This world... has fallen into flames.

The light from the sky kept hitting the surface, and the ground began to collapse rapidly because of countless attacks.

"What do they want to do? Where did they... come from?"

Nuozheng was standing on a rock, its surroundings had become a cracked abyss, and its location was not attacked, so it could look at the sky...those things that looked like dark clouds.

This ‘dark cloud’ covered the entire sky of the tumbling person, but it was not raindrops that fell from them, but countless **** of light.

When these light **** hit the ground, a violent tremor will tear the earth apart, and now the world has been tossed into a ball-like shape by them.

"Don't do something to them?"

At this time, a pompon floated to Nuo's side and said, looking at the dark clouds in the sky.

"Where did they come from?" Nuo said, "Every time I do a test, some strange creatures are always attracted."

The dark clouds that attacked this tumbling man are called the ‘shadows’, and they are a kind of creatures... that have never appeared before, whether they are in the solidified void or the normal void.

Although there are some similar creatures to say, but in general this kind of ‘masker’ is a brand-new species, and it seems to have appeared out of thin air in this void.

Of course, it may also be a species that has not been discovered before.

They like to surround places like tumbling people, shade the surrounding sky, and then rain rain of destruction on it.

The reason they did this seems to be related to Ersh's experiment.

Speaking of this, a large number of light **** fell from the sky again, but this time the earth was no longer passively attacked. Some rocks flew from the broken ground and collided with these light **** to cause a violent explosion. .

While fighting against these **** of light, the tumbling person also began to move, and the whole tumbling person moved slightly for one kilometer.

This brought these "dark clouds" in the sky much closer to the surface, and the rift valley that was exploded by them on the surface exploded with great attraction, sucking down the dark clouds in the sky and sucking them into the ground all over the surface. In the rift.

Lin also found this phenomenon... very interesting.

In fact, Lin didn't understand the structure of the Tumbler, but knew that it was used by Ersh for experimentation. It seemed that there was a special structure inside.

When the dark clouds in the sky were attracted, the surface began to repair. The cracks that had been blown up before slowly merged, and the surface of the scorched earth began to slowly return to its original appearance. Plants rose from the ground. The above quickly grew out, and soon the whole world was once again stained with the same colors as before.

Except for the occasional earthquake-like shaking on the ground, the tumbling man looked like he had recovered.

However, the sky is not yet ‘clearing up’.

Because you can see a lot of things floating over again from the void in the distance.

What was sucked in just now was only a small part of the maskers, and their army could be seen in many places in this quiet river.

If one group is eliminated, more will be attracted, but they don’t look like dark clouds this time, but like small stars, shining dazzlingly, and throwing them here...similar to before. Ball of light.

Seeing the army of obscurers coming from the sky again, Nuo said, "Then this time...I will stop here."

At the moment it was finished, the dark void and the huge army instantly turned into countless fragments and disappeared. After a short while, the countless fragments were combined again and turned into a normal starry sky.

The same is true for the surface of the earth. After being fragmented and reorganized, it becomes a pure white ground without any debris.

"They will appear every time, but if anything is unusual, it's not that big."

The pompom of Novolin of Ersh was still in place, standing on this reorganized white ground.

This white place is actually a...computing device designed and constructed by Lin, Ersh and Sha Lin.

The previous scene after ten years of void fusion was also calculated through this device.

The device itself is more than a hundred kilometers in size and looks like a white square from the outside. It can design a future void scene.

Because Lin... and many creatures that Lin knew, the main reason was that Ersh didn't want to directly face the void after the drastic change of fusion, so she planned to design a special device to calculate the fusion of the void.

This computing device integrates a considerable amount of data, and can infer what will happen after the void merges.

In fact, Ersh himself has calculated it, but it thinks that if such a device can be made to calculate more accurately what will happen later, this device can be said to be a mixture of the computing powers of several creatures, Lin and Ersh. Constructed.

This computing device is placed in a separate space, and each time it is calculated, a virtual void is constructed in this space.

It has been calculated many times what will happen to the void after fusion.

What's more interesting is that the results of each calculation will be different. Although the data used for the calculation is basically the same, different results will occur.

Areas like the "Silent River" appear every time you calculate.

After the voids are merged, a large amount of space will be integrated to ‘squeeze’ them into a river of silence. As for the changes in other areas, they are roughly the same every time. The most significant change is the Mead Void.

That place can get different results after many calculations, for example, it disappeared last time.

Of course, every time a fused void is simulated, Lin and Ersh will not observe it as observers, but join as participants.

That is to say, Ersh always simulates what he will do after the fusion of the void. It seems to start testing in this fused void every time, and believes that the void after the fusion is the original appearance of the void.

Even if Ersh hadn't had this idea before, it did do so in the simulation.

Lin is still exploring everything that has been mutated in this void, and at the same time Lin also lets creatures such as headworms participate in this simulation.

What makes Ersh most strange is the creature of the ‘shadow’.

The various changes in the void, including each of Mead's differences, can actually find the reason for this happening in the simulation device.

The shader seems to have emerged out of thin air.

There is no data to support their appearance, but they appear in the simulation every time, and will interfere with the experiment of attacking Ersh.

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