4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 393: Parsing?

"Many lives try to understand it..."

"But no life can really understand it."

The unresolved ones are said to be huge creatures that wandered in this area a long time ago.

Some creatures think it is a ‘a creature’, and some think it is a ‘a creature’, but in any case, no creature has really understood what it is.

Those who cannot be resolved themselves seem to like this state and the state that cannot be resolved.

It left this area of ​​space at some time before, but it seems there is still a possibility of coming back.

Above a desert, hundreds of creatures less than one meter tall are moving slowly.

The bodies of these creatures are like rocks, and only three limbs support them...with a slow pace, they all gather in front of a building.

The building is more than a hundred meters high, and it looks...is made of shadows.

It is a square black object, it cannot be touched... but it can be'see'.

This group of creatures walked to the black object and performed various actions, and these actions all have the meaning of ‘doubt’ in their population.

That is to say, a group of creatures expressed their doubts about this black object. The meaning of doing so... is to summon the ‘unresolvable’.

Lin learned about the way to summon the unresolvable. To call this creature, one needs to build an incomprehensible thing, and then by expressing doubts about this thing, the unresolvable can come.

This is actually quite simple, because a creature does not need to understand a thing in order to make a thing.

Just like you don’t need to understand what fire is to make a fire, Lin also has a lot of things that I don’t fully understand, but this black square is not something Lin can’t understand, it’s just that these three-limbed creatures can’t understand. .

These creatures were constructed by Lin, mainly imitating a group of intelligent creatures in the tinker's record, and then Lin recreated a...block they couldn't understand.

Then let this group of creatures express doubts about this block on the surface of March, to see if they can summon the unresolvable, if not, then think of other ways.

Now that the summoning has started for ten thousand seconds, Lin feels... something should happen.

Judging from the information learned from the tinker's record, the unresolved person just told the tinker how to summon it, and then left. At the time, it didn't give much detailed information.

Suddenly, Lin noticed a change.

A piece of black centered on the square began to spread rapidly toward the surrounding area, and soon it covered the ground for several kilometers around it, and it was still rapidly expanding.

Lin thinks...this should be a manifestation of its arrival.

At this time, the three-limbed creatures on the surface showed great fear about this, and they quickly gathered together.

These creatures are not Lin's arms, but Lin's assembly of intelligent creatures in the past.

Suddenly, Lin found that the originally diffused black color quickly retracted and turned into a round shape before the group of three-limbed creatures. Then the original shape slowly bulged out of the ground and turned into exactly the same three-limbs. biological.

The difference is that it is completely black.

After seeing it, the surrounding three-limbed creatures seemed to have lost their previous fears. Instead, they surrounded it with curiosity and raised various questions about this black ‘kind’.

In fact, the civilization of these three-limbed creatures has died. At least the memories of these individuals created by Lin are after the civilization has died. Of course, the extinction does not mean that all of their individuals have died. These individuals who are still alive have always believed There is something that can save them.

No matter if they looked at the black square just now or are curious about the black now, they are actually thinking about whether these can save themselves.

"You are dead."

The gathered black objects are now speaking in the language of three-limbed creatures.

Their language is mainly capable of changing the shape of the body surface, revealing something similar to words: "You are restructured, and you will soon be greeted with extinction. You can't stop this."

Its words made the surrounding three-limbed creatures more puzzled, and they tried to ask more things.

The black objects are... answer all their questions well.

It's just that these questions don't make much sense, because the three-limbed creature asks whether it's here to save itself, and the black object answers that they are all helpless.

At this time, a special question appeared: "Are you unable to resolve?"

This question came from Lin. It was also asked in the language of a three-limbed creature, but it was only displayed from the ground.

"Yes." The black object answered the question straightforwardly: "You don't belong to them, do they perish too? This place is about to perish."

In this way... it seems that the call of success has come to the unresolved, although it may be something else.

So Lynn decided to continue asking other things, such as: "Can you save... the tinker?"

Of course, the unresolved do not call tinker tinker, Lin translated this into its name.

"Impossible." The unresolved said: "They can't be saved. They have been analyzed too thoroughly, and they can't go to...that place."

"that place?"

"They could go to a place, but now there is no way to go." The unresolved person said: "And this place has completely collapsed."

After speaking, the figure of the unresolved disappeared.

But in fact it...not completely disappeared, because at the moment it disappeared, Lin found that it had left a lot of "text" on the ground where it had originally been.

These seem to be mainly... supplementary explanations.

In general, it did promise to save the tinker before. It originally wanted to take the tinker somewhere, but now the tinker has been...analyzed too thoroughly. It can also be said that some creatures know too much. They, so there is no way to take them there.

The space in this area is also rapidly'collapsing', and it can be said that it has lost its role as a support point of virtual space, so it cannot stay here for too long and must leave.

So it seems... it doesn't seem to explain much.

Although Lin has found out how it got here, because it was mentioned in the record that the unresolved people moved through a special small space tunnel, Lin also discovered the location of that small space tunnel, and then can Follow it and have a look.

And now, Lin felt that she had to face one of the most important things.

That's the collision of the void...it really started.

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