Many creatures are... very concerned about their own destiny.

This creature is the same.

It is called the ‘House of the Wanderers’.

It is a relatively special channel. It has not cultivated civilization on its body, but it is still inhabited by many creatures.

These creatures are wanderers...that is, various creatures floating in the void.

Some are creatures that live in the void, and some have to wander in the void for various reasons. This pipe receives many such creatures.

Most of the creatures living on this pipe are creatures that do not have the ability to live in the void. They just rely on the remaining resources and long-term sleep in the void.

When they came into contact with the pipeline, they were as if they had discovered an ‘oasis’. They immediately happily landed here and developed a new life.

The pipeline itself does not manage the civilizations that have lived on it, but it will specifically contact those wandering civilized creatures and allow them to live on itself.

As more and more creatures are accepted, of course, this group of creatures inevitably waged war on the pipe.

After a long war, a group of creatures on the pipeline signed an agreement, each occupying a part of the pipeline, and called this place the ‘home of the drifters’.

This is the earliest situation of this pipeline.

It has been wandering around in the void, accepting those floating civilizations, which is actually a very bad thing for the civilizations that have inhabited it.

Although the civilizations living in it call the pipeline the common home of the drifters, they actually don’t want to share this home at all. After several powerful civilizations occupy the pipeline, their attitudes towards newcomers will be eliminated directly. Research the value, then research it and then eliminate it.

Most of the wanderers did not have much fighting ability, and it was easy to eliminate them, but there were also a few who showed great power and caused great harm to the original civilization living on the pipeline.

So these civilizations began to study the behavior of pipelines.

At first, these civilizations also thought that the pipeline was a...natural object, and it was random everywhere, but after they began to study, they discovered that the behavior of the pipeline was purposeful. It would be particularly close to the creatures floating in the void, so they just Try to find out why the pipe is close to these creatures and try to change the behavior of the pipe.

That is to dig everywhere in the pipe to see if there are any organs, devices, or other things that control the behavior of the pipe.

These creatures discovered some special areas during the excavation process. They would be blocked by strong'power' when approaching that area. They thought that this area must be a pipeline...control center and other places, so they began to try. Forcibly enter this area.

The powerful'power' to block them is mainly something like invisible walls, and this group of creatures managed to penetrate this wall, successfully entered the area they believed to be the control center, and found one there. Huge...control device.

What they found was actually a huge underground cave with seemingly complex mechanical devices.

Through research, these civilized creatures have come to the conclusion that the pipeline they live in is something like a battleship made by a more powerful civilization than their ancient counterparts. The place they found is a control room. Through investigations in the control room, they I think I can control the pipeline, not only can I stop being harassed by those floating creatures, but I can go wherever I want.

Of course, they only thought so at the time, but actually found it more difficult to control. They studied for a long time before they knew how to adjust the pipeline steering.

Moreover, after each adjustment, there will be a long period of time that cannot be adjusted again, and during this period of time the pipeline will change its course by itself, so the last part of the control room is not to let them go where they want, but to detect that there is When floating objects temporarily adjust the direction to avoid it.

Therefore, these civilizations are constantly trying to find ways to control the pipeline, so they also continue to conduct various investigations in the control room.

However, they have never been able to completely control the actions of the pipeline.

At least, they can avoid every floating object, so that no matter whether there is a living thing on the floating thing... they won't run into it.

But these civilized creatures can only avoid the floating objects they detect.

The pipeline will encounter quite a lot of floating objects in the process of floating, they will first detect the location of these floating objects, guess whether there is a threat, and then decide whether to avoid it.

But they also have things that are completely undetectable, and some of them disappear after a short while after they have been detected.

These hard-to-discover floating objects are of course difficult to avoid, and there are usually powerful creatures on them, or the floating objects themselves are powerful creatures.

They pose a serious threat to the civilization of the pipeline, so the civilization on the pipeline also continuously upgrades their detection system in order to avoid all threats.

Later, they can indeed avoid most of the threats encountered in the void, but they still often encounter foreign object attacks. That is because the active area of ​​the pipeline has changed. It began to be mainly between the void and the'boundary' of the void. Wandering, there are also many powerful creatures that can shuttle in space.

Therefore, the civilization on the pipeline is constantly being attacked by new and powerful creatures... and finally completely perished.

After their demise, the new creatures settled on the pipeline, and they followed the exact same route as the previous civilization. They also began to try to occupy various areas of the pipeline and control the pipeline’s actions. Encountered more and more powerful newcomers and perished.

Then these newcomers continue to settle on the pipeline and continue the previous path.

The "House of the Drifter" is also because it makes the civilizations in it more and more powerful. It has not directly controlled these civilizations, but these civilizations are constantly repeating the same path, settled, and then perished, being more powerful and new. The comer replaces.

And in the journey of carrying these civilizations, it also continued to move towards some more wonderful places.

At first it just wandered in the normal void, and then slowly moved towards the gap between the void and the void, where there were various strange and regular spaces.

It seems that its purpose is to encounter more and more special settlers, and it has also learned about itself through these journeys... It can also be said that many situations of the pipeline race.

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