had no effect.

Once, the recoverer grabbed a group of bodies.

These shells were originally in the unfinished fortress in the distance. They found an aircraft that left the fortress and flew to the surface of the stationary core.

After they landed on the surface, they were caught by the wreckager, and then the wreckager took them here and...threw them inside.

In this process, the granular creature has been trying to stop the reincarnation, because it feels that there must be a reason for those bodies to come back.

Although I don't know if they are looking for this underground hole, it is very likely.

But now they don't have to think of a way to go back by themselves, they are taken over by the recoverers.

But the reclaimers still didn't care about the impact of the particle creatures. It would be better to say that when they feel the particle creatures are interfering with themselves, they are more interested in trying what's going on.

When the skeletal recoverers threw the captured group into the hole, the mutation happened.

In the surrounding unfinished fortresses, there were still many unmoved bodies, but they are now moving.

It seems that this group of bodies was thrown into the hole, although the particle creatures could not see the situation after entering the hole.

It's just that the outer shells all moved at the same time, which made the particle creatures feel that they should be related.

Because there are too many active shells, the creatures living there can no longer withstand the offensive of these shells.

The particle creatures discovered that although these shells were revived in different fortresses, they all gathered to... a fortress after they were revived.

They gathered in the fortress and began to quickly modify the interior of the fortress, which caused the particle creatures to panic again.

Because it discovered that these creatures were transforming the fortress into a ‘forced static explosive bomb’.

When transformed into this shape, they will be equipped with engines that are different from ordinary fortresses.

Upon seeing this situation, the particle creature immediately tried a way to summon all surrounding creatures that might attack the body.

Many creatures nearby responded to the call...Of course, it was actually affected by the nervousness of the granular creatures.

These creatures gathered around the fortress and began to attack the upper shells, but there were a huge number of shells, and they all had newly created weapons.

As a result, the gathered creatures could not harm these shells, and in fact they fled when they found the violent firepower of the shells.

The shell construction process was very successful, and they quickly built the engine without being disturbed.

However, the granular creatures also succeeded in attracting...the reconstituted.

Of course, the recoverers also noticed the massive gathering of bodies, so they sent a team to investigate.

After discovering that all the teams approaching the fortress had been killed, this group of reclaimers felt the impact of the particle creatures... They soon regarded the fortress as a huge threat.

Then, these wreckagers activated one of their ‘land blocks’.

These land masses are the areas where they live. When necessary, they will use these places as weapons, which is to activate the moving organs on them to make the land masses hit the target.

As a result, a cone-shaped land mass that was several kilometers long was activated by the recoverer, who could set the organ on it to delay operation.

After they all evacuated, this land block slammed into the fortress of the shell.

And the fortress of the body was also activated at this time.

As in the previous situation, after the activation... the entire fortress was slowly covered by the black mist, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The two sides seem to collide with each other. The particle creature thinks that this will be static in a nearby area, but it will not affect all creatures, but it is wrong.

The fortress that turned into black mist suddenly flew sideways to avoid the land mass, and then it flew toward the stationary core.

This surprised the particle creatures.

Hei Mist was not blocked in any way, and of course nothing could block it.

It slammed into the ground of the stationary core, and exploded at the moment it touched the surface.

The violent black mist spread wildly, affecting every creature on the surface and in the void.

Within a few seconds, it spread over a range of millions of kilometers, with the stationary core as its center, and everything around it fell into a static state.

All creatures... stopped moving.

This power... why is it so much greater than before? Is this the relationship it hits on the stationary core?

The particle creature was puzzled and...desperate.

These creatures had hoped to make the void alive, but why were they still?

The particle creature noticed that the hole in the core underground had disappeared.

It seems to be related to this.

But now... it doesn't seem to matter anymore, there is nothing to move, everything is over.

No... there is still something to move.

The granular creature suddenly recovered a little emotion from despair.

Because it found some...machines moved.

These machines were captured by the recoverers for research, and many of them were disassembled and reorganized.

That is, the machines that have been reorganized... They slowly started to move.

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