4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 360: Collection tour

One after another civilized world fell apart under its tears, the countless fragments became a part of it, and its journey continued.

Those weak civilized worlds are always desperate when they encounter it. They have no ability to resist. They can only look at the world they live in... Whether it is a tumbling person or something else , Was quickly shattered.

Although it has ‘swallowed’ many worlds, the size of the ‘collector’ will not continue to increase. It has always maintained a certain size, and the number of civilizations on it has not increased.

But most civilizations...are constantly changing.

There have been many types of civilizations in collectors, including high-temperature creatures that live on stars, and creatures that shuttle in space, but no matter what creatures they are, they cannot escape.

The ‘collector’ has prepared a very suitable environment for them, so even if two civilized areas are pasted together, the environment may be very different.

The particle creatures have been watching the journey of this pipeline in the void, watching the development and demise of these civilizations.

At the same time, it also recognizes the emptiness of normal through the collector's ‘perspective’.

The granular creature feels that this void is very similar to its own void before it was'polluted' by stillness.

Although there are some differences in the rules, there are more similarities. Many things in the normal void make it feel nostalgic.

But it also found some unusual places.

There are many powerful creatures in this void that it hasn't seen before.

This makes the granular creature think that the normal void may be an older void, at least the biological origin is earlier.

And collectors also have a keen interest in these powerful creatures. Compared with the average civilization, it likes to collect these kinds of creatures.

But these creatures are also very difficult for collectors to collect.

Many times collectors have tried to collect special objects.

Once, the collector encountered a rather huge civilization.

It occupies a lot of space, the overall size is about the size of more than ten Ersh galaxies, and they have established space channels for communication between them.

The collectors have destroyed every territory of this civilization little by little, and also destroyed these space channels. It slowly made this civilization despair and perish.

Finally, on the ruined ruins, the collector collected the last individuals of this civilization as... a memorial.

On another occasion, collectors discovered some stars called ‘doomsday stars’.

Of course, the name actually came from Lin. In short, the granular creature saw a phenomenon encountered by collectors.

Some stars will continue to move towards the nearby ‘target’, usually this target is another galaxy, so it will destroy the entire galaxy.

Collectors investigated this phenomenon and finally found that it was a biological cause.

That was... the miraculous creature Lin knew.

This kind of star movement phenomenon is a "miracle" created by miraculous creatures. Through some special methods, a group of stars can get out of their orbits at a certain time, so as to collide with other things.

The collector prevented this phenomenon. It adjusted the orbits of each star to return them to their original state, and at the same time found the culprit behind all this.

In fact, it is difficult for the particle organisms to understand the collector's investigation process...because the pipeline uses a lot of space-related abilities, and the particle organisms have very little knowledge about this.

But it still observed the whole process in general.

It also found that pipelines not only bring despair to creatures, but also hope.

Sometimes, curious creatures approach the pipe.

They didn't regard the pipe as a biological or threatening thing, but thought it was a kind of void... one of the natural phenomena.

At this time, the pipeline usually does not attack these curious creatures, and even allows them to land on their surface or inside and communicate with the civilizations inside.

Of course, alien creatures can't directly contact the inner civilization, but at least they can...see each other.

At that time, the particle creature felt that the collector's journey would continue, bringing various effects to the void.

It did not expect that such a powerful creature would suddenly end its journey at some point.

The cause is that some civilizations have...mutations.

The granular creatures have observed before that there is a civilization that thinks that they are raised in captivity, so they have stopped developing...They allow themselves to settle for the status quo to avoid the fate of extinction.

But this civilization has always been studying ways to escape from the pipeline. The longer they pass, the more they want to escape in various ways.

They have been trying to make all kinds of efforts to escape, and the general effort is to try to dig the ‘wall’ that isolates them.

There are similar walls separating them between each civilized area, some are pure transparent walls, and some are very strange.

Some are like mountain walls, some are like a dark impenetrable area, and there are also all kinds of void phenomena...like huge vortices or storms, extreme gravity'walls' and so on.

And this civilized wall is just a pure transparent wall.

At some point, they suddenly discovered a ‘crack’ on the wall.

This crack allowed them to pass through the wall of separation between civilizations for the first time, and came to...in the hole.

Because they found that the gap in the wall can only lead to a hole in the ground.

However, this cave is very big, and these creatures move down along it and can reach another special area.

That is the area where...the miraculous creatures are closed.

Previously, collectors found miraculous creatures after solving the "Doomsday Star" incident.

Because this miraculous creature was too huge, the collector cut a small part of it and kept it in one place.

What this group of creatures came to was where the miraculous creatures were.

This small part of the miracle creature is not dead, it can grow some structural organs again.

But the most important thing is that it can dig holes between the walls of civilization.

This kind of digging is not just about penetrating in material, but also in various aspects.

Including thinking.

After this group of civilized creatures discovered the miracle creatures, they did not communicate with them. In the end, these creatures had to explore the caves and then returned.

Since the miracle creatures are so... peculiar, they didn't even find the miracle creatures. They thought it was just a hole in the ground with nothing special.

But after returning, they suddenly "awakened" some special hobbies.

At the same time, other civilizations around have slowly developed similar habits.

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