"Can you feel it?"

"Nothing here will change, but it will change again."

"I can't feel their movement, and the starry sky...has disappeared."

Here is a vast land, mainly composed of gravel and huge stones.

The sky is gloomy and the starry sky is not visible, but occasionally some weaker rays of light are emitted on the ground, which are created by the light spots floating from the cracks in the rocks.

A small creature was rolling on this vast ground.

While it was rolling, it looked at the surrounding environment. It looked deserted, but it was temporary... When it rolled to the 300th lap, the surrounding sand began to surge, and some plants-like things emerged from the sand. Drill out, grow.

And when it rolled six hundred laps, these ‘plants’ had spread all over the surrounding ground. They were all several meters high and looked like huge flowers with purple leaves.

When it rolled to the 900th lap, these flowers had already taken off the plants and flew towards the sky. When they flew high in the sky, the flowers exploded and turned into countless light spots, which instantly sprinkled the originally gloomy sky. The brilliance of the stars.

Then the plants on the ground quickly withered, and the dust in the sky quickly dissipated, leaving only a few sporadic rays of light falling on the ground and drifting into the cracks of the stones.

It was still rolling, and the surrounding scenery didn't seem to have changed, it was still the barren land.

This is because this change has been repeated many times, although it is not visible on the surface...but in fact, every time these ‘plants’ grow, the whole world will be a little smaller.

It can be said that they are decomposing the world, although the speed is very slow, but sooner or later, the whole world may be crushed.

Where do these plants... come from?

When it rolled to the third thousand laps, it saw a special plant.

It did not turn into dust like the surrounding plants, and its flowers were still firmly in their original positions. It seemed that some kind of error made this plant move out of sync with other plants.

As a result, it rolled under the plant, and passed directly through the moment it touched the plant, as if the plant had no entity.

This plant does not have an entity, it can also be said... it is something like a dream creature.

After passing through the plants, it can find that the surrounding sky has changed from the original hazy and dark state to complete darkness, seeming to lose all its light in an instant.

But in this completely dark sky, three tumbling people appeared.

Two of these tumblers looked the same as here, the ground was mainly gray and black, and it seemed to be the same barren world.

And the surface of another Tumbler looks much richer, with a variety of colorful environments, it seems that there are quite a lot of creatures on its surface... or something similar.

This rich world is surrounded by these three barren tumbling people. They are very close to each other, only more than 30,000 kilometers, but now they seem to be in peace with each other.

It looks like this in the void.

But maybe their surface is very strange, and they may be growing all kinds of strange plants repeatedly like here.

There may be even more strange situations.

Because, now... almost ten Ersh years have passed.

After the ‘collision’, the void entered a rather strange state, for example, the starry sky is no longer visible.

Many things have disappeared in this void, and many new things have appeared, which has also caused many things that were originally normal to become abnormal.

For example, the current phenomenon is also one of the anomalies. Some tumbling people seem to have formed a strange relationship, they are quite close, and various strange things are happening on the surface.

Obviously it was caused by the huge changes in the void.

"I have found out where it is, and I am now moving forward."

With that, the rolling creature continued to roll, but this time it did not roll on the surface, but moved toward the void.

Along with its movements, it also left the ground and floated, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon, it rolled into the void like a flying machine, and flew close to the target's surface.

As it approached the surface... what it saw was a colorful earth, mainly composed of various plants, but these plants were not the usual green plants before, but various things with rich colors.

And there are no animals here, at least no one can be seen from the sky.

Soon, it landed on the ground, and when it landed, it passed through a part of tall plants. These plants were the same as the previous ones. They were intangible.

But when it fell to the ground, it overwhelmed some plants, which meant that some plants still had physical bodies.

It continues to roll forward in the jungle, it can touch many low plants, but can pass through some larger plants, this situation continues until it rolls to a certain position.

All the plants at this location were intangible. After it passed through this intangible jungle, it came to a clearing in the forest.

"Found the goal."

In this clearing, sitting a...creature.

Its shape is similar to ordinary Ersh people...but it is a little bit different, because it is called "Nuo", which is regarded as an "incarnation" of Ersh.

"You found this place." Nuo seemed to be a little surprised by the comer. It sat on a rock and said, "Then...it should be almost time."

At the moment it finished speaking, all the surrounding plants disappeared. Of course, only the non-physical parts disappeared, and the physical ones were still in their original positions, but it seemed that the entire surface became bald a lot.

"What the **** are you doing?" the tumbling creature asked Nuo: "Why are you hiding in such a place?"

"I didn't hide, I just couldn't get in touch." Nuo said: "Void has changed a lot...but I'm thinking, maybe this is what Void is like."

"The void may not have been so...many, they are all the same. I was thinking to see if there is that possibility, so I was testing it." Nou said, "Maybe when I was born...it was the earliest The emptiness."

"I don't care if you are the first." The tumbling creature said: "They have already come, let those... things in the dark void, so you have to leave here, I will repeat it two thousand eight hundred times, you have to To leave here, you must..."

"It looks like it's already here."

Before it finished speaking, the surrounding void suddenly became...brighter.

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