4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 363: Shattered

Its life is over.

This huge creature came to the space where the end is near.

The particle creature was not very surprised by this, it thought that collectors had the ability to get here.

But what it didn't expect was... After collectors came here, they would no longer be active.

After entering this space, it ceased activity, just like the previous stellar pipeline.

Particulate made some investigations on the collectors entering the space...but it did not come close to the collectors.

The particle creature can detect the situation in the pipeline through its own'thinking' from a long distance, and it finds that there are still many living creatures in the pipeline.

After experiencing the collapse and change of the environment, the environment in the pipeline has completely changed like a void and cold.

Only a few creatures can continue to stay in this environment, and some of these few creatures survived by wearing equipment.

But there are some... that can live in this environment.

They are the last survivors, but they are not civilized creatures, but wild creatures.

There are many wild creatures in the pipeline. Some are local creatures created by collectors when they make civilization, and some are added by collectors when they travel in the void.

They treat pipes as nests, and collectors ignore them.

After the collectors ceased their activities, these creatures began to become active in the ruins of the former civilization. They swallowed all the resources they could find and multiplied rapidly.

The granular creature puts its attention on the ‘consciousness’ of finding collectors.

Where is the realization of the pipeline? Is there a core of consciousness inside the pipeline? Or scattered around the body?

Or is it not made of objects...energy?

Granular creatures are constantly searching in various ways, because it observes many civilizations, so it also has the technology to build some search teams.

These teams continue to investigate the inside of the pipeline, trying to find some clues... But as the investigation continues, it is difficult to judge what is related to consciousness.

There are too many suspicious things in the ‘underground’ of the pipeline, so it cannot confirm what it is.

At the same time, particle organisms are also detecting nearby spaces or special energy, but they have not found anything.

During the period of its investigation, some civilized creatures survived with difficulty.

This kind of civilized creatures cannot live in the void environment, but they have found some underground passages as strongholds, and they have placed environmental modification devices inside to make the environment inside become comfortable.

But they often go out to collect energy to maintain the device, as well as food and other things.

And those wild creatures live very... moisturizing.

After the destruction of a large number of civilizations, countless resources are left for them to continue to thrive.

They are not just floating in the pipeline, there are also many on the ‘surface’ of the pipeline, and even many creatures are constantly digging, and they move towards the depths of the ground.

And the internal structure of the pipeline... has become more and more fragile.

It's not just because the organisms are digging, the particle organisms also find that the pipeline itself is becoming fragile.

The ground slowly cracked, the building slowly collapsed, one by one fragments flew out, and the entire pipeline slowly fell apart.

This is similar to the situation of those tumblers who were still at rest seen by granular creatures before.

Slowly, collectors split into many large and small ‘land blocks’, which became living areas where many creatures gathered.

And strange things happened slowly in these land masses.

They... began to grow.

The buildings on these land blocks had already collapsed, but the granular creatures suddenly discovered that the buildings in some places were restructured.

Under the observation of the granular creature, it found that these buildings were all ‘grown’ by themselves.

It seems that some mysterious power gathered the surrounding fragments, causing these fragments to converge back to the original building.

This makes the granular creature think it should be a collector... it actually didn't die, but continued to control the environment here.

Then the particle organism continues to carefully detect it, but no matter what method it uses, it cannot know the force driving the debris.

So it can only continue to observe.

Slowly, many buildings... were constructed.

They were just small buildings at first, but as they accumulate... they become like cities.

At this time, the particle creatures also found a very strange thing, that is, these buildings are not civilized buildings collected by collectors.

They are all...buildings of ancient civilizations.

In fact, it is solidifying the void and perishing some very long-standing civilizations in stillness.

Although a long time has passed, the particle creature still remembers these civilizations... after all, it has also participated in the destruction of civilizations.

It is not very clear why these ancient civilized buildings appeared, it is just speculation that this may be related to the stellar pipeline.

Maybe the collector got some information about the stellar pipeline here, and learned about the civilization that was killed in silence before.

At this time, some strange creatures appeared.

Before, there had always been a group of civilized creatures living hard in the remains of the collectors, but they were suddenly attacked recently.

It was a group of wild creatures that attacked them.

In other words, it was originally a wild creature, but the particle creature suddenly discovered that such a group of wild creatures suddenly gathered and began to act in unison.

This makes the particle creatures feel very strange.

And this hard-lived civilization... has become even more difficult. Their original difficulty was only in the environment, but now another group of creatures attacked them, which caused their number to drop sharply.

The particle creature had been ignoring them before, but now it decided to help these creatures.

It's just that the granular creatures think that these civilized creatures...may know something.

Because when this civilization is in danger, they begin to pray constantly.

The object of their prayers is collectors.

So the particle creature transformed the search creation it had made before into a force equipped with weapons.

After it repelled the group of wild creatures, it began to communicate with this civilization.

This group of civilized creatures didn't have the habit of worshiping anything, but they suddenly began to worship collectors so that the particle creatures were very concerned.

After understanding, these civilized creatures said that they could ‘feel’ the will of the collector, so they took this as their only hope.

After particle biology has examined the brains of these civilized creatures, it has indeed discovered the ‘will’ of the collector.

This is actually... the will of the stellar pipeline.

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