4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 369: Mutations

The particle creatures thought so at the time, these mutant creatures...want to spread stillness.

In the battle with them, this group of mutants created static weapons.

They use these weapons to attack the army of granular creatures and other creatures, and they spread static everywhere.

Their weapons are actually something like...seeds.

It can also be called the ‘static seeds’. They will place these seeds in many places, and then there will be a static phenomenon in that place after a while.

The mutants began to produce a large number of static seeds, so the granular creature was very alarmed at that time, and it began to produce a large number of troops.

Because of the need for strong military power, it quickly took up the fragments of land left by many pipelines. Granular organisms built factories for mass production of troops in these places. Of course, these factories are automatic.

But even with a huge army, the granular creature found that mutants were very difficult to deal with, mainly because of their static seeds... it didn't know where these seeds came from.

Because it has never discovered anything that the mutant uses to synthesize the Seed of Stillness, as if it suddenly appeared.

In addition to being placed in a place to make the surroundings still, the Seed of Stillness can also be thrown out as an explosive bomb, instantly illuminating the effect of a static range.

This stillness does not last very long, but even for a short while, it is enough for mutants to kill the troops of granular creatures.

The battle between the particle creatures and them can be said to be quite difficult, they fought for a long time...until the particle creatures found some special materials, which are resistant to stillness.

Finally, the granular creature killed all the mutants with an army that could resist static.

But the granular creature also discovered that the mutation caused by the mutant... has just begun.

Mutants will continue to appear. Creatures other than civilized creatures may become mutants. Granular creatures notice that various wild creatures here may have their thoughts connected by the'pipe space', and then they will Will begin to mutate.

Mutants cannot be kept. The longer they live, the stronger they will become. Basically, they will only attack non-mutated creatures at first, but slowly they will start to make weapons, even making static seeds.

Granular creatures are constantly searching for mutant creatures, and as long as there is a mutation, it will be resolved immediately.

However, it also captured some that were not killed, but used for research.

It found that the mutants gradually became completely ‘granulated’ in the body and after a period of time...

The static seeds are produced in their bodies. As long as they live long enough, there will be organs in their bodies that generate the static seeds.

These mutants are also the longer they live, the faster their organs will generate static seeds.

To put it simply, after becoming mutants, they have entered a process of continuous ‘evolution’, and in the end, how many changes they can have, and how much abilities they have are unknown.

The particle creature originally thought that it could completely solve these mutants, but it discovered a very serious situation, that is... its own troops will also mutate.

The troops made by the particle creatures are not complicated, that is, some...machinery.

Particle creatures need to set up a program for them to automatically search for and attack mutants. This kind of automatic machinery is relatively weak and easy to be countered by the enemy. Therefore, the particle creatures later added some intelligence to the machinery to make them know themselves. Thinking, this kind of machinery will be much stronger, but it will mutate.

As long as it has its own thinking ability, it seems that it will mutate. Although there are not many mutators currently appearing, and granular organisms can still handle it, it feels that it is impossible to rely on itself.

At this time it also thought...Why wouldn't civilized creatures become mutants?

None of the civilized creatures surviving here, any individual has the situation of mutants.

Granular organisms think this may have something to do with their neural structure, in short, they will not become mutants.

This may have something to do with their thinking originally connected in various pipeline spaces.

Granule creatures think this is a good method, so it starts to cultivate these civilized creatures.

The main thing is to teach them to make stronger weapons and let them fight against mutants.

This is indeed a very effective method. Although there is no way to completely exterminate the mutants, this group of civilized creatures, under the guidance of the granular creatures, can slowly eliminate the mutants as soon as they appear.

Granules themselves are constantly investigating the causes of mutations.

It is mainly to detect the ‘pipe space’ that caused the mutation.

It discovers that the'position' of this space will change, and it is currently at the boundary of this cognitive apocalyptic space.

In this space, the memories of two pipes that died here are gathered, but when examining these memories, the granular creatures found other memories.

It found that other memories were stored in this space, but there was nothing in it.

When it checked... it could only find that it was pitch black inside.

It can also be said that it cannot detect the contents inside, but it can be detected by the granular organisms like the memory of the previous pipeline.

This made the particle creature feel very strange, and it also found that the dark part was increasing, and the memory of the other two channels was...shrinking.

It seems that darkness is eating away the original memory content.

At the time, the granular creature felt that the darkness did not mean that there was nothing, but that there was something hidden that it could not detect.

The darkness is also the main culprit leading to mutation.

That is to say... the granular creature believes that pitch black should be the ‘source of stillness’.

In other words, it is a similar, static thought to spread.

It doesn't know why this happened, maybe something special happened when the stellar pipeline and the source of stationary ‘destroyed together’.

In short, granular organisms must prevent this from happening.

It decided...to completely resurrect the stellar pipeline, before the memory of these two pipelines is completely swallowed.

Because the particle creature currently only thinks that this method might prevent this static mutation, it tries to search for other channels.

Of course, to search in the normal void.

The particle creature once again created a search team to go to the normal void. It felt that the pipeline creature should be easy to find. Just find them and try to lead them here.

As long as the memory of enough channels is collected, the stellar channels can be revived.

Then, the particle creature began its journey in the normal void again.

But during this journey, it didn't use it to find a channel, instead it encountered many other... things.

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