4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 359: collector

When did they appear?

Like many organisms, granular organisms have not seen the birth process of pipes. The pipes were already huge when they first appeared.

However, it feels that it can understand all of them by observing the activities of the channels...

Now this pipeline is called the "civilized collector".

It has been collecting... all kinds of civilizations.

The length of the ‘collector’ is about the same as the first Midgard Lin knew, over 100,000 kilometers.

There are many biological civilizations on it. Although these civilizations are very close, they cannot directly contact each other.

They are separated by transparent ‘walls’, so they can develop peacefully together.

Usually they will regard this wall as a natural phenomenon. The main goal of many civilizations during the development is to find a way to open the wall, and at the same time, to guard against the civilization on the opposite side of the wall, continue to increase military strength.

Because the walls in many areas are not thick, each civilization can directly see the opposite civilization.

Most civilizations develop by taking the civilization on the opposite side of the wall as their main opponents. Although they will conduct various exchanges, they still have no way to determine the real idea of ​​the other side because they cannot directly contact.

Many civilizations fail to notice, and the biggest threat to them is not the civilization next door, but the channels through which they have been living.

The ‘collector’ wanders in the vast void, searching for traces of various civilizations.

According to the observation of granular creatures, one of the most powerful abilities of collectors is that it can restore an entire civilization based on a very small detail.

For example, it found some civilization creations, such as buildings, fragments of aircraft, etc., while wandering in the void. Even if this piece is small and contains very little information, it can still recover a whole piece of information from this point. Civilized...everything.

Including what species are there in this civilization, how they develop, how they live, how brilliant, and how they perish.

When the ‘collector’ discovers and analyzes some civilization creations, it will establish a ‘civilized area’ within itself.

This area includes a certain number of civilized creatures, as well as the wild environment suitable for their development, and then they will develop rapidly here.

This restored civilization is not completely accurate, but it will be very close to the original civilization.

Particulate organisms think it is also possible that the development on the pipeline is definitely different from the original development, although the pipeline simulates a suitable environment for these civilizations.

In short, ‘collectors’ can detect the past and future of a civilization through a little trace of civilization.

Every time it finds a fragment of civilization in the void, it means that a new civilization will be born inside the pipeline.

They are like collectibles, placed in the inner life of the pipeline.

Because the space for collection is limited, when a new civilized area is to be created but there is not enough space, ‘collectors’ will let some over-developed civilizations die to make room for the development of new civilizations.

Most of the perished civilizations have developed to the ‘peak’. They consume a lot of resources in the living area and are extremely eager to leave here to develop and explore in the void.

However, there are also civilizations whose own civil wars continue, and they perish themselves before the ‘collectors’ take the initiative to destroy them.

Whenever a civilization dies, ‘collectors’ will record their information and store it in...somewhere.

This information includes all the content of this civilization, such as how many individuals have been born and how many things have been created.

With the continuous replacement of old and new civilizations, the civilizations collected by ‘collectors’ have become more and more abundant.

Few civilizations realize that they are a collection. Of course, many individuals in civilizations have this idea, as if they think that the world is a prison, that they are raised experimental animals or something.

But no matter how many individuals with such ideas emerge, their entire civilization will develop as they should, and these ideas have never been taken seriously.

Except...a civilization.

There is a civilization that is special, and they stop at some point in their development.

They began to pay great attention to the reuse of resources and no longer developed any new technologies.

Many civilizations will try to develop the technology of flying out in the later stage, and this civilization has begun to reduce the number of population reproduction...and try to greatly extend the life of the individual, and at the same time stop all the thoughts of flying out.

This civilization is mainly dominated by the "prison theory". They think that the whole world... is a huge creature, and the civilization here is raised in this creature.

Countless creatures have thought of this before, but this is the first time that a whole civilization takes this statement seriously.

And many of their guesses are correct. They think that the civilization that they want to escape, the over-developed civilization will be destroyed.

They must settle for the status quo and stop all studies that want to escape.

According to the observation of granular creatures, this civilization that stopped developing has indeed continued.

If they stop developing, it seems that they will not be selected by the ‘collectors’ as the target of extinction. They will still give priority to the destruction of those over-developed civilizations.

Therefore, many civilizations have died out during this civilization.

But they don't want to be completely satisfied with the status quo, because they can still observe the starry sky outside the pipe and are curious about the void, so they still try to try to communicate with the pipe.

They use various methods, including talking against the ground and trying to see if the pipe will respond to them.

Of course, this all failed.

The ‘collector’ has never communicated with the civilization in it, although it does manage it.

It has been floating in the void, in addition to searching for fragments of civilization, it has also directly contacted many civilizations.

Many civilizations regard this huge pipeline as a huge threat, and attack before it approaches.

Just like fragments of civilization, ‘collectors’ can analyze the overall situation of a civilization based on weapons.

The ‘collector’ also plays the role of the doomsday. Like the collecting civilization, it also likes to destroy other civilizations.

There are also some civilizations that survived its proximity, usually these civilizations are relatively...lower.

Whether it is destroyed or not, these civilizations will always be collected by it.

As the ‘collector’’s collection became more and more abundant, it also encountered some...difficulties.

It also has some civilizations that cannot be collected, and some creatures that cannot be collected.

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