"We must get close to it!"

"We are going off course! No, we must leave this place this time!"

There was only pure darkness on the screen showing the outside scenery.

Occasionally, some light spots flickered on it, and when they flickered, the creatures here also exclaimed one after another.

This place is called the "Missing Tunnel" by Lin.

This is the ‘missing phenomenon’... It’s the first time for Lin’s troops to enter this place.

The'prime culprit' of the disappearance is this...pure black'space', which seems to suddenly appear and swallows all kinds of things that were originally normal in the void. It looks like a very long...passage, in the void. Extend to swallow the things it touches, but it won't stay in one place all the time, and sometimes it will immediately move to another place and continue to swallow it.

But what is more interesting is that Lin can still see some creatures in this missing tunnel.

This creature is called the "Long Traveler" by Lin.

They are in an aircraft that looks like a stone and is ten kilometers in size. Although the outside is like a stone, the structure and the operation mode of the aircraft system look like a vain person.

And their forms are several meters in size, resembling translucent golden jellyfish creatures, and now these creatures are mainly gathered in their...the cab, which is a liquid-filled room, because these creatures It also seems like a jellyfish must move in the liquid, and there are many image screens standing in the liquid for them to observe the outside world.

When Lin first discovered them, she thought they belonged to one of the types of creatures that had been inexplicably appeared in the simulation, but in fact this group of creatures did not appear in the simulation test.

And their thinking structure is very similar to some creatures Lin has encountered, so Lin can analyze their thinking.

Lin discovered that they had been in this missing tunnel for a long time.

It may be at least tens of thousands of Ersh years. Of course, such a long time is very short for them, because these creatures have adjusted their minds to'sleep', and their bodies will only be on the screen. Wake up when the message comes.

This information is the light spots on the screen. These light spots mean that the tunnel has opened a ‘hole’, and they will immediately control the aircraft to fly to those places and try to leave the tunnel.

Of course, this situation has gone through many times in their long lives, and each time the end is that they fail to get close to the light spot, the light spot disappears, and they enter a dormant state again.

Their aircraft will also maintain the lowest energy consumption and self-maintenance for a long time.

Most of the records of their ethnic civilization are records of the days spent in the tunnel. In fact, they had a very difficult life here at the beginning, until they continued to research and created a kind of what they called "permanent movement". The technology can let them wander for a long time here.

And they also recorded that their population was born outside this tunnel, but only a simple explanation, no detailed records.

However, they have always wanted to leave this place, but they have been unsuccessful.

Until... Lin found them, they also found that the tunnel had opened again, so they regained consciousness.

Lin actually came in with Ersh's Nuo, but Nuo disappeared after entering, Ersh said that it felt that Nuo's ‘incarnation’ had lost contact with it.

Lin felt that this place still had a lot of weirdness, so she first studied the local creatures, and then went to see Nuo, although the possibility of finding it was relatively small.

Lin was a large pompom flying machine that entered this tunnel, but only a few small units were mixed into this "Long Traveler" aircraft. As for the large pompoms, they were still wandering in the dark tunnel.

"Quickly, we are close! We are close to it!"

At this time, Lin found that the group of ‘long travelers’ became excited, and their whole bodies were constantly flashing light.

On the screen, Lin also found that the spot of light was getting bigger and bigger.

This seems to be the first time in a long time...so close to the light spot.

As the light gets bigger and bigger, these creatures also become more and more excited.

Finally, ‘boom! ’

The entire aircraft trembled violently, and a strong brilliance appeared on the screen.

Then, Lin saw a vast land, and the densely packed...objects on the land, which looked like the skeletons of some huge cellular creatures, but Lin felt that it should be buildings, densely scattered on the surface.

This place is interesting, but it's not somewhere in the normal void.

It was a...new space. It seemed that this missing tunnel was connected to some other space, perhaps the place where these long travellers originally lived.

When Lin thought about it, she suddenly noticed that many of the huge skeletons on the ground had suddenly cracked, and a lot of luminous objects flew out of the ‘bones’.

These luminous objects resemble lightning, but they are slower, at least much slower than lightning.

But it was still faster than this stone craft. These luminous objects quickly approached the craft, and after an instant... the craft disintegrated.

As if it was cut open, everything in a short period of time turned into square fragments several meters in size, spilling towards the ground.

Including those creatures like jellyfish.

Lin's miniature arms were too small to be cut, and these jellyfish... seemed quite surprised.

In fact, they are not dead, the vitality of this group of creatures is very tenacious, and the environment here seems to be able to support them alive...drop to the ground.

After floating for a while, Lin's units and a pile of fragments fell to the surface full of giant skeletons.

Here, Lin immediately asked the micro-arms to investigate. In fact, Lin found that there were many small cracks on the surface of these ‘bones’, so they could get in at will.

And the inside of these bones, like ordinary bones, seems to be hollow.

As for their material composition...they are also ordinary cellular biological bones.

Now that it is an ordinary bone, why does it emit a ‘lightning’ that can knock down the aircraft? Could anyone put weapons in some bones?

And at this moment, Lin suddenly received the signal from Noo.

Lin put some units on Nuo's body as ‘locators’, but these units did not disappear with Nuo. Of course, besides the units, Lin also put some other things to keep in touch with Nuo.

There was no response before, but now there is a response suddenly, it seems to be underground in this place...

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