4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 390: Perception and change

The tinker's space was a very strange place at first. At the earliest, it had rules completely different from the surrounding space, and it was a very special existence.

This feeling is similar to the unforeseen place, but compared to the unforeseen place that can communicate with various spaces such as normal voids, the tinker's space is almost completely inoperable.

Things in the tinker's space cannot go to the outer space, and things in the outer space cannot enter.

The only ‘bridge’ connecting them is the unresolved.

Before leaving, the unresolved taught many creatures in the surrounding space how to observe the Tinker's Space.

It wants these creatures to continue to feel this unresolved tinker space, and to pass on this ‘unresolvable’ feeling.

And this approach is indeed very successful.

Many surrounding creatures have the technology or ability to observe the Tinker's Space because of the influence of the unresolved, but they can't understand this place at all. The various rules of this space are contrary to the ‘reality’ they are familiar with.

Some creatures try to analyze the tinker's space with their knowledge and technology at the time, and some creatures try to ignore it, but because of the influence of the unresolvable, they often perceive it in a situation like dreaming or other situations.

Over time, many... sects were born in some biological civilizations.

Because their technology can't analyze this space, but they can't ignore it, so they have to try to analyze it with imagination. They imagine various reasons to try to analyze everything in the tinker's space.

Lin also found that these descriptions did not clearly state what the tinker space was like at that time, only that it was a dream-like world without any logic, full of constantly changing scenery everywhere.

At the same time, the tinker's space is different for different creatures. Some creatures find it dreamy, some creatures can only look at the blurry scenery, and some see a combination of endless repetitive things.

Among the various sects born in the past biological civilization, some directly regarded the Tinker's Space as the afterlife world, some said it was a wonderful place, and some said it was a...hell.

In any case, when they start trying to analyze with imagination, it means that this place cannot be analyzed.

Some civilizations can only use imagination to analyze the tinker's space until they perish, while some civilizations...or have been supported by creatures for a long time, and they'see' the changes in the tinker's space.

After a period of time, the Tinker’s Space has become less ‘unstable’.

The things inside began to become more normal... more like things in the void around them.

As the things inside became normal, creatures that could perceive this space also began to slowly feel... it doesn't seem to be so unresolvable.

In fact, they still couldn't analyze the tinker's space, but the idea of ​​trying to analyze it began to diminish or disappear. They began to think that it was the same place as the emptiness of their lives.

This seems to be the effect of the ‘unresolvable’. The ‘bridge’ it builds is two-way, that is, it allows the creatures outside to perceive the tinker’s space, and the tinker in the space can perceive the outside.

The earliest tinkers did not possess any of the characteristics or behaviors of normal void creatures, and it could also be said that they could not be recognized as creatures at all.

After being ‘synchronized’ with the outside world, they slowly take on the appearance of creatures, which can also be said to become like normal void creatures.

Tinkers first imitated some biological civilizations outside, they imitated the shapes of these creatures, imitated their lives, and created an almost identical ‘mirror civilization’.

This makes the creatures imitated think that this might be a...parallel world.

However, the days of this imitation did not last very long.

The lifespan of most civilizations cannot be considered very long. Many civilizations that can perceive tinkers are dying out one after another, and tinkers are constantly switching the objects they imitate in the process.

Until the civilization that could perceive them all perished.

Soon, the tinker discovered that only a few void-drifting creatures with long lifespans were left who could perceive them.

These creatures are generally not civilized, and many of them don't even have higher intelligence, but they have much longer life than the usual biological civilization.

Their memory carries the perception of tinker's space, but they will not do anything about it, and they don't care whether they can perceive this strange space.

For tinkers, they feel the crisis.

The earliest tinkers did not have this sense of crisis, perhaps because they imitated other civilized creatures and also imitated the thinking habits of civilized creatures. When tinkers discovered that they had no civilization to imitate, they became afraid of it.

Although they can be imitated as void-drifting creatures, they want to imitate civilization more, and if they have no civilization to imitate for a long time, they will lose all the thinking that imitated...and consciousness.

So they think that they must find a civilization that can be imitated.

So the tinkers had the idea of ​​leaving their space. They planned to go directly to the outside world to discover civilizations and imitate them.

It was just that they found that there was no way to leave. After a period of time, these tinkers slowly returned to their original ‘dream’ state, losing all the ideas they had imitated before.

However, something happened outside. Some void-drifting creatures... were captured by other creatures.

By dissecting their nerve structure, the creature that captured them found that these nerves were connected to the tinker's space.

As a result, the tinker’s space was once again recognized by other creatures, and the tinker changed again.

It seems that if there is any civilization or creature that can perceive the tinker's space, the tinker will imitate the perceiver's... appearance after a period of time.

No matter what the perceiver is, they can all imitate the past, including thinking patterns and so on.

As a result, the conscious tinker once again had the idea of ​​escaping from the space and extending out.

Of course, it is meaningless most of the time. Creatures that can perceive the Tinker's Space will always be cut off due to death or various reasons, causing the Tinker to return to its original state.

It's just that the creatures that can perceive the Tinker's Space have never completely disappeared. There are always creatures that can perceive it and pass it on to another group of creatures through various methods.

Finally, by constantly replacing imitators, the tinker succeeded in imitating a group of creatures capable of helping them leave the space.

That is also the beginning of their fusion of other spaces.

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