4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 391: abnormal

In the long years, the tinker is slowly changing his space.

By imitating external creatures, they gain the desire to travel to the outside world.

So they have been trying to leave this place.

They constantly try to open the walls of their space in various ways, and at first they have no way to leave.

But they discovered that there are some ways to make the small space around them ‘mutate’ and be attracted... and finally merge with their own space.

The tinker's method of merging spaces is also a certain kind of biology imitated by them.

They first merged some of the surrounding small spaces, and as these small spaces merged more and more, the tinker's space rules were also affected to a certain extent.

The initial impact was very small, but with the accumulation of small spaces, this impact became larger and larger, and even changed their spatial rules to some extent.

This behavior of the tinker continued until there was no small space around him to blend in.

After merging a large number of small spaces, tinker's own space has also undergone some changes, and their rules have become closer to the outside world.

They also discovered at this time that they can open space channels to reach farther spaces.

They tried various ways to open space channels at first, but they couldn't open them. This seems to be due to their spatial rules.

Now that their space rules have changed, they can go to other spaces.

At first, the tinker found that they could not directly reach another space. Although they could open a passage, as long as they went to another space, they would completely...collapse. The rules of other spaces did not seem to support their existence.

As a result, tinkers began to try various methods to allow them to maintain their shape in the space.

In the end they discovered that as long as they ‘degenerate’ themselves into a certain primitive state, they can maintain their body shape in other dimensions.

This primitive state is the state where they have nothing to disguise.

In this way, the tinkers successfully went to other spaces. When they arrived in the local space, they would quickly disguise themselves as some local species according to their'instincts'. At the beginning, they just randomly disguised as some after arrival. The first creatures were discovered, and later tinkers slowly adjusted their original form, which allowed them to quickly disguise themselves as the most dominant species in the area... or the most suitable species after arriving in a new area.

In any case, they can completely exist under the rules of the space by changing back to their original state and disguising them locally.

At the earliest, after they reached other spaces in this way, they simply imitated the local creatures living in that space, and did nothing. It would be better to say that they completely regarded themselves as local creatures.

But after they live for a long time, they seem to cause a certain degree of...distortion to the space.

The changed space environment allows tinkers from the base camp to come here without being so primitive as'degraded'. Simply put, they can keep some memories.

And these new tinkers will awaken these tinkers who regard themselves as local creatures and let them know what kind of creature they are.

Finally, the group of tinkers began to do what they were supposed to do in this space, which is to integrate it.

When they merge the space, the rules of the space will also change. At this time, they do not need to degenerate to the original state to travel to and from the space. This is considered as the tinker completely controls the entire space.

They continue to'erodes' towards the surroundings for a long period of time, changing the structure of all spaces, and they themselves do not fully understand the purpose of doing so.

Maybe it's just like most of the creatures they imitate, with a very instinctive...expansion desire.

Slowly, they also made some changes to the erosion pattern, in short, it became what Lin had encountered now.

The expansion of the tinkers has a series of effects on the surrounding space. The ‘space group’ they live in is an area between the solidified void and the normal void.

There are many large and small spaces in this place. Not only are many creatures and civilizations active in these spaces, but they also seem to play a certain ‘support’ role.

When tinkers began to erode these spaces, a large number of spaces seemed to slowly lose their supporting role after fusion.

Although these spaces did not disappear after fusion, they were still there, but their'locations' seemed to have changed. In short, their actions brought the two voids closer together.

Of course, tinker is not the only reason. There are many other reasons for the proximity of the two voids, but they always have some influence.

And these actions of tinkers finally led to the collapse of their space.

Although their ‘base camp’ has undergone many changes, it is still in a very different state from other dimensions, and things in other dimensions cannot enter their base camp.

And this special state is not maintained forever. As tinkers expand further and further, their base camp is also changing, that is, the rules become closer to the surrounding space.

For a long time, although the base camp has remained abnormal, it has slowly changed.

In general, after various transformations by tinkers, both their base camp and the surrounding spaces are all moving in one direction.

They are neither spaces with completely abnormal rules, nor spaces similar to normal voids. These spaces have their own brand-new rules... They can all be called ‘new fusion spaces’.

Of course, their rules are not important anymore, mainly because this group of fusion spaces cannot be used as the support of the two voids.

Moreover, these new fusion spaces have been changing in an unknown direction, and they have slowly given birth to some unprecedented rules that the tinker himself cannot foresee.

This is mainly because in the process of continuous expansion, tinkers connect the spaces they have merged together, which makes these spaces completely mixed, resulting in a ‘mutation’ and a new rule.

Under this brand-new rule, even the tinker himself could not maintain normal.

Before Lin came here, these space groups were already changing in unforeseen directions.

Lin's arrival has exacerbated this change.

The collapse that Lin is seeing now is that these fusion spaces have become unable to hold the tinkerer to continue to maintain his figure.

And this also means another situation, that is, the ‘support’ role of these spaces has almost completely disappeared.

When their supporting effect completely disappears, that is when the void collides.

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