4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 364: After thinking

The Stellar Pipe... is about to recover.

This is the first feeling of granular creatures.

The ‘will of the stellar channel’ that these civilized creatures feel is not about the stellar channel communicating with them, but a small part of the memory of the stellar channel.

From this, they can feel the various things that the stellar pipeline has seen in life.

Of course it is only a small part, but even a small part is huge and boundless for these civilizations, so they regard this as the revelation of'God'.

When they felt these memories of the stellar pipeline, because they did not know about the stellar pipeline, they thought they belonged to the collector, so they felt that the collector was guiding them, and began to admire the collector.

The granular organism is different.

By analyzing the brains of these civilized creatures, it discovered how these creatures feel this kind of ‘will’.

In fact, these civilized creatures are a kind of ‘spatial brain’ type creatures.

The thinking structure of these creatures is in a small space, so they can more easily access some special things.

They do not have a space for each individual, but the entire race shares a space for thinking, where all their thinking is connected like a network.

And the ‘will’ of the stellar pipeline was accidentally mixed into their thinking space.

The particle creature also thought of a way. It simulated the brains of these civilized creatures and created a device to connect itself to space, so that it could also feel the will of the stellar pipeline.

The thinking structure of civilized creatures is like a plant that fills the entire space. They also have brains in their ‘reality’ bodies, which can be connected to the structures in the space.

But whether it is the thinking structure in the space or the brain in the body, because the capacity of memory... is very low, it can only feel the content of ‘will’.

Granular creatures can feel a lot of information in the ‘will’.

Therefore, it felt that this might be a signal of the recovery of the stellar pipeline.

These memories are relatively fragmented at first, just like scattered scenery in various voids. As time goes by, these memories become more and more, and the broken parts begin to assemble and become one by one. The complete... journey.

In fact, it is just some process of the stellar pipeline moving in the void long ago.

Although they are all very small fragments, these memories have indeed become more and more numerous.

So the granular creatures have a little expectation...Whether the stellar pipeline will wake up, although it does not know why.

Slowly, it discovered that it was not only the memory of the stellar pipeline, but also the memory of collectors mixed in it.

The granular creatures think that the collector may have some connection with the stellar tube, and they look quite similar in appearance.

At first, the granular creature believed that these memories would slowly increase, until the pipeline would recover when it became complete.

However, the increase in these memories became slower and slower, and the granular creatures felt that they would stop increasing.

The granular creature looked at these memories, which were just very insignificant fragments in the long life of the pipeline, and there was no way to obtain any useful information.

So, it tried to investigate why these memories appeared here.

Therefore, it must also protect this group of civilized creatures, which are still constantly being attacked by the suddenly united ‘wild animals’.

Particle creatures have discovered one thing during constant investigation. Other civilized creatures have some...spatial connection capabilities.

Because, by investigating things like the corpses left by other civilized creatures, it has discovered that many creatures have structures in their minds that can come into contact with space.

It's just that other civilized creatures are not as closely connected as the current group of civilized creatures. They have very shallow contact, which means that they may feel some special feelings when dreaming or deep imagination.

And some of their memory and thinking will also flow into the space they connect.

As for the connected space... The granular creatures also discovered that each species civilization has a similar ‘thinking space’.

The larger the ‘connected structure’ of the brains of these species, the larger the space.

However, even if civilization dies, these spaces will not disappear, but will remain at a very small level.

This is very small, about a few hundred meters in diameter. As for the only civilized space still alive, it is more than ten kilometers in size.

The granular creature had not discovered the location of these spaces before, but now it has discovered them based on clues... In fact, it is mainly based on the devices made by the brains of surviving civilized creatures that made it discover these spaces.

It found that there are a lot of...residues in the ‘thinking space’ of every civilization.

These things are called ‘thinking vines’ by granular creatures.

This can be regarded as the ‘brain’ of civilized creatures in space, and the ‘vines’ of this kind of surviving civilization are growing very rich now.

Other civilizations died out, leaving only the remains of the vines, but the granular creatures believed that even when these civilizations were still there, there were not many thinking vines in their space because they had little connection with space. .

In addition to the wreckage of these thinking vines, it also found some special objects.

These objects look like silver spheres, tens of meters in diameter.

It looks like there are entities, but it is something that cannot be touched... at least there is no way for granular creatures to touch them directly.

Moreover, these spheres are slowly getting smaller.

As the spheres get smaller, the granular organisms also find that the memory of the stellar pipes is slowly increasing. It seems that all of this is related to these spheres.

The granular organism used various methods and detection functions that it knew to investigate these spheres, and later it felt the information in the spheres when it touched the spheres through devices that mimic the brains of civilized creatures.

Granule organisms discovered that these spheres are actually what it has been looking for...the collector’s brain.

Collectors hide their consciousness in this place, and manage all civilizations through these thinking spaces.

It can even directly spy on the thoughts of all creatures, and at the same time it is difficult to attack itself.

But why did it choose to be here...death?

These spheres are the thinking of collectors, but they are now slowly dying out and converging in one place.

That is, in the thinking space of the largest surviving civilization, where these memory data do not directly form a visible sphere, but ‘reverberate’ in the entire space.

At the same time, it is also mixed with memories of the stellar pipeline.

Why is this?

The particle creature found the answer... at the captured miraculous creature.

In fact... the collector is the Stellar Pipeline.

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