4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 398: Multiple results

The change of the void... is still going on.

To be precise, the changes are being tested.

At present, hundreds of tests of void collision have been done.

Because now the collision has actually started.

Lin observes everywhere in the void...including the normal void and the solidified void. The various data detected are continuously input into the device to continuously perform new tests. Of course, sometimes the previous data is also used for testing. May get different results.

Every time you test, you can find all kinds of new changes, but in general... Lin can find many fixed patterns.

That is to say, this void will not cause any devastating disasters due to collisions, at least for most creatures, they can continue to continue their lives in the void.

However, although some creatures can live, their lives will also undergo great changes.

This is... more interesting, because generally speaking, such drastic changes in the void will definitely cause a mass extinction event, but based on the results of calculations, it seems that many creatures can adapt to the changed void.

For example, Lin’s most familiar cell creatures have a very small range of adaptations, and most of them can survive a collision in the void.

The main reason for this is that the void inside after the collision... all kinds of things are not directly collided together, but more like fusion at the level of ‘rules’.

It can also be said that the solidified void and the normal void are still in their original positions, but the "wall" between the two voids has disappeared.

However, some things will also change their position, like many small spaces and so on, so it will produce areas like the ‘Silent River’.

In this suddenly generated area, creatures will undergo a massive extinction phenomenon, but this type of area... is not a lot, and it can be said that it is very small for the entire void.

Then there are some new things arising from the fusion of the void.

At present, there are some more interesting events that have a high probability of happening, including the birth of the "Silent River" and the solidified invasion.

In many tests, the most common "solidification" in the solidified void has disappeared after the void collision, but has not completely disappeared. They will form a kind of "slow speed zone".

It can also be understood as an area where time changes slowly.

At the edge of this ‘slow-speed area’, you can clearly see the things inside...the action will be much slower.

In some tests, the solidification energy will become a brand new... ‘Tumbler’.

In fact, it is also a kind of area, but it is usually spherical. They are more than 100,000 kilometers in size, and some special substances are generated in these "solidified balls", and these substances plus this kind of solidified balls, it is even It is a tumbling person who can give birth to new creatures.

In other tests, the solidification is still solidification, and they have not changed in any way, but are scattered in the void.

In a few tests, the solidification disappeared completely, and the two voids became voids without any solidification.

Because the size of the test device is limited, it is mainly to test the changes in the normal void. In general, the biggest impact on the void is the various new things that are slowly born after the collision, because they are born very slowly, so The original void creature has time to adapt to all this.

In most tests, this is the result.

Although I heard from the unresolved that the void will ‘completely collide’ in only ten Ersh years, various tests have shown that such a short period of time cannot have much impact.

Of course, in most tests, there will be various accidents, such as the appearance of ‘maskers’.

This group of creatures appeared without any...reason, they seemed to appear in the test device out of thin air. After each test, Lin would test the test device to detect everything in the test and the reason for the birth of each situation. , And see what they are calculated based on.

This test device can calculate very small things. It can detect small changes in the coagulation energy and calculate many different results, but anomalous creatures like the shader... but it is very strange that they cannot find out what data they pass through. Calculated.

But as long as the simulated scene is started, they will always be in the scene.

This is quite interesting, because this test device...it itself is also considered a ‘brain’, it may temporarily think of some possibilities, thus creating a new kind of creature in the scene.

To say that the obscurers themselves are not very special. Their level of civilization is similar to that of the division-type species that can wander around in the void, but they are wonderfully interested in and...hostile to Ersh.

Of course, they are not completely aimed at Ersh, they will also attack other things, their special degree is because they emerged out of thin air, without data support.

In addition to these creatures, there was another test scene that made Lin more concerned.

That is the ‘first test repeated’.

Because the data input into the test device is constantly updated, but not every test uses the latest data, sometimes the old data and the new data are integrated to see what happens.

And once Lin repeated the earliest test, only to find that she got completely different results.

The earliest test was a...very ordinary result, that is, the result of a very slow change in the void.

Lin then tested it with exactly the same data as the first time, and found a very special result.

That is the void completely...disappeared.

That is to say, the entire void is pitch black and there is nothing.

It wasn't the darkness that was solidified, but the contents...none.

This is also like those strange creatures such as the shader, it seems to have emerged out of thin air by accident. After several tests later, Lin never found this situation again.

And this test device actually didn't add thinking ability to it... It's just that Lin thought it might give birth to this kind of thinking ability, and occasionally made some special... scenes by herself.

Lin now wants to see if there is any way to inspire it to trigger this weird scene multiple times and figure out the real reason.

In this case, a more special test is required, because the structure of this device is a bit special.

But in fact, the current test has been done almost, and soon there will be some relatively large incidents, and you can see whether it is exactly the same as in the test.

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