4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 379: Journey between the Void

Countless encounters, countless replacements... The civilization in the'House of the Drifter' has become stronger and stronger.

The places it goes to are becoming more and more special.

It seems to have a lot to do with the civilization on it.

Although civilizations are constantly being replaced, they all have one thing in common, that is, these civilizations are always upgrading their...detection capabilities.

Some are for the ‘House of the Drifter’ to avoid the floating objects encountered, while others are for other purposes.

In short, during the period when each civilization lives in the pipeline, they will always mainly upgrade their detection technology.

These civilizations with increasingly powerful detection capabilities sometimes find strange things, strange areas, and so on.

Whenever they find a new place, the ‘House of the Drifter’ will move towards that place.

It seems that it is using these civilizations to discover new things. Does it have the ability to detect it?

In short, the ‘House of the Drifter’ has been moving around following the things discovered by civilization in the body.

In the end, its figure completely disappeared into the normal void.

The civilization in it has not been replaced all the time. The longest life in the drifter’s house is not the usual biological civilization, but something called the “eye of doom”.

The Eye of Doom... is not an ordinary'civilization', but a special extinct creature. It itself seems to be a weapon for many individual biological civilizations. When it reaches a certain place, such as a pipe, It will grow like a fungus in the early days, and finally spread throughout the world. Its early form is very small and harmless, making it difficult to notice or be a threat.

Until it is large enough, it will begin to...observe the local creatures, understand the living habits of the local creatures, language and all other habits. At this time, the ‘eye of doom’ is almost everywhere.

After it knows about it, it will start... inform.

It uses brain waves and other methods to tell a creature the secret of another creature, like what a creature is thinking and doing, it will tell all nearby creatures.

The Doomsday Eye will specifically select some of the more important individuals in the civilization of individual creatures to disclose their lives and all their secrets. This will generally lead to chaos in the entire civilization, leading to various results such as civil wars.

If there is a civil war, it will continue to use this method to "guide" the civilizations in the civil war, causing them to suffer heavy casualties.

When a civilization is teetering on the verge of destruction, the Eye of Doom will truly "appear", and it will directly harvest everything that civilization has, including all materials such as their technological and cultural development history, but it will not Kill those surviving civilized creatures, or those intelligent creatures that have not yet developed, it will wait for them to develop a new civilization on the ruins, and then continue to destroy them again.

Sometimes, the civilization on the pipeline is completely destroyed, and no new civilization is born.

At this time, the Eye of Doom will grow further, and it will grow many detectors throughout the pipeline to observe the situation around the void, seeming to observe whether there is civilization coming.

Moreover, Eye of Doom will upgrade these detector officers. In short, the detector officers it creates are more powerful than the detection technology of previous civilizations.

In fact, the civilized creatures on the pipeline did not completely perish at that time, but they did not develop much... they have been maintaining the state of'apocalypse'. They observed a large number of proliferation of detector officers, so they named it the eye of doom They know... The Eye of Doom is trying to find a victim.

As for why they know, that is what the Eye of Doom told them. Generally speaking, when civilization is about to be destroyed, it will tell these civilizations that they are the murderers behind the scenes.

In short, this can be regarded as a creature that likes to cultivate civilization.

The Drifter's House has always adopted an attitude of not directly managing the creatures on its body, so it has not cleared this doomsday eye.

In other words, it may like this doomsday eye.

When the wanderer's house disappeared into the void at last, the Eye of Doom was already covered with the state of the probe officer all over its body.

The drifter's house has entered a special place in this state.

This place is called the realm of collapse.

The Realm of Collapse was once a small void. Of course, the small size is relative to the normal void or the solidified void. This is a place similar to the Midgard void.

It seems that through the continuously upgraded detection technology and the detector officer created by the Last Eye of Doom, the pipeline discovered this special place.

It is in the'middle' between the solidified void and the normal void, and it is in a state of constant shrinking.

The realm of collapse was originally larger, but now, although it is shrinking, it is enough for the home of the drifters to explore here for a long time.

In the process of exploring, it discovered that there is a special ecology here, the creatures and rules that only exist in this place, and so on. Here, the Drifter’s House has changed its previous practice. It did not attract any creatures to live in. Observe them at a certain distance from them.

However, everything it encountered and some thoughts at the time were recorded.

Those who record this are those civilized creatures that have not been completely extinct by the Eye of Doom in the pipeline.

The Eye of Doom seems to continue to grow without the destruction of a new civilization, and finally it even reads the thinking of the channel itself in the Drifter’s House.

Then through the usual ‘information’, it told the civilized creatures the idea of ​​the pipeline.

Of course, this may also be what the Wanderer’s House wants to tell them, in short, it seems that the Eye of Doom said it on the surface.

It was here that the Drifter’s House found a lot of information and intelligence about the Stellar Pipeline. In fact, it was looking for it before, but not much was found, and the World of Collapse had quite a lot of information.

At the end of the exploration, the Drifter's House has reached a final conclusion.

That is, this collapsed realm is the ‘consciousness’ of the stellar pipeline.

This is somewhat similar to Midgart's situation. The consciousness of the stellar pipe is in a void, and then this huge consciousness is introduced into a pipe made of... stars for some unknown reason.

Because of the departure of consciousness, the world of collapse began to collapse...that's why it was called this name.

And it also believed that it was the collapse here that caused the normal void and the solidified void to constantly approach, and eventually they would collide together.

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