"Then... go there."

The "battleship" of the past was slowly assembled.

Here you can find all the materials you need.

In the past, some creatures from the "Void Origin" left a lot of traces here. By searching for these traces, Lin assembled a certain vehicle that was used by creatures in the past. It was called the ‘Dust Battleship’.

This vehicle looks like a dust sphere with a diameter of about one kilometer, which is a mixture of a lot of dust and debris from the outside, but in fact these are not ordinary dust, but a large number of small machinery.

The biological civilization that made this kind of vehicle seems to use this kind of dust structure to fight against various dangers. This kind of small mechanical warship can change shape at will, and it is very easy to repair damaged parts.

At the same time, it seems that only their detection system can discover the entrance to the "Void Origin".

But because it has been so long and the past records are not so clear, Lin can't be sure that they have completely restored their past technology, but you can try it.

Therefore, now Lin's group of pompoms and Nuo have arrived in this dusty battleship.

Most of the ‘rooms’ in it are floating, and they can change positions at will. Except for the ‘binding generator’ at the core, other devices can move around.

The restraint generator is the thing that maintains the specific shape of the entire dust battleship. Lin thinks the whole thing is quite fun...some of them are like organs of a bus, and they are also responsible for controlling the actions of this battleship.

So... just leave here first.

Lin controlled the dust battleship flying towards high altitude, and when it took off, the skeletons on the surface also moved.

Most of the skeletons here are just ordinary skeletons, but some are not ordinary. They are weapons used by creatures here in the past. When some foreign objects are detected nearby, they will still activate.

Just like now, Lin's dust battleship was directly cut open by the huge ‘power’.

However, it was different from the situation when it first came in. This time it was only partly cut off. This warship can quickly be assembled back and continue to fly into the void.

Far away from the surface, you can see that this place covered with skeletons is not a tumbling person, but a piece of...land.

There are many similar large land blocks nearby, which are scattered around as if they were chopped up.

But after flying farther, I couldn't see them soon, and the surroundings slowly fell into darkness.

This place is not ‘the origin of the void’, but it does not belong to the ‘missing tunnel’. It can be said to be a space between the two, and the location leading to the origin of the void is somewhere in this place.

Lin allowed the dust battleship to sail at high speed while detecting the surrounding reactions. Lin restored their detectors exactly as recorded, but didn't know if they had any effect.

After all, the records will not fully record the technical details of these alien civilizations, so many places are made by Lin's guess.

But just as Lin was thinking, she suddenly realized that there was some reaction in front of her.

"That... shouldn't be."

And Nuo was also in the observation room inside the battleship at this time, and all kinds of conditions outside could be seen from this position.

Some light appeared in the originally pitch-black void, and then quickly disappeared.

Judging from the reaction of the detection device, this seemed to have opened a gap in a space channel in a short time, but Nuo believed that it did not seem to be a gap leading to the origin of the void.

The space in this place is not stable, and it is not surprising that this happens.

Suddenly, Lin saw...very violent light again.

Along with the intense light that appeared in front of him, a huge gap appeared.

In the rift, Lin saw a...star.

Lin immediately adjusted the direction of the dust battleship so that it would not directly rush into the stars.

This star Lin is acquainted with, in fact, this is the star that disappeared near the Circulation Tumbler before, and it seems that it has also come here.

With that said, it is possible to see other missing things here.

After bypassing the star, Lin continued to fly towards the depths of this space. Along the way, Lin saw other things, but they were all floating objects several kilometers in size, which were common floating objects in the void. .

Perhaps this is also floating in from the normal void.

But it doesn't seem to be all ordinary floating objects here, Lin found some strange...shadows.

These shadows are all dark, with hundreds of meters in size, and look like a mass of liquid. They are mixed among the surrounding floating objects.

When the dust battleship flew past, Lin found that some shadows also flew over suddenly, and they accelerated to a very fast rate in a short period of time.

Now that the dust battleship is at a speed of about 30,000 kilometers per second, these shadows have reached this speed in an instant, but when a group of shadows approached the dust battleship 100 kilometers, it suddenly exploded.

It didn't look like it exploded on its own, but rather like a puddle of liquid hitting a wall... scattered.

It seemed that it had collided with something, but Lin couldn't detect it and couldn't touch the location where it hit.

The other things are similar, they crashed when they approached, and the scattered black quickly disappeared without a trace.

Lin feels that this seems to be some kind of...wonderful phenomenon peculiar to here, and it is still unknown what the reason is.

The surrounding shadows kept flying and colliding and dispersing as soon as they were in contact, but Lin found that they seemed to be constantly approaching. At first, it was a hundred kilometers away from the Dust Battleship, and now it’s hitting dozens of times in a row. After that, it was already close to a distance of several kilometers.

At the same time, Lin also found that only the last group...shadow was left.

And when this group of shadows flew over without any hindrance, it directly touched the dust battleship.

At the moment of contact, Lin felt...a very strange feeling.

This feeling was directly transmitted to the brains of the soldiers in the battleship, and a lot of complicated information could be felt through this, but it lasted for a moment.

This information made Lin feel like the minds of a large number of creatures were mixed together, as if they were connected to the brains of many creatures.

"So, these are... the origin of the void." Nuo seemed to feel the feeling just now.

"Those who... just now flew over are the origin of the void?" Lin asked.

"Yes, now there are only so few of them left." Nuo said, "but there is still a way...to show them completely."

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