4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 6: another part

It's full of...like wars.

When Lin's dust battleship entered this place, many things could be seen...colliding with each other.

These things seem to be some hundreds of meters of stone-like objects, and their surfaces have one to three structures that are tens of meters long and resemble sharp and long angles.

They were constantly hitting each other with these horn-like structures, and when Lin's dust warship appeared, some ‘longhorn stones’ slammed into this side.

So Lin let the dust battleship leave quickly. After chasing for a while, they turned around again and collided with other hornstones... They gave up quite quickly.

The dust battleship then flew away from the battlefield and came to a nearby...a piece of land.

There are also a lot of relatively large floating land here, such as the one where Lin landed is more than 100 kilometers in size.

After landing here, Lin was able to look at the hornstones that were still bumping up and down 100,000 kilometers away, and at the same time checked the...rules of this place.

Lin asked the dust battleship to conduct some tests on the rules of the void. Generally speaking, it was to do some experiments and observations to see how this place called the ‘Essence of the Void’ was different from the normal void.

At the same time, Lin also launched some small arms to the battlefield where the hornstones collided to see what they were.

After conducting some preliminary tests, Lin found that...this place is very similar to the normal void, and it seems that there is no solidified void, or many new features that have emerged after the collision and fusion of the void.

This means that after the split of the void a long time ago, the normal void has remained...very close to the original state of the void, while the solidified void is mixed with a lot of'impurities', such as solidification energy, which causes it to be huge compared to before.的variation.

Now after the collision of the void, many new environments and rules have been created, which are very different from the original source of the void.

But now Lin is only a preliminary test, and may continue to investigate and discover something special here.

But in general, the void created after the void collision is different from the new void before, and it is definitely not the original void of the past.

Unless something has changed here.

"This place..." At this time, Nuo also left the dust battleship and floated to the surface of the land.

It looked at a piece of gray ground, and it seemed to remember something like: "It's not like this."

"Isn't it?" Lin asked Nuo.

"It seems...different from what I originally thought." Nuo said: "This is a small part of the void left after the split, and this small part is still splitting for a long time, causing this place to become more and more. It’s small, but the divided parts... haven’t merged into the current void, they have gone elsewhere."

With that, Nuo looked at the hornstone that was hitting in the distance.

Lin suddenly noticed a violent flash. It lasted for less than a tenth of a second, but it was much brighter than common stars. After the light flashed, one third of the feldspar disappeared.

"The origin of this void is constantly shrinking... and the disappearing part has gone to a certain place. Now these creatures seem to be fighting because they want to escape that place." Nuo said.

"Where is that place?" Lin asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to fully...understand." Nuo said: "But it should be the real culprit of the'missing incident'."

While communicating with Nuo, some of Lin's units were also launched into the battlefield of hornstones. Because of the flash just now, their fighting stopped for a while, so Lin's units of several meters in size successfully attached to some hornstones.

It seemed that they didn't care about this size. Lin made these units that looked like stones stick to the feldspar and released a large number of miniature units into the gaps on the surface.

There are many cracks on the surface of the hornstones, which look like they cracked in the process of colliding with each other, but they can extend deep into the interior.

So after Lin let the mini-arms enter, they can find many special things in them, such as their internal organs or nerve structure.

After conducting some investigations, Lin found out that the hornstone is a... intelligent machine created.

Before, Lin had learned that in this Void Origin, many species formed an ‘union’, and then this alliance created a giant brain, trying to ‘reach’ unforeseen places through the giant brain.

The feldspar belongs to the flying vehicles made by the civilized creatures in this alliance. Lin found some records through their database, that is, the civilized species that made them and the entire alliance successfully "passed through" the giant brain and left the void. Not as perished as previously known.

After all the civilized species in the alliance have left, these feldspars themselves have intelligence, and they want to let themselves leave this place by imitating those creatures.

And to pass through the giant brain and leave here, it must have extremely strong thinking ability...they themselves think so.

At the same time, they believe that fighting with each other will temper their thinking to the extreme, because they need to constantly consider improving their own advantages, creating new weapons, etc., war can continuously improve their wisdom, and allow them to feel... Unforeseen place.

As for why they have this idea, it is not clear. Lin thinks that the easiest way for them to improve their intelligence is to upgrade and transform their neural structure.

Therefore, they have been unsuccessful, and none of the hornstones can pass through the giant brain and leave.

Under the condition that this void is constantly shrinking, they began to become a little flustered. They began to think that they should not waste time designing any complicated weapons, and just throw themselves into the battle completely, and keep fighting and thinking can make progress. They think If you want to kill the other person but you are still alive, it is also a way of training your thinking.

In short, now this Void Origin has almost completely fallen into a collapse, and everything here seems to be about to disappear.

When Lin checked, the twinkling light appeared again.

After this flash, Lin found that there were only two hornstones left. There were thousands of them when Lin first came in.

At the same time, the land where Lin and Nuo were on shattered and split into two halves, and Lin also saw what was swallowing everything here, and at the same time discovered...the things that were missing from the normal void.

It seems that most of them have entered this place, and this place looks like a... huge gap in space.

But Lin felt that it might not be an ordinary void or something, but a place similar to the Mead void, controlled by a certain ‘consciousness’.

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