It seems that they did not go to the unforeseen place... but came to this place.

Civilized creatures in the origin of the void have created a ‘giant brain’ and tried to use it to reach unforeseen places.

The general process is to send data to unforeseen places through the giant brain, and these data will construct their civilization...everything at the target.

It's mainly the living areas of these civilized creatures, like buildings.

As for the consciousness of these civilized creatures, they will be transmitted with the giant brain after all this is constructed.

They thought this at first, but in fact the data transmitted by the giant brain did not reach the unforeseen place, but reached this...the place Lin called the Devouring Domain.

The domain of swallowing is not essentially a normal void or a solidified void, but a separate space.

And just like the name Lin gave it, it was mainly devouring... the debris that fell from these two voids.

The main thing is that after the void splits, many small spaces and the debris in these small spaces are slowly entering the domain of swallowing.

This also includes the origin of the void and the creatures in the origin of the void.

When the civilizational creatures of the origin of the void used the giant brain to transmit data, these data were not sent to unforeseen places, but entered the domain of swallowing.

But they didn't know this, so they began to transmit their own thinking data. After the thinking of these creatures entered the domain of swallowing, they formed the...'Patchworker' that Lin encountered here.

The thinking of civilized creatures seems to cause some kind of wonderful effect here, that is, all kinds of floating debris are put together to become a movable object.

These thinking data are usually scattered when they are transmitted through the giant brain. For example, when a civilized creature transmits its own thinking, it usually transmits most of the important memories and thoughts from its birth to the present into the giant brain, trying to construct a complete one. Of yourself.

But after the data comes in, all of this will be broken up, and these scattered thoughts form a piece of cake.

Like a patchworker, it may be just a thought of ‘what to eat today’.

The countless scattered thoughts in biological memory have become countless pieces of patchwork, but the more simple the patchwork of ideas, the simpler they are. The patchwork of thoughts like'what to eat today' may be just a few pieces. Individuals of a few centimeters in size formed by the combination of stones are not very good at doing anything, they just writhe constantly.

Of course, the person who puts together has thinking. This kind of individual thinking may always be under the hesitation of what to eat, but it actually cannot understand what it means to eat, and it cannot eat by itself, so it can only think so forever. Go on, until when will it be crushed by a bigger patchworker.

More complex ideas can form a patchworker with more limbs and even arms.

Although this is not an unforeseen place, it has similar characteristics, that is, thinking can directly constitute things.

In the early days, there were countless patchworkers. They were composed of a large number of fragmentary ideas, and they could only do some very simple actions. Later, more advanced and more complex ideas composed of patchworkers gradually appeared.

Just like the patchworkers Lin encountered before that would attack Lin, they may come from some creatures thinking about war.

It is not necessary for a creature to have truly experienced a war. It only needs to imagine that it is in a war, how to use various weapons to fight, and then it is possible to form this kind of war piecing together.

Such patchworkers have relatively complete thinking. They know how to assemble weapons and use materials to strengthen themselves. At the same time, they also have the thinking of companions and the thinking of sweeping away the enemy.

Compared with other patchworkers composed of other thinking, war patchworkers have a great advantage. They will regard the same war patchworkers as the same kind, and treat other patchworkers composed of chaotic thinking as enemy forces.

And they are constantly increasing in number.

These creatures can indeed reproduce, because the mind constitutes reality here.

When a war patchworker desires to have the same kind, the thoughts transmitted in through the giant brain will also be relatively completely gathered together to form a relatively complete patchworker.

That is to say, the patchworker's own ideas cannot directly form the patchworker, but it can affect the thinking data that comes in, so that the data constitutes its own kind.

In the end, they became more and more numerous, and killed all the other patchworkers, with two exceptions.

The two exceptions are the tumbling man Lin is staying with, and the other giant brain formed here.

They are actually patchworkers, but compared to other patchworkers, these two are much stronger. They are not composed of scattered ideas, but a complete and long history of biological civilization.

In the origin of the void, a certain creature recorded the development history of an entire species in its own mind, and then sent it here through the giant brain.

And these thoughts did not spread out here, and finally formed this tumbling person with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers.

And that giant brain... is the giant brain.

That is, the giant brain of the origin of the void, in fact, it also has its own thoughts, and then it sends its own thoughts over, resulting in the generation of an exactly the same giant brain here.

To put it simply, external thinking... can construct quite large things here, but it needs to have the materials to construct it.

As for the biological thinking in the Devouring Domain, there is no way to directly affect the composition, because Lin has already tested it.

It needs to be constructed by transferring the thinking data from other voids in a certain way.

But in fact, the creatures here can still use this structure...rules to do something.

For example, Lin’s dust battleship was attacked before, and it was the ‘power’ that constituted the patchworker to disassemble it.

Because the tumbling person here and the giant brain have already controlled this composition.

The control method is also quite simple, that is, they store some mental data, and they can use this data to form a new patchworker.

And various materials in the void will also be used in the formation process, which is to destroy the original void things.

These patchworkers have already tried to start to build their own civilization here, and everything here... Lin mainly understands through Ersh.

The reason why Ersh knows so much about this place seems to be related to its past.

It knows many things in this Devouring Domain here, because it feels that the whole place seems to be a part of it.

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