4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 399: Phenomenon

Now...it's already started, the collision of the void.

Lin saved the more important things as planned before, and then began to observe the changes in the void.

Similar to many simulation tests, when the void collision begins, there will be many cracks in the void.

The number of these cracks is large, but the direct impact is very small, unless they directly hit some tumbling people.

In addition to these cracks, the next changes... are almost the same as calculated.

Although Lin found that this change would not be exactly the same as in a certain calculation, many calculations still accounted for all the current happenings.

Not long after the cracks appeared, Lin detected spatial changes in many areas.

There are very few individual small spaces in the normal void, but after the collision, the number of small spaces in many places continues to increase, and they are all moving rapidly.

This is similar to the calculation for the formation of the Silent River. At the earliest, there will be a lot of small spaces starting to move in a certain direction.

Most of these small spaces come from the solidified void, and they will gather in one area.

Because of their large numbers, they can form a fairly large ‘river’.

At the beginning, there were only these two obvious phenomena, that is, they can be found in many places in the void.

Some of the remaining phenomena are not so obvious...obvious, and may have to be discovered in a special place.

So Lin is now looking for the origin of some special phenomena.

In fact, these are also known through calculations. Many phenomena will have a considerable impact after the duration, but at first they are some small phenomena.

Now Lin has to go to many places to see if these phenomena in calculations will also appear in reality.

Now, Lin has seen a phenomenon.

Some of Lin's units are located in a place called the collapse point by Lin. Here you can see some...drifting tumbling people, these tumbling people are very small, only tens of kilometers.

There is a big vortex in the center of these tumbling people, and a large amount of material on the surface of the tumbling people is constantly pouring into this vortex.

Generally speaking, some tumbling people who are penetrated by the crack will have this effect, that is, the surrounding material surging into the crack, but there is no crack here.

Moreover, these vortices caused a whole tumbling person to ‘collapse’ faster than the cracks, and now one tumbling person was completely trapped in the vortex.

After a short while, Lin found a large amount of material gushing out of the vortex again, obviously it was the material of the Tumbler that had been shattered just now.

They kept surging in the vortex, and finally until the vortex dissipated, the fragments stopped moving.

... is the kind of cessation that is frozen.

Lin observed the whole process, that is, after the whirlpool smashed a tumbling person, then spit out the smashed material again.

In the end, it formed a small solidification area, solidifying the substance...in the original place.

This solidified area is spherical, actually about the size of the original Tumbler.

This is actually the prototype of the "freezing ball" that appeared in Lin's previous simulations.

Of course, this kind of ball does not necessarily contain the fragments of the tumbling person, but these few appear just on these small tumbling persons.

However, Lin didn't feel like it was a complete coincidence, because in the range of the void that Lin observed, the freezing ball first appeared on these small tumbling people.

And they all crushed these small tumbling people in the form of a vortex at first, and then slowly formed a solidified ball.

If it is the same as the calculation simulation, there will be more and more solidified **** behind, and they may not appear in the form of a vortex at the beginning, and may directly form a ball.

And in these balls, new creatures will be born.

While observing here, Lin also observed a special phenomenon in another place.

That is the ‘slow zone’.

In the calculation simulation, the slow-speed area is almost distanced from the area where the solidified ball was born...after a thousand years of distance, its appearance position is almost the same as in the calculation.

This slow-speed area actually first appeared in a civilization.

This civilization is called "Yongshuo Civilization", which is their own name.

From the outside, they are indeed quite shining. From the void, it seems that this civilization is in a huge...transparent shield.

The diameter of this shield is about a thousand kilometers, and there are many small shields around it. Through the shield, you can see a large number of shining buildings inside.

Because this civilization likes light sources, their civilization is always bright, and there is no such...environmental setting like night.

However, like many individual creatures, their main pursuit is ‘immortality’.

So they have been constantly researching on this path, that is, during this void collision period, this civilization has discovered a kind of energy that can slow down time.

This was first born in one of their laboratories.

It's just that this kind of energy has nothing to do with their experiments, it just happened by accident, and it slowed down...time in the entire laboratory.

Lin now has some miniature units in their laboratory, to be precise at the entrance of this laboratory.

This civilized creature does not have a fixed shape. It looks like some ten-centimeter-sized squares and spheres are attached together. They can change into various forms at will, and the overall size is generally about three meters.

These "Yongshuo creatures" are now gathered in this hemispherical laboratory, and everything inside can be seen from the open door...moving at a very slow speed.

Appeared here... Then this phenomenon may appear in many places in the future.

This is more amazing.

In fact, in all calculations, although there have been two cases of freezing sphere and slow speed zone, these two have not appeared together.

In reality, they appear together.

Even so, Lin felt that there might be some other phenomena...and they would appear together.

Just as Lin was thinking about it, the laboratory in front of her exploded.

At the time when the creatures of Yongshuo were panicked, the ‘slow speed’ inside also began to spread out.

This is the same as in the calculations. Although the details will be different, if they are roughly the same next, this civilization should be...heavily damaged.

And then Lin again saw some phenomena elsewhere in the void.

These phenomena made Lin believe that almost everything in each calculation...may happen in reality.

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