"They are trying to... spread consciousness."

The origin of the void...what is it?

In fact, it doesn't seem to be so special, and it can be said to be a place very close to normal emptiness.

Lin's ‘Dust Battleship’ is still advancing slowly.

Previously, I had received some information about the origin of the void because I had come into contact with some ‘dark shadows’ that suddenly appeared.

After the origin of the void was previously split into the solidified void and the normal void, only a small part of it remained.

Although this small part is small, it is also relatively empty.

Many species still live in this small part. They don't know that their void is shrinking all the time. Of course, this is a very slow process. Many beings cannot feel the void change from birth to death.

But some creatures happen to be living in an era when they can feel the change of the void...that is, this era.

In fact, it is not just one kind of creature, but many kinds of creatures, and many living in the origin of the void... all creatures that have developed to a certain degree have discovered the changes in the void.

Most creatures only think of escape at first, because when the void becomes smaller and smaller, many disasters have emerged in the area where they live. They think that they can escape the crisis by staying away, but they quickly I found that it was futile to escape.

Some creatures... discovered that this crisis is not simple.

In short, the creatures who discovered the situation did a lot of things. They tried their best to get through the crisis, but they found nothing in the end.

They unanimously believed that the void in which they lived would become no longer suitable for living in any creatures, or even be completely destroyed. Some of these creatures tried to fall into long sleep with the idea that the void would become normal.

Other creatures began to despair and started wars.

In short, the main reason for the pessimism of these creatures is that they have not found the emptiness outside of the emptiness of their lives, or other spaces.

But at some point, some creatures discovered... other empty news.

The news spread slowly, so many creatures began to frantically search for a way to leave this reduced void. Some creatures may have succeeded, but most creatures could not find a way to leave.

This seems to be because the origin of the void is special, because these creatures have never found any separate space there, and they don't have any space technology themselves.

But after they kept trying, they found another special void, that is, sometimes they can feel that they are in a completely different void...drifting.

Since many organisms have this condition, this is not the neurological condition of a single species.

They think they have found new opportunities, so they start to study in this direction. Many creatures have discovered that their nerves seem to be connected at certain times... another void.

That is, the senses of one's whole body can perceive where one is in, but it can only last for a short time.

Lin feels that the connection between them might be unforeseen.

In the end, this group of creatures in their origins finally decided to... unite after experiencing disasters and wars.

They have established a multi-racial alliance, which is actually not very rare, and this alliance in the origin of the void is mainly to collect all kinds of information after it is established.

In addition to the life and civilization history of these species, this information is their emptiness, various rules, various environments, etc. All in all, what they can perceive, they all try to convert it into data, and then Collect it.

This alliance has built a huge... brain-like thing, which feels a bit like the simulation device made by Lin and Ersh.

They put all the data they found into this ‘giant brain’, and then tried to transmit their void data through this giant brain to... the special void they felt.

Their goal is to rebuild everything that is now collapsing in that void in this way.

The specific details are not very clear, mainly because their action...has failed.

Because the giant brain built by the alliance did not successfully transmit the data to the place that was probably unpredictable, the data they sent out, that is, the shadows Lin encountered now, then stayed in this space.

They have become...a very strange state, that is, if something approaches them, they will immediately pass by and touch each other.

When Lin first came into contact, she couldn't perceive the exact meaning of the information in these shadows, while Ersh's Nuo could perceive their specific source.

Then it knew what the content of the information was after translating it to Lin.

In fact, this information has been... a lot has been missed, so there is no way to know the details of how they make giant brains and perceive unforeseen places. In general, the creatures inside want to pass the giant brains in the unforeseen. To create a vanity source that is disappearing.

The reason why Ersh is so clear seems to be because... it has been in the Void Origin, it can understand the thinking of these creatures, even if it left there a long time ago.

It's just that the specific reason is still unclear.

But the main thing is that it thinks that some creatures...the predictions are correct.

That is to say, the origin of the void did not completely destroy anything at the end. Although various disasters continued to occur in the final, the void was not completely destroyed...nor did it disappear.

Moreover, the biological civilization that built the giant brain may have all perished, but the giant brain survived.

At the same time, some other creatures also survived. After the Void Origin experienced catastrophe, they continued to survive. Although these species did not participate in the manufacture of giant brains, they now seem to have learned how to use giant brains and use giant brains. Some messages were sent.

When I came into contact with the shadow group just now, Nuo said that it felt the new information at the end of a large amount of information.

In other words...now the source of the void is still there, and through this information, one can know how to enter the source of the void.

In fact, Lin's dust battleship had already arrived at the entrance of Void Origin, which was actually opened regularly.

And now it was just when it opened, it was like a circular hole, appeared directly in front of the dust battleship, Lin immediately let the battleship pass through.

At the moment of entering the origin of the void... Lin found that the Battleship Dust had received a very warm ‘welcome’.

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