This is... the giant brain.

Lin found this thing that is said to allow local species to travel to unforeseen places.

Although it is not completely certain that they are connected to an unforeseen place, I just think it is very likely.

And after seeing this brain, Lin was quite interesting.

This giant brain is made of a small tumbler, with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers. From the outside, its surface is covered with hemispherical buildings of various sizes. The largest of these buildings is hundreds. Meters high, and they are all connected to each other by bridges.

The main thing is that many buildings are lighting up, and they seem to be still in motion.

Although Lin is not sure if it can connect to unforeseen places at this location.

Because this place is no longer the ‘Essence of the Void’. To be precise, the ‘Essence of the Void’ has almost completely disappeared. This place is... the place that swallows the Essence of the Void.

Lin temporarily referred to this place as the "Swallowing Domain". Here Lin saw a lot of things, but mainly from the origin of the void, such as the hornstones that Lin had seen before, and some missing in the normal void before. Things.

They all entered what is called the domain of devouring.

Of course Lin also saw the giant brain here. After Lin's dust battleship landed, she quickly released a large number of troops to investigate the buildings on the surface.

These hemispherical buildings of different sizes and covering the ground all have a similar function, which is to store data.

When Lin entered these buildings, she could see that each building contained a large amount of materials in different forms. Some were made of stone slabs, some were filled with liquids, and some were all kinds of complicated and sophisticated devices.

Each building records different materials. For example, some buildings are responsible for recording the materials of various rocks in the origin of the void, some are recording various creatures, and there are cultural history of various races and so on.

Lin found that in some buildings, only a certain creature was recorded, mainly about the creature’s life story, various encounters, daily life, and so on.

In short, the data recorded in these buildings can be said to be...including most of the things in the origin of the void, but there are also some strange ones. The role of fame or leader is just a very ordinary individual.

At the same time, Lin didn't know why they had to make the building that records the data into a hemispherical shape.

In short, they only recorded data, and did not record the reason why they had to do so. All the data will be transmitted into the underground of Giant Brain. After entering the underground, you can see the works produced by them with the power of multiple civilizations.

But to put it simply, it looks like the nerve structure of some organisms. The underground is mainly composed of a large number of "neurons" and maintenance devices that keep them running. These devices are still functioning now, and they seem to be normal.

There are some differences between the rules of the ‘Eater Domain’ and the normal void, but there is not much difference, so Lin thinks it is very possible that it can operate normally.

The goal of these underground installations is to integrate the data of the buildings on the surface, and then...send them out.

Some of Lin’s pompoms have arrived in the ‘delivery room’.

This place is located in a large room three hundred meters underground. This room... is also a hemispherical shape. After entering, you can see that the surrounding walls are continuously changing patterns. These patterns are mainly from the origin of the void in the past. The video record of civilization.

Looking at these images, Lin started trying to...connect with this room.

The pompom that came here is actually specially made by Lin. It can be directly connected to the giant brain's system, so that you can directly feel what the giant brain feels now...for example, is it connected? Unforeseen place.

This kind of pom-pom can be produced mainly because many arms have tested the various ‘neural structures’ of the underground giant brain, and there is... Nuo, it seems to know this giant brain very well.

So Lin was able to quickly construct the pompom for this connection.

And when the pom-pom connected to the giant brain, Lin found that... the giant brain was indeed connected to something, but it was not an unforeseen place, but the depths of the swallowed domain.

Lin could feel the giant brain's ‘consciousness’ extending to the depths of the swallowed domain.

Lin has not yet started to investigate the Devouring Realm carefully, and now it is almost regarded as the'entry' of the Devouring Realm. Lin mainly wants to check this giant brain first.

But through the giant brain, it seems that he can understand the Devouring Domain... Lin can find that there are a lot of things in the Devouring Domain.

In addition to the things that are missing from the normal void, there are some that come from the frozen void, and some that don't know where they come from.

These things are piled up on the giant brain's ‘Consciousness Route’ in large quantities, and through giant brain Lin, it can be found that there are quite a lot of things from other voids in the depths of the swallowing domain.

And the giant brain's consciousness has been connected to the depths of the swallowing domain, which is actually not very deep. This position is almost 30 pompoms day and night.

At this position, the giant brain's consciousness stopped, and there was a very special thing here. This was a tumbling person about the size of the giant brain and a thousand kilometers in diameter.

There are also a large number of hemispherical buildings on this Tumbler, which are very similar to the buildings on the giant brain...but the size is different.

Lin thinks this is quite interesting, why is there a place like a giant brain in the domain of swallowing?

The giant brain itself can only perceive its surface, and cannot perceive what the underground environment is. At the same time, the giant brain is still continuously sending information about it in this place.

Now that it's the case, then go and take a look over there.

Thinking about it, Lin directly let the dust battleship fly up and move towards the target. Of course, the units that detect the giant brain are still on the giant brain to continue the investigation and connection.

When seeing the Devouring Domain, Lin felt like a place in the void of Midgard. It seemed that there was a certain consciousness controlling everything here, but this had not been truly determined.

But the deeper he went, the more Lin felt this way.

To be precise, there is a certain signal that affects Lin's senses, which leads to such a thought in her mind.

Ersh’s Nou also has this situation, but it has the feeling of generating ideas earlier than Lin

There should be something here.

And when Lin thought about it this way, she found that the Battleship Dust had been attacked by something.

This seems to be a very...ordinary creature.

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