The normal void at that time was in the era of void passage.

Many creatures shuttle through vast distances through void tunnels and various spaces.

The same is true for granular organisms.

It has created an exploratory force, which is mainly composed of ten aircraft with a length of tens of kilometers.

There are some civilized creatures selected by it, as well as machinery made by granular creatures in these aircrafts. There is a complete living system in the aircraft, which can be used for the continuous development of these civilized creatures.

Of course, these machines are not intelligent, they are all controlled by the granular organisms themselves.

As for the particle creature itself, it has never been to the normal void.

This team embarked on a long journey in the normal void, using technology to pass through space, they have been to many places, they have seen all kinds of civilizations, and have encountered all kinds of wonderful things.

The goal of Pellet has always been clear... to find a pipe.

It feels that it needs to fully revive the stellar pipeline in order to counter the stillness that spreads in the cognitive apocalyptic space.

As for those civilized creatures, they all think the same way. Granular creatures have already molded themselves into their...gods, so they take the implementation of the granular creature's will as their main goal in life.

This is not just to make them believe that they are gods. The granular creatures have adjusted the neural structure of these civilized creatures to ‘engrave’ themselves in their consciousness.

With the journey to find the pipeline, these civilized creatures have also lived on the aircraft for many generations, and many things have happened under the continuous journey, and these aircraft have also been destroyed.

Once one of the exploration vehicles is destroyed, another one will receive the signal, and then it will create the same aircraft as the destroyed one and continue to explore.

Unless ten of them are destroyed at the same time, they will always be restored to their original state...but the granular creatures did not want to increase to more than ten.

Although it is said that the more you search, the easier it will be, but it is afraid that more accidents will occur, and it cannot control too much.

But the accident still happened.

Just like cell organisms, the civilized organisms on these aircraft will always undergo some changes when they multiply.

After many generations of reproduction, their neural structure's worship of granular creatures is not so absolute, so there are some individuals who don't want to continue searching for pipelines on the way.

These individuals were all disposed of at first, but the number later increased. In an aircraft, such ‘rebel individuals’ even formed a relatively large group.

Granular creatures have changed their methods. It no longer strictly manages these civilized creatures, but allows them to... leave at any time.

If you see any suitable living environment during the journey, these civilized creatures that don't want to explore can go directly to live there without staying on the aircraft.

With this method, the civilized creatures in the aircraft have always maintained a relatively stable state. There are always creatures who want to keep and continue to explore, and some who want to leave.

But in any case, they can't find the pipeline.

The exploration journey lasted for thousands of years. The granular creatures carefully investigated every civilization they encountered, as well as the ruins of various civilizations. At the same time, they are constantly trying to make devices that search for pipeline signals.

It did not find any traces left by the pipeline at all

Although there are only ten aircraft, it travels quickly through space tunnels... It thinks it has searched a lot of places, but why is it not there?

In fact, it underestimated the size of the normal void, but also overestimated its search capabilities.

Lin thinks so. There should be channels in motion at the time, but it didn’t come across it. Since its perspective was directly observing the channels before, I feel that the scope and influence of the channels are very huge, so I can easily find them. , But in fact... what it sees is only a small area relative to the normal void.

After all, the control ability of the granular creature itself is limited, and it cannot create too many troops. When the search has been without results, it thought of freezing the void.

There are many channels in the solidified void, and if you go back, you will definitely find it... but it doesn't know how to go back.

During this period of exploration, the civilization in the cognition doomsday space continued to develop. This group of civilized creatures completely suppressed the mutants. Although the mutants are also produced by various wild creatures, they will soon be discovered and discovered. Be wiped out.

On the corpses of the pipe, this group of civilized creatures found a considerable amount of resources, and they developed so fast that they started a war.

The particle creatures have barely taken care of them, but at some point it suddenly discovered that these creatures started to use static weapons.

It's not that they have mutated, but that they have discovered static phenomena in some places in space.

In the past, the "Still Seed" created by the mutants can make a place stand still for a long time, but usually only tens of Ersh years, but sometimes the static seed will have special conditions, and the static that they cause lasts for a long time. time.

And some of these civilized creatures began to study stillness and use them in battle.

The particle creature didn't care much at first, but it slowly discovered that these civilized creatures began to...belief still.

Some civilized creatures have organizations that want to keep everything still, and these organizations are still growing.

At the same time, the granular creature also found... the same situation appeared outside.

To be precise, it is the civilized creatures that leave the aircraft.

In the process of exploration, occasionally the aircraft will return to the original place. Those creatures that did not want to explore and leave the aircraft will develop very well... and the particle creatures have also discovered that some civilized creatures use stationary weapons, and they also worship stationary. Case.

At this time, the granular creature felt that the matter was...actually serious.

It seems that the static ‘will’ has begun to spread, and it can affect these civilized creatures, not just mutants.

At the same time, one thing happened at that time, and that was the collapse of the void tunnel.

The impact of this has caused granular creatures to no longer be able to leave the space of cognitive doomsday.

The collapse of the Void Tunnel affected it's departure from the cognitive doomsday space, but it did not know how it was affected... But apparently it actually relied on the Void Tunnel to get outside.

Lin felt that the tunnel connected the doomsday cognition space and the normal void, but the particle creatures didn't notice it when they went out, because sometimes the environment in the tunnel looked the same as the normal void.

After this, the particle organisms were completely trapped in the space.

At the same time... it is also trying to prevent static development.

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