4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 385: Deformed

These creatures... are slowly deforming.

In the pipeline, Lin observes the group of creatures called ‘tinkers’.

They had always maintained the form of the chasm-hunting building before, but now Lin found that they were slowly changing into other forms.

It seems that these buildings are slowly melting, and the melted parts flow between the streets, converging into a ‘river’ that flows into the distance.

Lin's pompoms floated in the sky, observing these slowly dissolving cities.

They didn't seem to pay much attention to Lin here, they were moving slowly.

The entire process of dissolution lasted 10,000 seconds. During this time, all the buildings in the pipeline became a flowing ‘river’. They flowed through the pipeline and slowly changed into new shapes.

Lin found that they quickly formed a brand new look.

To be precise, they have become a brand new city, the style of the city is a bit like Ershite, most of them are square buildings.

Obviously these buildings were not from the Chasm Hunting civilization. After waiting for them to deform for a while, Lin let many troops enter the buildings in different regions to explore.

It can be found that even the furniture in the building is deformed. Of course, it also includes some buildings with recorded history, such as libraries.

Although they have completely turned into another civilization in terms of architecture, these historical records are recorded in the language of chasing hunting.

Lin flipped through some historical records, which described a sexual biological civilization.

This civilization continues to grow and develop in a certain place. Although their entire race has wars, over time, the entire civilization becomes more and more peaceful. In the end, there is no war at all, and the civilized populations have become extremely united.

The reason for this is because the entire civilization believes in a certain... ‘thing’.

This ‘thing’ is a rift.

This is a rift that they discovered by accident. Their population believes that the rift must be there... In fact, it is similar to what many individual creatures imagine, with only a happy and perfect world.

As for why they have this idea as a whole, it is because there are occasional things floating in the cracks. These things will feel very happy as long as they are close, but unlike ordinary personality creatures, they will lose motivation if they feel happy in advance. These civilized creatures After feeling the things floating out of the rift, I will work harder and become very active.

Therefore, this civilization did not always try to enter the rift, and finally what they expected finally became a reality, but it was not that they entered the rift, but the rift suddenly expanded and swallowed their world.

"This is...'Tinker'."

Suddenly, Lin found a...creature.

This was discovered by a pom-pom looking at historical records in a certain ‘library’.

The history here is all recorded with something floating in the air, resembling a stone, and when Lin looked at it, she found a ‘stone’ flying over.

As it approached the pom-pom, it slowly deformed into an object more than one meter in size and similar in shape to the pom-pom.

It’s just that it’s not ‘fuzz’, but some stone wool that looks very hard.

"You got the information, the last... information."

This stone wool ball also sends a message to Lin in the language of hunting.

"Information?" Lin asked it: "What are you?"

"They are trying to...destroy everything."

The other party suddenly sent out a lot of information, mainly about tinker, and Lin also knew what it was.

In fact, this stone wool ball is the Eye of Doom.

Or it is a small part of the Eye of Doom, but it is also this small part, and many things have been observed here.

Including the tinker's... true colors.

When I met the tinker before, the Eye of Doom was just as Lin knew. It believed that the tinker was mending the void, and of course the tinker himself said the same.

But they are not repairing the void.

What the tinker himself did was actually carrying out the void...fusion.

They can make one space and another space completely blend together, which Lin knew before.

The two spaces will be very ‘perfectly’ fused together, and all the substances inside will not collide and so on, but will mix relatively stably and become a brand new space.

Tinkers have been doing these things all the time.

They first change the walls at the edge of the space, so that this space and the surrounding space have a ‘traction’ effect.

However, the fusion is not achieved immediately. During the towing process, the walls of the space that have been changed by the tinker will appear dark. The tinker used to tell Eye of Doom that this dark is ‘nothing’.

In fact, it’s not “nothing”, it’s just space walls adjusted by them. This is different from ordinary space walls. As long as it presents this state, it means that it is traction with another space. .

The biggest fusion the tinker has ever done is the realm of collapse.

After a very long period of time to transform the walls of the collapsed realm, the tinker succeeded in fusing the collapsed realm into the surrounding space and the void.

They split the entire world of collapse, and after that, the world of collapse became many small pieces, mixed into other spaces.

And the Eye of Doom, its main body part has always stayed with this group of tinkers.

After the collapse of the world of collapse, it and the group of tinkers merged into a small space. At first the tinker told it that the repair of the collapsed world failed and collapsed.

But after a while, they showed their true shape.

The tinker itself is not a creature of the collapsed realm, and certainly not the remaining fragments of consciousness in the star pipeline.

Previously, they were thought to be, in fact, they were disguised as, they can disguise to a large extent as various things in the local emptiness. The longer they stay in the local area, the more perfect their disguise. Therefore, the Eye of Doom was at that time. No aliens were found.

But as long as they go to other spaces, they will soon be exposed...or remove their original disguise.

At the same time, they will also remove the original character and thinking.

For example, the tinkers had been trying to deceive the Eye of Doom to say that they could repair the void, but after changing the space...they gradually lost this idea, and they began to try to transform into a place in the merged space. Species.

Without the native species, they will return to their original form.

In any case, the tinker will continue to try to modify the walls of the space, pulling the entire space.

As for the Eye of Doom, it was simply ignored.

Therefore, the Doomsday Eye at that time tried to carefully study the habits of this group of weird creatures.

It found one thing.

Maybe the collision between the voids was caused by the tinker.

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