The resistance of granular organisms has little effect on the source of stillness.

The source of stillness has a lot of ‘holes’ for storing moving objects, and the granular creatures find only one of them.

But it gave up.

Maybe it is because I have seen too many constantly evolving creatures that fight against static. Perhaps it is because I think that complete static is impossible.

The stellar pipeline believes that it is the...effort of granular organisms.

Although the granular organism only affects the ‘hole’, it continues to work hard to eliminate the static behavior and ‘moved’ the source of the static.

The source of stillness seems to have noticed that it may not be able to completely still this void.

In the end, all these actions are over, and now it will let all the creatures here develop without interference.

The stellar tube believes that granular organisms have a lot of credit for this.

So it decided to give the particle creature a...choice.

A particle creature can choose its own'destiny', it can change back to its previous race, and revive its race in the void.

Or do all kinds of other things, such as traveling in the void, going to other voids... or becoming some kind of magical creature.

This is similar to giving it a... wish.

The final choice for the granular creature is to continue to stay here and observe the development of various creatures in space.

But it wants the stellar pipeline to keep this space from being affected by other creatures, that is, other creatures cannot come in and interfere with it.

The Stellar Pipeline also fulfilled its wish.

The stellar pipeline has changed the ‘coordinate’ of this space, making it impossible for the creatures outside to find it here.

Of course, it has no way of knowing whether any creatures will find here in the future, but it can at least ensure that the creatures now will not come in.

And those who eaten were also put back outside by the stellar pipe...

Although these creatures are full of curiosity, there is no way to return to space.

But the phagosome is also a group of species that are likely to find this space again later.

In addition to these things, the granular organism also asked about the stellar pipeline about the stellar pipeline itself and the source of static.

It learned...The stellar pipeline is a very special creature, and it comes from a special void.

Everything there was in extreme vigorous activity, and it could be said that the common ambient temperature was much higher than the voids Lin had recognized.

The stellar pipeline was born in such a when it came to this void, it needed similar high-temperature objects to maintain its consciousness...that is, things like stars.

As for the source of stillness, it is the opposite of it, which is biased towards a ‘quiet’ environment.

The environment it is in is very...low temperature, but it hasn't reached the point where everything stops moving, but it is very much seeking to stop everything.

The only information that the stellar pipe tells the granular organisms is that, in short, these two are very distant organisms.

The Stellar Pipeline said at the end that they will not continue to live.

Because it intends to make a break with the source of stillness, the stellar pipeline indicates that it will end up with the source of stillness...

They will die together, completely disappear from this void, and there will no longer be a source of stillness or similar creatures threatening this void from then on.

After telling the granular creatures this, the stellar pipeline left the space of cognitive doomsday.

The particle creatures themselves... continue to stay in this space.

It didn't know where the stellar pipeline went after that, or if it succeeded, but then it did... the void seemed to become normal.

Stillness still exists in the void, it has become a part of the ecology and is no longer a disaster.

And this void creature began to develop peacefully, and nothing special happened.

The difference from the normal void is that there are a lot of spatial creatures here, and there is no such thing as a tumbling person.

Most living things are concentrated in giant floating objects of different shapes.

Granular organisms have also been observing their development for a very long period of time.

During this time, it noticed some creatures resembling stellar pipes. Although this creature is not so hot, it has a huge body.

At the same time there are many...civilized creatures in them.

The granular creatures didn't think they had anything special at the time, they just thought it was a kind of giant creatures.

In short, it thinks the Stellar Pipeline has succeeded.

It does not need to worry about being still a threat again, disturbing this void.

The particle creature also decided to make itself an eternal observer to observe the development of all this.

It was a very long, peaceful time.

Countless creatures continue to develop, die, and are born. Everything in the void is so normal...calm.

Until it noticed something weird.

It found that some creatures...have the ability to travel to other voids, that is, those huge pipe-shaped creatures.

These pipelines...should be Midgard.

They have very detailed management of the creatures on their bodies, not just letting creatures live on themselves.

The creatures in them can develop many different civilizations without interfering with each other.

Or it can interfere only when the pipeline wants them to interfere with each other. It has complete control over the civilization on it.

It first noticed the residents on a pipeline.

There is a pipe, and the inhabitants of it are not species in the void at all. The granular creature has never seen these species, so it has been following this pipe to observe.

At some point, it discovered that the pipe would open a special entrance and exit through which it could reach a...different place.

It is a void without stillness.

It initially felt that it was a special space, but soon discovered that it was not.

Because every time it observes a space, it can roughly feel the size of the space, and this place... is too big.

It has far exceeded any space it can see.

But what makes the particle creature even more strange is that its ‘perspective’ can always follow this channel to reach different voids.

What the granular creature didn't notice at the time was that the position of the cognitive apocalyptic space where it was located had changed during these long years.

It is slowly ‘moving’ toward the normal void, and this kind of change is only noticed by the particle creatures later.

At this time it has left the original void.

But it can't directly observe the normal void, but needs the perspective of ‘following’ the pipeline.

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