4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 365: To understanding

The ancient consciousness fell apart and now come together again. What are they...what are they going to do?

The collector is the consciousness that splits out when the stellar pipeline dies.

These consciousnesses spread in the void, controlling creatures to construct bodies for them, and shaping civilization to sail with them.

Now, it has sailed to the end, and its consciousness will return.

This miracle creature claims to come from a distant void, and it has been looking for all kinds of miracles.

Its favorite miracle is the ‘source of birth’.

The birth of creatures is a miracle. It believes that most creatures in the void are created, but there are also some... born out of thin air.

Creatures born in this way are symbols of miracles, and creatures like pipes are even more miracles among miracles.

This miraculous creature... has touched the pipe.

The capture by collectors was also deliberately captured in order to study this miracle.

However, it was killed at the end, and the collector killed the miracle creature before the end of the day approaching space, but the record about it left by the miracle creature has not disappeared.

This miraculous creature left the information it recorded about pipes in certain civilized buildings.

The granular creature had never found these records it left before, but after it made a device that mimics the brains of civilized creatures, it discovered that using the device to ‘observe’ some strange traces in the building would obtain these data.

It seems that it is the information that miraculous creatures have left these civilized creatures deliberately.

What's more peculiar is that all this information is in the wreckage of the civilized buildings that have died out, but the only surviving civilization does not have this information in their buildings.

But the brain of this surviving civilized creature can parse this information.

Or in fact all civilized creatures can parse this information...but the information is only in a few civilized buildings.

In any case, the granular creature learned that it knew about the pipeline creature before it was captured.

Then it always wanted to touch the pipeline...to study the pipeline.

In addition to finding information on its own, it is also in contact with other miraculous creatures, sorting out information, and finally learned a lot about pipelines.

The stellar pipeline is a very old creature, and it is believed to be born from some influential void phenomena, such as static phenomena.

But it shouldn't just be static, what the specific phenomenon is...no one knows.

Miracle creatures mentioned the past of the solidification of the void, which is a void with many similarities to the normal void, but the fundamental'rules' are different.

There have been some huge changes in the past, and some changes that were too early have been forgotten, but the ‘recent’ ones are still recorded by some organisms.

For example, it is relatively clearer for static mutations. Stillness completely distorts the solidified void environment, but it is not the end there, but it is living in harmony with the local creatures.

After that, the stellar pipeline disappeared into the solidified void.

After the stellar pipe disappeared, some special creatures appeared in the void-Midgart, which was like a giant pipe.

Initially, this kind of creatures received very little attention, but after they caused various effects on the surrounding civilization, they gradually received a lot of attention.

Of course, the miracle creature did not know the connection between this creature and the stellar pipeline.

By continuously collecting information from collectors, and finally being captured by collectors, the miracle creatures slowly learn more information.

Finally, it recorded all this.

The stellar pipe itself is a kind of ‘empty phenomenon’, and the pipe-like shape is not actually its body.

As for its body, it should be the consciousness in a specific void phenomenon.

It transformed a star through some methods...or made a pipe-like body similar to a star.

Miracle creatures believe that the stellar pipeline may only exist under certain rules of the solidified void to maintain consciousness.

And it's ‘death’ this time is actually to spread its consciousness out, that is, to go to another void.

Other channels... like collectors, can enter the normal void, and there is no restriction that it cannot enter other voids.

Therefore, it believes that the emergence of these channels is mainly because the stellar channels want to go to other voids.

But this is only the speculation of a miracle creature, and it does not know the cause of the ‘death’ of the stellar pipeline.

But that is not a guess about the connection between the collector and the Stellar pipeline.

Because it has done a lot of testing on collectors before, mainly to detect the consciousness of collectors after being caught.

Miracle creatures have a way to detect the general composition of the collector's consciousness, so as to understand the commonality with the stellar pipeline.

For the consciousness composition of the stellar pipeline, miracle creatures also have data.

But this does not mean that miraculous creatures have companions in the past to study stellar pipelines in the void, but that they have obtained records left by some past creatures.

The granular creatures also find it amazing... It turns out that there were creatures studying the stellar pipes in the solid void before.

In any case, it feels that these speculations of miracle creatures are correct, and that collectors are indeed part of the stellar pipeline.

Otherwise, after its death, why would the consciousness gather together?

But apart from these speculations, the miracle creature actually knows very little about the pipeline. It does not know the purpose of the collector to construct civilization, nor does it know much about the past ecology of the stellar pipeline. It just has some conscious information about them.

The miracle creatures left these materials, probably because they wanted to let the civilization know what kind of creatures they were rearing, but the granular creatures thought they might have other purposes.

Next, the granular creature continued to study the consciousness of this collector.

The granular creature felt that what the collector left behind seemed to have no consciousness, just some memory data.

The collector himself is probably completely dead.

At least it no longer controls anything.

Through continuous improvement and research on devices that simulate the brains of civilized creatures, the granular creatures have slowly discovered something special.

That is the ‘consciousness’ of creatures like pipes.

The granular organism cannot understand what constitutes the consciousness bottom of the pipeline, but it can be regarded as a device that can detect the ‘consciousness’ of the pipeline.

It thinks that this kind of consciousness is similar to being still, which is a very special phenomenon that cannot be directly touched.

At present, nothing special happens after the collector's consciousness converges, they just gather in the space.

Granular organisms feel that if a pipe represents the consciousness of a part of the stellar pipe, it needs many pipes to gather to make the entire stellar pipe fully recover.

And it did find more channels.

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