The remaining leaders have been trying to restore the environment in the pipeline of the drifter's house to the point where they are suitable for living.

In fact, they have always been trapped in the ‘control room’ and there is no way to get out, so they try to control the pipe’s organs to modify the environment.

They can indeed control some pipe organs here, but they find that no matter how they adjust, the environment has not changed back to its original appearance.

Nowadays, the small space where the pipeline is located is mixed with many unknown things, and even the ‘rules’ are different.

No matter how they are adjusted, the pipeline cannot restore the previous environmental state in the realm of collapse.

As a result, these leaders tried to create new species in this new environment.

They decided to create a batch of creatures that can inherit their memories and survive in this new environment. These new creatures...are a batch of intelligent machines.

These leaders can find enough materials directly in the control room, which allows them to assemble a batch of highly intelligent machines with their memorized data.

These machines completely imitate the leaders' own appearance, character and other local structures. The biggest difference is that they can live in a new environment.

Although the leaders can create this very complicated machine, they still can't directly transform their bodies into a state that can live in the new environment.

After constructing these machines, they opened the control room and then let these machines leave.

This control room is a relatively special area, which is isolated from the outside space to a certain extent, so it is not affected by environmental changes, but after it is opened, the isolation will be invalid, so several heads died. .

And the machines they sent out, which completely inherited their own thinking and consciousness, began to try to build a civilization that would restore the past.

But they soon discovered that this change has just begun.

The walls of this small space soon began to collapse.

Because this space is small, the collapse was quickly discovered, but these machines have no way to stop them. They can only watch the process happen. After only tens of Ersh years, the walls of this space disappeared. Just like when the world of collapse collapsed, it melted into other voids.

The drastically changing environment makes these machines unable to sustain.

So...these civilizations living on the pipeline all perished.

But the collapse does not seem to be over yet.

After that, the pipeline of the Drifter's House has experienced many collapses and fusions, and it has reached multiple spaces, and these spaces are quite unstable, and it collapsed in a short time.

Finally, the pipeline finally stopped in a space.

This is the space where this group of creatures that Lin called the "Crack Hunter" lives.

After the crack hunters came to live on the pipeline, they conducted a comprehensive investigation of the pipeline, and soon they discovered many things left over from the past.

What's more strange is that because of the drastic changes in the environment, all the creatures that lived here have not survived, but a lot of what they left behind are still there, and the organs of the pipe itself are relatively stable.

Although the crack hunter discovered that the pipeline was breaking, they had enough time to study and understand the pipeline and stabilize the fracture process.

Then they began to be able to adjust and transform some pipeline organs to construct a more stable environment.

The most important thing is that they have obtained some information from the past, such as where the pipeline has been, what happened to the pipeline in the past... Lin thinks this may have been deliberately let them know by the drifter's house.

Just by investigating the pipeline by themselves, even if it takes a very long time, it is difficult to understand the records left by the past.

But if the pipes deliberately pass information to them, it's easy.

Moreover, when Chasing Hunt was studying the pipeline, many of the things they knew were sent to the cognitive end.

In fact, they don't even know that any information has been sent.

The consciousness of the drifter's house is still somewhere, continuing to control...observing its own situation.

Lin thinks so, so now we must also understand the situation of the hunting.

The chasm hunters living on the pipeline have all disappeared. They look like they have been transported to other places, but Lin thinks it should be for other reasons.

And now, Lin has discovered this reason, that is tinker.

Those tinkers who once said to repair the void on the edge of the collapsed world are now on the pipeline in large numbers.

Lin didn't find them before, it was because they seemed to be imperceptible through ordinary sensing methods.

But after Lin learned about the records of the Wanderer's House, Lin already knew how to find them.

Tinkers are essentially deformable creatures. Although they appear in the form of sticky objects in the record, they can actually be disguised as many things.

Lin found them when she was investigating everywhere in the pipeline of the Drifter's House.

Lin found that the tinkers were disguised as all kinds of hunting artifacts here, mainly houses, vehicles, and the machinery that walked around on the road. They were actually disguised by the tinkers.

They have a special place, that is, they... can only exist in cracked spaces.

This kind of ‘crack’ includes the world of collapse, as well as the various spaces that have been merged in the pipeline before.

Of course, this space is also included.

There were also cracks in this space. Lin had also discovered it before. When Lin was investigating the records on the Drifter's House, Lin also sent some flying vehicles to the edge of the space to investigate.

The walls where you can see the space...There are many huge cracks.

This is similar to the previously recorded description, through these cracks you can directly see the ‘None’.

According to the record, the rift showed the same nature of "nothing" as Lin knew, that is, the area between the void and the void.

But when Lin directly sees this kind of crack now, Lin feels that it is different from the "nothing" that Lin knew before.

It is not the ‘nothing’ that Lin knows, but something else...something.

But the most important thing is that this kind of rift seems to give birth to some kind of ‘rule’.

Tinkers can only exist under this rule, that is, when Lin brings a building or anything disguised by the tinker here into the void, it will quickly collapse.

Tinkers can only maintain themselves in cracked spaces, which is their most obvious feature.

Although Lin didn't find them based on this feature at first, they have other features, and Lin confirmed that they were them after she was suspicious and tested some of the things here.

These disguised tinkers had wiped out the entire hunting population not long ago, and Lin felt it necessary to understand their purpose.

And... Are they a group of craftsmen repairing the void as Lin knew before?

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