4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 8: Assembly point

There is indeed a feeling here.

The dust battleship is moving fast in the'Consumer Domain'.

At the same time, it is constantly being attacked by a large group of creatures.

Attacking the dust battleship is a relatively simple creature, and these creatures seem to be... randomly assembled.

Their bodies are mainly composed of some metal or stone parts glued together to form a mixture that is more than ten meters in size.

So Lin also called them "Patchworkers"

Since the shapes and sizes of the mixed parts of each individual are different, they do not have a specific shape, but in general they will have some limb-like structures, and they will use these limbs as thrusters or launch something. Attack the dust battleship.

What is special about them is that Lin found that most of them do not have nerve structures in their bodies.

In other words, there is no neural structure within Lin's cognition.

Lin has seen various nerve structures of many creatures in the void, including many that have no actual structures in the body, but can use ‘energy’ as nerves.

But these ‘patchworkers’ don’t have anything similar. It feels like a bunch of parts moving on their own. It’s interesting. Lin thinks they should have some hidden nervous system, or something is directing them.

There are a large number of these ‘patchers’, and now there are hundreds of thousands around the dust battleship. They are constantly crawling out of various floating objects in the surrounding void and launching attacks on the dust battleship.

There were a lot of normal void or solid void things floating around...When Lin approached them, she realized that most of these things had been transformed into their nests by the patchworkers.

Because their speed is not very fast, Lin can ignore most of them and keep moving forward.

But there are some things that can't be ignored, because Lin found a tumbling person approaching here.

The diameter of this tumbling person is more than 3,000 kilometers. It can be seen that there are many huge structures on the surface, like insect limbs. These structures are at least several hundred meters in height, and they can be seen very well in the void. clear.

Because the surface of the tumbling person is covered with densely packed ‘limbs’, it resembles a tumbling person that has been pieced together.

In addition to this tumbling person, Lin also saw the ‘Giant Brain’.

The giant brain is 100,000 kilometers behind it. This giant brain is exactly the same as Lin had perceived before, and it looks like a...replica of the giant brain of Void Origin.

But this piece-shaped tumbling didn't give Lin a close look.

When the dust battleship moved forward, it also began to attack Lin. The limbs on the surface were constantly moving, launching a large number of sharp objects into the void... These sharp objects were tens of meters in size and looked like they were Stones that have been sharpened.

The dust battleship is currently more than 30,000 kilometers away from this tumbling person, and continues to move forward under the attack of countless missiles.

Because it is made of dust, it can change the shape to a large extent to avoid these sharp objects. Soon Lin approached the patchwork tumbling person. At an altitude of 100 kilometers from the surface, Lin found a large amount of ' The limbs suddenly stopped moving.

Lin originally wanted to get closer and take a look and then fly to the giant brain, but they suddenly stopped attacking seems a bit... strange, they attacked very vigorously before, but now it seems that nothing has happened.

Just when Lin felt strange, she suddenly noticed that some limbs on the surface had suddenly been disconnected from the middle.

These are limbs more than one kilometer long. Their fractures hit the nearby limbs when they fell. This caused a big chain reaction. Each broken limb smashed the other nearby, and after a while , Lin found that all the limbs in a large area below were severed.

And when Lin looked at the situation below, she found that the dust battleship suddenly lost control.

To be precise, the dust that constituted the dust battleship lost its restraint, and the entire battleship broke apart in an instant, and various parts and a large amount of dust inside fell toward the surface.


"The way they stop us... seems to be taking advantage of the rules here."

The spherical rescue cabin door slowly opened, and Nuo poked his head out of it.

Not all parts of the dust battleship are made up of dust. For example, this "rescue cabin" over ten meters in size, after Nuo came out of the rescue cabin, its smooth shell also began to protrude a lot of fluff, slowly The ground floated.

This rescue capsule can also be regarded as a pompom-like unit, which is used to protect some of the more important things in the event of a fall.

But the main thing is that Lin's dust battleship has almost become fragments and ordinary dust, but this rescue capsule is fine.

Because the dust battleship was mainly made by studying a kind of civilized biological technology of the origin of the void, it seems that the parts made according to their technology have been completely decomposed, and Lin herself, things that have nothing to do with their technology, are fine.

This seems to mean...the patchworker here has a certain connection with the civilized creatures of the origin of the void.

Now Lin and Nuo fell to the place where a lot of limbs were broken just now. Because the ground here is also made up of a large number of parts and rubbles of various things, they look like they have grown out of the pile of broken pieces.

Of course, after they broke off, they became part of the surface debris pile.

"This place..." Nuo was standing on a rock now, looking at the massive fragments on the ground and said: "It should be the real giant brain."

When Nuo said this, Lin suddenly noticed that some fragments on the ground were moving.

These fragments seemed to be dragged by some kind of force, and slowly gathered together, turning into pieces...pieces of several meters in size.

They are different from what Lin saw in the void before. Although the shapes are similar, the patchworkers here will only move forward staggeringly.

But even if they could only move swayingly on the ground, they seemed to want to come and attack Lin and Nuo.

They stretched out some sharper parts and rushed towards Lin's rescue capsule and Nuo.

At this time, Lin landed on the ground, allowing Nuo to return to the rescue capsule, and at the moment Nuo entered the rescue capsule, Lin received Ersh's message.

This is quite strange, because although this Nuo is the incarnation of Ersh, it has always been disconnected from Ersh.

But now it seems to have restored the connection with Ersh, and sent a large amount of data to Lin after analyzing it through Ersh.

These data are mainly the data of this tumbling person.

In general, this is a ‘discard point’.

It is the place where the normal void and the various things abandoned in the solidified void are integrated.

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