"It's been a long time."

"Now is the end."

Lin's March is slowly advancing in the tinker's ‘base camp’.

Not long ago, this place was a very dangerous place for normal void objects, but now it has... changed.

Things that are normal and empty can exist normally here, and the original things here, that is, the tinkerers, are in the stage of collapse.

They have now changed from their original shape to collapse like mud, but even then they are constantly trying to change, seemingly intending to change back to their original shape.

After Lin observed outside for a while, she continued to launch some things for testing. Lin found that as they collapsed more and more, the rules in this base camp disappeared.

Lin originally wanted to construct some units that could exist under their rules, but now that... just come in directly.

Although Lin had thought that their collapse might be in disguise, she still planned to come in and take a look.

Because Lin also has some... urgent ways to deal with it.

But now after coming in, Lin found that they were not in disguise, they were indeed on the verge of collapse.

It's just that this collapse didn't happen after Lin arrived, it seems to have started a long time ago.

Although everything around here seems to be just floating mud masses, there are still some...'things' that maintain their normal form.

These things Lin should also be disguised by tinkers, in short, they looked like large void creatures, some of which were also types Lin had seen.

These void creatures are several kilometers in size, and are of the more common type of "Long Wanderer".

Such creatures generally don't have the ability to move long distances in the void, and they usually spend a long wandering life in the void. The tinker seems to prefer the appearance of such creatures for some reason.

Lin can detect some interesting information from these things that still maintain the normal shape of the void creatures.

As part of it is the kind Lin knows, Lin also understands their thinking structure.

So when Lin sent some troops to their internal inspections, they found that these creatures were alive.

Regardless of whether they were disguised or formed by something else, they were indeed made up of real creatures outside, so Lin could detect them...what was thinking.

These creatures do not have their own memories, and it can be said that they do not record their own life history like normal creatures, but record other things.

That is about...this ‘base camp’.

This base camp has existed since a long time ago.

But I don’t know how long it has been. In short, the reason why it was born... It seems to be the ‘friction’ between the voids.

By some coincidence, a small space was born, and this space was also the earliest tinker base camp.

In fact, various spaces are often born in the void for many reasons, and the special thing about this space is that there are some special rules at the beginning of its birth.

Just as Lin knew, this space could not maintain normal void things, and in fact, it could not maintain the solidified void, and the things in many surrounding spaces. Once these void-like things entered the space, they would quickly collapse.

This kind of rule makes it a very special existence, but in the early days of its birth, this special...no one noticed it. It only serves as a ‘shredder’, constantly shattering things that have accidentally entered this space.

Until sometime, a strange creature discovered this space.

This kind of creature is called the ‘unresolvable’.

This creature is essentially a kind of wonderful life wandering between spaces. If viewed from the'shape', it looks like a huge shadow, which can be projected on various common things, and can even cover the whole Tumbler, but no entity.

It is said that no creature can analyze its life, or that it cannot fully understand how it is composed.

This is not to say that it hides well and makes it difficult for other creatures to perceive it, but that it often sends its own life data, etc. to some creatures that it thinks may have sufficient intelligence to see if they can pass their own Intelligence, civilized technology, or other various methods to analyze its...principle of existence.

When many creatures tried to analyze it, they found that the various ‘rules’ that had been studied since the development of their civilization did not apply to it.

Most of the time, other creatures cannot resolve it, so it is called the ‘unresolvable’.

No one knows the purpose of the unresolved.

At some point, those unable to resolve encounter some special circumstances.

It found that some creatures began to analyze it slowly. Although it was still unable to fully understand it, its understanding began to rise.

So the unresolved person goes to find something more difficult to resolve.

Finally, it found the tinker's space.

The rules of this space are completely different from the surrounding space, making the things inside extremely...abnormal.

But those who are unable to analyze can still investigate the situation in some ways to obtain the data in this space.

Then it sends the intelligence information of this space to the creatures who are analyzing itself, which allows those creatures to obtain a large amount of information that is difficult to analyze.

In the end, these creatures did not resolve the information until they died.

Those who couldn't analyze it began to study the space. It used some methods to influence the interior of the space. At that time, it decided to create a place that no creatures...understand.

Even it should not understand this place itself, everything in it should be difficult to understand.

Finally, with its efforts, this space has undergone many changes, and the creature of tinker was born.

As for the process, there is no record here.

In short, those who could not analyze at the beginning were very satisfied with the situation, because the earliest tinkerers completely disobeyed the rules of all surrounding spaces or voids, and were something that could not be understood at all.

Then, the unresolved will let the "perfect creation" it considers to develop freely, and then leave.

Although it is said to be free development, in fact, those who cannot analyze it want to let the tinkerer expand his own space, let this incomprehensible area grow slowly, and let the surrounding creatures realize its existence.

Although I know it exists, but I can't understand it, this feeling is very... wonderful.

At least for the unresolved.

But with the ‘growth’ of the tinkers, they did not proceed in the direction that the unresolved would have thought.

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