4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 1: All results

"These are the last, and the results of every calculation have been integrated into...this void."

"Yes, the next step is the result outside the calculation."

"The result of being unable to confirm the source, not knowing how the result came out, but like a prophecy... it happened."


The void, it looks like it's plunged into... total darkness.

The stars have lost their light, and a tumbling person is floating in the void alone.

This is the case with the tumbling man Lin and Nuo are with.

This world is a world full of vitality. There are creatures running on the surface that look like the lower half of the Ersh people. In addition, there are low, plant-like creatures all over the ground. They are similar to ordinary creatures. Ershimin also relies on warmth and light.

However, although the world has lost its light, it has not lost its warmth.

A wonderful ‘energy’ surrounds this world, which makes most of the things here...maintain their original state.

Mainly in terms of temperature.

Although the star is gone, the temperature here is still as warm as usual.

Of course, due to the loss of light, the world is still greatly traumatized, but the creatures here can still support it for a long time, because they do not rely on light so much. Although many things on the surface look like plants, they can still Continue to grow in a dark environment.

"This is really weird."

Novolin’s pompoms stood on a hill, watching a group of creatures running around below, they didn’t seem to feel any abnormality in the current environment, so they still behaved very happy.

"Calculation...almost everything is calculated, but why?"

Like this tumbling person, it is a place called the "stationary zone", because everything here... will not change.

It's not that it's frozen, but it's been kept in a certain state. The life here seems to be moving, but in fact it hasn't changed at all.

In other words... has entered a certain cycle.

These creatures that looked like half of the Ersh people reproduced and died in the same number, and the speed of death and growth were also corresponding.

So they have been able to maintain no more and no less numbers, and other creatures here also found the same after Lin's investigation.

They have entered a very strange state of halt, and their numbers have not increased or decreased, and so has the environment of this world.

Although it seems that the climate here will change, in fact it always changes in a cycle, and a fixed climate will appear every time.

Everything is in a loop.

Of course, if there are foreign objects, it will interfere with this cycle. For example, the disappearance of stars does affect the tumbling of this cycle, but after a period of time, they slowly return to the original cycle.

At the same time, Lin and Nuo did not interfere with them at present, they were just observing.

This is one of the phenomena that appear in the calculation simulation. Some areas seem to be affected by a kind of ‘mutated’ solidification, and this cyclical pattern appears.

How exactly did it get it is still unclear, but Lin has discovered a lot... But in fact Lin is more concerned about the content of the simulation test.

Lin has done a lot of tests, and almost all of the test content is currently in the void of reality.

And this cyclic phenomenon here is the last one, and if it appears, it means... it's all complete.

Of course, some small details in the test did not completely appear in reality, but all the larger contents appeared.

But even if the simulated content all appear together, it won't cause...too much influence on the void.

Although this will cause more creatures to die, in general all things in these calculations and simulations have happened, and this normal void can still... continue to operate.

What Lin is more concerned about is some content that appears in the calculation simulation but can't find the source.

These things... also appeared, like the strange creatures before, Lin also saw in the void.

There are a lot of them, and they appear in the void like they popped out of thin air, but they haven't done anything special yet, perhaps because Ersh's research has not yet begun.

What matters to Lin the most is that the content in the simulation is repeated for the first time.

In that simulation test, the void became completely dark and there was nothing left.

Although many things are still in the void now, this phenomenon has already begun to happen, such as the disappearance of the star next to the tumbling person in this cycle.

The disappearance of this star is not directly related to the circulation, it belongs to the content of the first repeated simulation.

It disappeared completely... no reason was found.

At least not found at the moment.

Although many traces of stars can still be found at the original position of the star, the star itself has disappeared, as if it were teleported, but there is no trace of energy transmission.

And now this phenomenon of disappearance has begun to appear in many places, as if a piece of darkness is slowly covering everything.

Lin felt that a little bit might become the kind of phenomenon in the calculation, that is, everything is gone.

It's just...in fact, that possibility is relatively low, because it is not exactly the same as in calculations, as if a single space is not affected.

In addition, some areas that have been affected by the void collision are fine.

Of course, there must be a relatively large collision phenomenon to avoid missing. For example, those tumbling people who are shattered by the vortex, and this tumbling person who is trapped in the loop, those who do not happen after the collision seem to have a greater chance of missing.

Now Lin has sent a large number of troops to the location where they may disappear, to see if they can let the troops disappear with them.

If you can, you might know where they went, but the more curious thing is that although Lin has a lot of troops scattered in the void, none of these troops have directly contacted the missing area.

If this disappearance could affect the entire void, Lin felt that the most likely cause of this effect...only another void.

It feels like another void is devouring everything here.

"That was... it started again."

At this time, Nuo pointed to the void in the distance.

Although it looks dark, there are some tumbling people in the position it refers to, and they are... disappearing one by one.

"Then go over and take a look."

At this time, the pompom flew up.

This pompom with Nuo is more than 300 meters long, and it can catch Nuo and move on to the phenomenon of disappearance.

This time you should be able to directly contact the disappearance phenomenon.

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