"That is to say... because they merge a large amount of space, these spaces lose their ‘support’ function, bringing the two voids closer together."

"There are too many possibilities after the two voids come into contact, so...should hide."

After learning about the tinkerer, Lin also discussed this topic with Sha Lin.

There is currently no way to predict what will happen after the two voids collide with each other. Although many possibilities have been figured out, in general... it should be necessary to avoid some dangerous situations that may arise.

It's like that after the fusion, some changes may occur to the ‘rules’, causing things that originally existed to no longer exist.

So Lin needs to store some important things in a special space.

At the same time, put a lot of things in the void and observe the changes that will occur after the void collides.

While preparing, Lin continued to observe the current situation.

In the tinker’s ‘base camp’, Lin learned about the general history of the tinkers, mainly because they imitated some long-lived void-drifting creatures here, and put their history in the memory of imitating creatures.

These imitated drifting creatures will not collapse as the rules of space change. As for the other tinkerers, they are all in a state of collapse now.

It seems that in the process of transforming their own forms, they can also change their...adaptability and allow themselves to exist in different rules.

But in any case, the ‘rules’ of this base camp have undergone tremendous changes, and the tinkers who originally lived here can no longer maintain their figure.

And this space is continuously... collapsing.

However, it is more like a transformation than a collapse, and the ‘rules’ inside are beginning to transform into a completely new form.

Just for now, although some tests have been done before, it is still impossible to directly understand how its rules have changed.

From direct observation, there hasn't been much change in this space, it's just that the tinker inside has collapsed.

But from the memories of the drifting creatures they imitated, Lin felt that she could find more information.

These tinkers have been constantly fusing the surrounding space, and in this process, they have also doubted their goals like some individual creatures, and wondered what the meaning of all this is.

There have been many changes in the way these tinkers invade, just like they will regain their original shape after merging in a certain space, and reset their own memories. It seems that they don’t remember the things before, but some target them Is always remembered.

That is, they need to keep spreading...expand their fusion behavior.

Once some tinkerers doubted the meaning of all this, so they began to search for their own origin.

These tinkers finally succeeded in finding some clues to the past. In fact, they are mainly looking for clues based on the place where their space is connected with other creatures.

This connection is achieved through some special "tunnels", which can also be said to be something like space tunnels, but it is not the same as the usual space tunnels. It shuttles between spaces and directly connects them. This kind of creature’s...thinking structure, so that they can feel where the tinker’s base camp is.

At the same time, this tunnel can also be'infected.' It can be transmitted to different creatures in various ways, and of course it can also be passed on to the offspring of creatures.

This is a very wonderful...thing.

Of course, it still has non-infectious creatures, but the scope of infection has been very wide. This also allows the tinker’s space to have been recognized by various creatures, and the tinker has always had something to imitate, so that they will not fully recover. Original state.

Through this clue, some tinkers who doubted their own existence and the meaning of their behavior found their...makers.

That is, the ‘unresolvable’.

The unresolved person was in a space very far away from the tinkers' base camp, and these tinkers found it through a long journey.

This seems to be because the unresolved person moves by creating this kind of ‘tunnel’ when he is acting, so there will be this kind of tunnel as its ‘footprint’ on its path of travel.

When the tinkers found the location of the unresolved, they didn't know at first, but they found that the clue was broken here, and they believed that the unresolved should be in this place.

The aborigines in the space where the unresolved were completely affected by the unresolved, they were all caught in a special state. The biological civilization here is completely in their own...imagination, and they construct the world through imagination. The truth is actually similar to some primitive **** worship. They believe that the various phenomena they observe are controlled by gods, or they imagine a reason for this phenomenon, such as thinking that the surface on which they live is Created by God, thinking that his shadow is his own past sins and so on.

All in all, the biological civilization here is in a state of pure imagination, and when the tinkers came here, they also disguised themselves as local creatures. Since their disguised behavior is not exactly the same as the local creatures, they began to change what they originally imagined. State, to study how things are formed here.

In fact, tinkers are just looking for the unresolved. They first thought that the unresolved were creatures that were as good at camouflage as themselves, so they might pretend to be anything in the local area.

The tinkerer's thinking is similar to the local creatures that have fallen into the imagination, thinking that their conditions are the result of a certain god...some powerful creature's deduction later.

The tinkerers disguised themselves as local species showed various differences that caught the attention of the unresolved.

The tinker also slowly discovered that the most common shadow on the ground was actually part of the unresolvable.

After understanding each other a little bit, those who couldn't resolve it began to communicate directly with the tinker.

The tinker knows the origin of their birth from the unresolved, and the unresolvable also knows from the tinker that they have been merging in space.

Those who are unresolvable mean that this behavior of tinkers is just because they imitated other creatures and therefore imitated the expansion desire of other creatures. There is nothing special about it.

It is impossible to analyze that the tinkerer's continuous integration of space in this way may lead to some irreversible situation. If that time is really reached, the tinner will not be able to continue to live, but it was not entirely certain at the time that the tinker's fusion would cause that kind of situation. result.

Therefore, the unresolved teaches the tinker some ways to ‘call’ it to the tinker’s base camp. If it achieves some very bad result, it can help the tinker to get out of the crisis.

Nowadays, tinkers have not used this method to call the unresolvable, and I don't know why.

But Lin can use this method to call those who can't resolve it.

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