A ball of fluff is slowly floating in the silent void.

The pompom is more than 30 kilometers in size, and its surface is covered with white grass-like... fluff.

These fluffs have many functions. For example, it feels comfortable to the touch and can also be used to observe the void.

Ten Ersh years have passed since the collision of the void.

Those who could not analyze before told Lin that the duration of the change may be ten Ersh years, but Lin felt that it seemed more than that short.

From what Lin observes now, it is possible that the void will continue to change in the next tens of millions of Ersh years, and it is difficult to say when it will stabilize.

However, drastic changes will indeed become less and less.

As far as Lin is concerned, the collision of the void is not a disaster, at least not a complete disaster. For many creatures, their daily lives can still go on peacefully. This change in the void does not have much impact on many biological civilizations.

Of course, this does not include the creatures of the ‘Silent River’.

The name actually came from the Maya, of course it is not a real river, but a...a river formed by the accumulation of space ruins.

Its width is generally a year's distance in light, and its length is currently under investigation by Lin.

There are many spatial creatures in the solidified void, and there are also many small spaces. The number of them far exceeds the normal void space. After the space collision, a large amount of space is accumulated here for some reason, thus forming this huge ' river'.

To be precise, this river is made up of space debris.

Because the original spaces are no longer there, it’s just that the contents of these spaces can be seen everywhere here. Because Lin has studied the various spaces of the solidified void, she can be sure...These are all the individual small pieces from the solidified void. The matter inside the space.

Some matter will dissipate directly without their spatial rules, while some will remain.

Coupled with Lin's inspections here, Lin thinks that these spaces were ‘crushed’ when the void collided, creating such an environment.

There are still some spaces that have not been completely "broken", they have become smaller spaces and play a wonderful role here.

And Lin's main purpose of investigating here is still because of Ersh's relationship.

When the void collided, Ersh did not hide anywhere, but directly faced the mutation of the void. Its location at the time was exactly where the'Silent River' appeared.

Then... Ersh disappeared, and Lin disconnected from it for a while.

In fact, Lin had also disconnected from some other things, such as...The Mead Void, and some other areas, had undergone tremendous changes not long after the collision.

But soon after that, Ersh was found again.

To be precise, it was not Ersh itself that was found, but its incarnation, which is ‘Nuo’.

Ersh is carrying out some special experiments here, and it has some very interesting ideas, that is, it thinks that the void...may be originally together, rather than the scattered state as before, that is, it may be void a long time ago. It is a state of integration.

And it suddenly discovered that its own memory seemed to have a related part of the ‘Mixed Void’ from a long time ago.

The other voids are still unclear, but Ersh believes that...in an unforeseen place, the solidified void and the normal void may have been the same void.

So, it began to do various experiments to test whether this is true.

A related experiment that Ersh did was ‘the dream of growth’.

There are no stars in the Silent River, but a lot of tumbling people can be seen. Most of these tumbling people are deserted on the surface, and there are no living things in the world. In fact, they are also common types in the void.

But they are not always like this, some are worlds that are originally rich in life.

The Silent River seemed to suddenly appear in the void, and all the tumbling people affected by it were slowly...deserted.

Some are simply because of the simple cold, but others are due to other reasons. Another common cause of death is spatial variation.

To put it simply, there are many wonderful small spaces in the whole world. These creatures will suddenly fall into this space when they move. Sometimes just the things they use fall in, and sometimes the creatures themselves fall into it. .

Then he was trapped inside until he died.

At the same time, their vehicles may also crash into small spaces that suddenly appear.

As long as there is no space technology, there is no way to deal with this threat.

In addition, there is another special cause of death, which is the ‘realization of imagination’.

Many creatures dream. In short, they enter a resting state of thinking structure. After they enter this state, what they think may become reality around them.

These ‘reality’ are generally various creatures and things they think of, or the assembly of various imaginations.

And these things that appear are not immobile. They will perform various behaviors, some can act like normal creatures, and some will perform various weird behaviors. As more and more came, the biological civilization also fell into complete chaos.

For various reasons, the creatures gathered on the Tumbler just perished.

However, they did not completely perish.

In addition to the ruins left by these perished civilizations, their ‘spirit’ has also been left behind.

In fact, it is stored in the form of dream energy in the tumbling person who has turned into a desert.

This is also the more wonderful part, because now it is mainly the collision between the normal void and the solidified void, but the dream energy has also undergone a lot of variation.

Ersh is collecting these tumbling people, and through some methods to stimulate their stored energy in some way.

Now, Lin's pompon has floated to the target's position.

Four tumbling people can be seen in the distance, three of them seem very deserted on the surface, and the one they surround...the ground seems to be burning.

There were many cracks in the earth, and the surface was glowing like flames, and it could be seen clearly even in the distant void.

This is caused by being attacked by something.

After the void collision, some strange creatures appeared, and some were very aggressive. There was such a group of creatures active here in the Silent River, and they were called ‘coverers’.

It seems that I gave this name because I like to block the light.

And they seem to be very interested in the energy collected by Ersh.

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