4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 394: At the beginning of the collision

The starry sky... is getting darker and darker.

Lin's "eyes" are distributed in many places in the void, and she is observing the changes in the void.

The collision of the void has begun, Lin has moved many things to a safe location, and now only needs to watch this happen.

There are more huge cracks than ever before. Some of them are hundreds of millions of kilometers long, and some cracks directly penetrate stars or tumbling people, but most of them are lonely floating in the void.

Some cracks continuously released a large amount of matter outward, some were solidified void matter, and some were things Lin hadn't seen.

Lin is now paying attention to a tumbling person who is directly ‘pierced’ by the crack.

The rift in the void pierced directly into the surface of the 3,000-kilometer-diameter Tumbler, and penetrated on the other end.

However, this Tumbler was not directly destroyed, it was still ‘steadily’ in that position.

A huge crater with a diameter of several kilometers was formed at the position penetrated by the crack, and a large amount of material was slowly converging towards the huge pit, and finally merged into the crack in the center.

It looked like the crack was slowly sucking in the tumbling person.

In other places, there are different phenomena. At the position of this tumbling person, a star in the distance...exploded.

That's also because of the changes in the impact of exposure to cracks.

However, in fact, this kind of change is only a minority. Most of the tumbling people did not touch the cracks. They were only slowly covered by the increasing darkness and fell into silence.

But this has little impact on the creatures above... the environment, or at present it has little impact.

There are many biological areas that Lin pays attention to. Those creatures still lead a normal life. They are just curious about the changes in the surrounding void... but there hasn't been much change in life, at least not yet.

Of course, those creatures that directly touch the crack or are too close to the crack will always be more affected.

But for now, it seems that this void has changed...less than Lin thought.

However, the changes seem to be slowly increasing.

Solidification has appeared in some areas, and solidified organisms have also appeared in many places.

And in some special places, something unprecedented appeared, and Lin felt that it might be born under some new rules.

This change...I don't know what will happen if it continues.

When all this changed, Lin was also trying to find the ‘unresolvable’. Lin felt that it could parse many things, but it didn’t make it clear.

The movement of the unresolvable moves through a spatial channel established by it.

Its spatial passage runs through many spaces like a tube, and extends to far away places, and it is very secretive, and it is impossible to detect it in general ways of detecting space.

Even so, Lin could still detect its location, mainly because the moment the unresolved person appeared in the tinker's base, Lin's'March' could perceive some spatial changes.

Later, after the unresolved left, Lin let some troops enter this passage.

This passage is very interesting. Its diameter is only more than one meter, so Lin only lets units such as pompoms enter this place.

The ‘walls’ around the passage look white, but occasionally some small black spots can be seen. These black spots are actually smaller passages.

They are about the same size as Lin's usual cells, and they extend far away.

In fact, these tiny channels can't be used by people to connect to living things.

It connects the tinker's space with the thinking of various other creatures through the use of this very special space channel, so that these creatures and the tinker can always feel each other and know the existence of each other.

At the same time, this channel can also be ‘divided’ and ‘infected’, so it can continuously allow various creatures to perceive the tinker, and the tinker can continue to have creatures to camouflage.

Lin is still very curious about its space technology, and the unresolved is obviously a creature very good at constructing space.

Lin's bunch of pompoms marched along the long and narrow space channel. Although it ‘pierced’ a lot of space, the distance that it can directly move is not very long.

Lin quickly arrived at the exit, which looked like a hole shining with colorful light. After passing through it, all she could see was...a wasteland.

This wasteland is very similar to Lin Sanyue's surface. In fact, it is the surface environment of the location where the unresolved person appeared before, but it is not exactly the same.

The unresolved is right here. It is like a spherical black shadow, more than a hundred meters in size, just floating in the air.

"You came here."

The unresolved person is still using the language of the three-limbed creature to say to Lin: "But here, it's just a corner... You can't reach my real position, and I won't let you reach the real position."

"The real location?" Lin asked a pompom to question it.

"You may understand everything, this may be very big." At this time, Lin found that the ball was rapidly getting smaller, and finally turned into a sphere about the size of a pompom: "So, you can't understand everything...but you can understand Something else."

Now that it said so, Lin asked it about the tinker.

The unresolved told Lin that it had noticed various developments in the tinker very early, but had no plans to save them.

The main reason is that the tinkers are known too much. The tinker’s space itself is slowly being understood by many creatures. The tinkers themselves may not have fully noticed. When they are disguised as other creatures, there are also many other creatures. Try to understand their space.

All in all, when the tinkerers' understanding rises at the end, they can no longer go to the place where the unresolved people live. The original unresolved people want to get them there.

At the same time, it also ‘knows’ Lin. In fact, after Lin started to understand the tinkerer, those who could not analyze it also noticed Lin. It thought that Lin might be able to analyze it completely, so it did not want Lin to analyze it completely.

It seems that it not only likes not to be analyzed, but also relies on this state of being recognized by creatures but cannot be completely resolved... of course it is still unclear how it survives.

As for the collision of the void, those who cannot analyze it will probably last for a period of time. This period of time is almost ten Ersh years. After this period of time, the void will enter a state of complete integration.

After that, there may be brand new rules... brand new creatures.

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