4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 387: position

The tinker's base camp is in a special space... so the Doomsday Eye said.

But it has not actually been to that place. It doesn't know what that place is, but it feels that the tinkers in that place shouldn't be like they are now... unprepared.

Although the Eye of Doom hasn't been there, it knows where it is.

Lin is more strange, why these tinkers have never paid attention to the Eye of Doom.

The Eye of Doom is also not quite clear about this, because it has been with the tinker, but it also observes one thing, except that the disguised object will be completely replaced by the tinker, the tinker hardly interferes with other things. biological.

Tinkers generally ignore non-disguised creatures in the local environment unless they are attacked.

Of course, tinkers will also pay attention to some creatures that may pose a threat to them, and then take some measures. Maybe they have always felt that the Eye of Doom is not threatening, or there are other reasons that they have been ignored.

Lin also confirmed that this doomsday eye is not a tinkerer's disguise... Now that it is so, let's check it out first.

Lin hasn't done anything to the tinker here at the pipeline, just put some troops here to observe their changes.

Following this, Lin drove the Tumbler unit of "March" and the other two satellites to the edge of this space... where the crack was.

Then, Lin shot a lot of rocks into the crack.

These stones are actually used for detection, and Lin has equipped them with a perception device for tinkers.

This device can feel the “trace” left by the tinker, and the method of making this device is mainly obtained by studying the tinkers who are camouflaged in the pipeline. At the same time, he also obtained some relevant information from the eye of the doomsday. Technology.

Under normal circumstances, if you enter this kind of crack, you will only feel like you are in solidification, but now these stones of Lin can detect the traces of tinkers, just like some small...streams. , Extending to the distance in the darkness.

Detecting based on these traces, Lin can find the space where the tinker is, and then...move over.

Soon, Lin had some stones arrived in the nearby space.

These spaces were all used by tinkerers, but they were all small. Lin found that the largest diameter was only a few hundred kilometers. Of course, they were all fusion spaces.

There was nothing in these spaces, so Lin quickly passed through them and continued to investigate the surrounding spaces.

After going through more than ten spaces, Lin finally found a larger space with a stone.

This place is hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, and Lin also saw something here.

They are mainly floating objects like fragments that are more common in the void, and there are also some things that look like civilized buildings.

It may be the remains of civilization that was destroyed by tinkers.

As Lin's exploration continued, Lin also discovered more and larger similar spaces... but did not find any creatures in the space.

There are traces of living creatures in many spaces, and it seems that these creatures are all perished.

These spaces have one thing in common, that is, they all have some cracks.

These cracks are not actually the moving channels of the tinkers, but if the tinkers move in space, they can find out where the last space they have been through through the cracks, and then keep looking for their traces in the space until... they are found. Base camp.

But Lin thought they might do something to prevent Lin from approaching them.

When Lin was thinking about it, a stone found a special space.

This space seems to be where they "hide" and hunt.

The diameter of this space is more than 100 million kilometers, and the chasm that disappeared from the pipeline before is in the center of this space.

They are in dozens of huge bubbles. These bubbles look... almost exactly the same as ordinary bubbles, except they are several kilometers in size.

And those crack hunters are like being trapped in a bubble, and many crack hunters can be seen struggling inside, and some of them seem to want to get out of the edge of the bubble and leave.

It's just that none of them can do anything.

When Lin let the rocks fly close to these bubbles, these bubbles suddenly moved. They moved in one direction at an extremely fast speed, and finally disappeared one after another when they touched the edge of the space.

It seems that these bubbles should be made by tinkerers...aircraft, but I don't know why they stopped here, but obviously they don't need to be stopped all the time, they left as soon as Lin found out.

But from this point of view, it also seemed to mean that the tinker didn't know that Lin released a lot of these stones to search for them, and only escaped after he found them directly.

Or they don't know the location of Lin's stones.

Now that's the case... Lin should be able to find their base camp soon.


Suddenly, Lin felt that the stone entering a certain space was broken.

It was instantly crushed by some kind of ‘power’, and it felt like it had arrived at an important place, because Lin had already noted the location where it broke, so immediately all the surrounding stones moved towards the target’s space.

The ending of each stone is almost the same as the first one. They are all shattered the moment they enter this space, and their perception of that space is nothing but pitch black.

Lin thinks this... is indeed an important place, but these stones can't be allowed to go.

Lin can just let'March' go over and try.

Because these stones of Lin can record the ‘coordinates’ of that space every time they go to a space, so that March can directly open the channel to there, without having to explore slowly like them.

Therefore, when Lin activated the internal organs in March, a huge crack slowly unfolded before March.

Lin also saw...Where is the space that smashed all the stones in this instant.

It is indeed a home base for tinkers, and it looks... quite interesting here.

It seems to be a ‘mixture’ of many civilizations.

The first thing Lin saw was a large number of civilization creations, mainly aircraft or space stations, but they did not belong to a single civilization.

Like when Lin saw the closest space station, half of it was a rock-like structure, and the other half was a liquid, because Lin had seen similar civilizations in the void, so I can be sure that each half of it comes from a different civilization. , There are many such mixed things.

However, some space stations or aircraft are complete and not hybrids, but in any case, they come from various civilizations.

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