4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 388: abnormal

Just looking at it here, it seems that the situation is quite interesting.

In the tinker’s ‘base camp’, the contents are slowly changing.

At first it looked like a mixture of various civilizations, but now Lin found that these mixtures were slowly deforming.

They constantly change from one form to another, and most of them seem to be all kinds of floats commonly seen in the void.

Lin just watched their changes, but didn't let March approach them directly.

Lin was thinking about the significance of their changes, and at the same time trying to send some messages to these tinkers to see if they would be willing to communicate.

The tinker did not respond.

The information Lin used was mainly the ‘language’ that the Eye of Doom learned about tinkers, but it also told Lin that tinkers generally would not communicate with other creatures unless...they were completely disguised.

When they completely pretend to be another creature, they seem to become very ‘talkative’ and will actively introduce their disguised identity to other creatures.

But you must also introduce the value of the object.

Now that they didn't respond much, Nalin went in and took a look.

Thinking about it, Lin asked March to launch some stones again. The moment these stones passed through the space channel and entered the tinker's base... they were all shattered just like before.

But this time, Lin noticed something that she hadn't noticed before.

Lin believes that the reason for the fragmentation of these stones was not caused by the tinker's attack, but by the ‘rules’ in their space.

Under their rules, normal void matter seems to be unable to maintain stability, which is quite interesting.

This fragmentation is not just that the surface is broken, even the internal basic composition has also changed, which leads to the collapse.

So Lin tested various things again.

The main thing is to launch some normal void objects into the tinker's space, and it can be found that these things are all destroyed without exception.

It seems that the tinker has created such a space as a base camp, and they are considered to be quite safe in themselves, and can isolate all kinds of things from other voids around and approach them.

But the ‘rules’ they constitute are actually not perfect. Lin has figured out some ways to approach them, so let’s try it out next.

It's just that they don't seem to be waiting for Lin to test.

Lin found some deforming objects flying out of space.

These things also looked like various buildings. After flying out of the tinker's base camp, they marched towards Lin's March and landed on the surface of March one after another.

They are like planting buildings on the ground. Soon Lin’s March surface is covered with a layer of city. These buildings that fall from the sky cover hundreds of kilometers of the ground, and... they seem to be running. .

Some buildings that looked like factories seemed to be working inside. As for those buildings that looked like residential houses, their entrances and exits were opened one after another, only creatures came out of the buildings.

Lin didn't do anything to them, she was just observing.

The general style and shape of these buildings are like high mountains, and the surfaces of these'mountains' are covered with structures of different sizes, which look like windows or doors.

When these doors were opened, many of them had multiple limbs, and creatures several meters in size crawled out of them.

They should all be disguised by the tinker, because when they crawled out, Lin tried to teleport a few into the normal void, they could not be maintained in the normal void.

It can be said that the normal void is an extreme environment for tinkers, and their base camp is also an extreme environment for normal void creatures.

And the hunting space where the drifter's house pipeline is located is an area where both parties can exist.

Lin thought it would be interesting to study the difference between these.

But what do these tinkers want to do? Lin found that they had started... seemingly normal lives.

Although Lin teleported some away, they didn’t care. The creatures that appeared in the buildings on the surface of March began to communicate with each other, or moved around by transportation, and some gathered in certain buildings, which seemed to be Going to work there.

After observing for a while, Lin found that their society is similar to the usual personality creatures, and there is nothing special.

But this can also be said to be special.

They did not fly out to attack or something, but to start a ‘normal life’ on the surface of March. Why?

Maybe tinkers can achieve some special effects through this ‘normal life’? Lin also inquired about Eye of Doom, but it said that she had never seen such behavior as tinker.

After watching for a while, Lin found that the tinker's group of creatures that lived normally on the surface of March suddenly...rotted.

It was like a sudden decay that couldn't maintain his body shape, and collapsed one by one.

But those buildings were still normal. After a short while, a large group of residents...exactly the same as before climbed out of the building, and they continued their previous life on the decomposed body of their companion.

Of course, these new ones were also rotten after a while, but new ones were crawling out of the building soon.

Lin felt that their behavior...very abnormal.

In fact, there are some special devices in these buildings, which can also be said to be ‘constructors’. When the creatures outside rot, these devices will construct a new creature, and this creature will go out for a ‘normal life’.

After this continued for a few rounds, Lin found that these buildings had also begun to collapse, and they seemed to be unable to maintain stability...slowly becoming a mud-like state.

But this kind of change is different from the normal void that collapses under the rules. These buildings that turned into mud are actually still ‘alive’, they try to gather together and change into other forms.

However, none of them can last long.

Lin thinks this should be... Lin's influence.

The Eye of Doom also said this to Lin before. It means that I was vaguely aware that Lin is not a single'level' creature. It may be because this has affected the tinkers and caused them to make some abnormalities. Move.

Moreover, Lin found that not only the buildings launched by the tinkers were affected, but even the tinkers in the base camp... were also affected.

There are a lot of floating objects in the base camp. They were constantly changing their forms at first, but they have not changed at all.

To be precise, they have all become similar to rotten state, just like these buildings outside.

As these things ‘rotted’, the tinker’s base camp itself began to experience some abnormalities.

Lin felt that the space of the base camp itself seemed to collapse.

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