4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 10: Wandering things

It was...a place full of weird things.

Countless objects with unfixed shapes are floating, and it is also one of the unfixed things.

In fact, at that time, it was not a normal creature, and it may not be a creature either.

But it does have thoughts, countless thoughts.

This was before the split of the void. There used to be such a small space, which carried dreams and hopes.

In fact, it is just a thinking space, and it can also be said to be the embryonic form of the unforeseen.

This kind of space has a characteristic, that is, it can realize some thinking data and form some phenomena in this space.

Why is there such a space? Many creatures think that it is produced by thinking, and some creatures think that this kind of space creates thinking.

The ‘Domain of Devouring’ has been wandering outside the void a long time ago.

It is like a scavenger, continuously devouring the debris floating out of the void while wandering.

These fragments are very common void floating objects. Generally speaking, it is very common to accumulate a large number of void floating objects in a certain space, and this Devouring Domain is a bit different.

Because it wanders outside the edge of the void and is moving at a very fast speed.

Therefore, there will be very far apart in its space, and things from different void areas will converge in the domain of swallowing.

At the same time, as it wandered around, some creatures... also felt it.

As long as a creature can imagine out of thin air, for example, has the ability to imagine a world in its mind, it is possible to perceive it.

When they imagine, they can receive a little bit of information about the swallowed domain.

And the Domain of Devouring will also receive a little bit of the thinking information of these creatures, and their thinking data will be stored in the Domain of Devouring in some form.

Ersh has some memories, just at that time.

It had no specific thinking at the time, but could sense a large number of biological ideas from different areas of the void. Most of these ideas were very simple, probably about where they wanted to go and what they wanted to eat.

As the Devouring Domain swallowed more and more things, its'speed' also became slower and slower, and finally stopped at a certain position.

After it stayed for a long time, because the nearby creatures could perceive it to some extent, the Devouring Domain was finally discovered by some creatures.

This group of creatures is a group of highly developed creatures. Of course, only a sufficiently high level of technology can find the domain of swallowing. After they arrived at this place, they conducted a detailed study on it. The conclusion of this group of creatures is the domain of swallowing. It's a...aircraft.

You can carry them to very far away places, that is, far away from the current void, to reach the unknown.

So they began to try to activate the Devouring Realm. If most of the debris in the Devouring Realm is thrown out, this method seems to be able to restore the ‘power’ of the Devouring Realm.

Then use some other methods to make the Devouring Domain go in a certain direction. They don't know where they are going, they just move away from the current void and move towards the unknown.

This is very interesting, for them to go to completely unknown territory, even if this may not be able to come back.

Then the Domain of Devouring started like this, it left the void and marched towards the ‘Nothing’.

In fact, this group of creatures did not separate the ‘nothing’ from the void at that time. They believed that nothingness was also a part of the emptiness, and it could also be regarded as an extension of the emptiness, but it was just an area that was difficult to move.

Seems like that...it doesn't matter.

After that, a long time passed...The Devouring Domain reached a certain place.

This place seems to be another void, which is a huge discovery for this group of creatures who started the domain of swallowing. They decided to leave the domain of swallowing and enter the void to take a look.

Then they all disappeared.

This group of creatures opened the entrance to the Devouring Domain and the new void, and then they completely disappeared. Ersh thought it was a ‘rule’ relationship.

This new void rule does not allow the existence of this group of creatures, but it did not destroy Ersh's consciousness.

Ersh also has memories of that time.

After that, the entrances opened by these creatures slowly closed, and the Devouring Domain was disconnected from this new void... but it was not completely disconnected.

It began to wander around the edge of the void as before, and slowly absorbed the various floating objects in this new void.

These floating objects cannot maintain stability in the swallowing domain, they will soon collapse and decompose, but there are still residues remaining.

Of course, it wasn't just floating objects that came in, but also some biological thoughts of this new void.

The thinking that Ersh felt at the time... was quite interesting, because this new void creature seemed to be its own. These thinkings were relatively complete compared to the previous ones, not just simple ideas like where to go and what to eat. It is a relatively complete life process.

In these thoughts, this group of creatures will first perform future calculations when they are active. They will predict what will happen in the next period of time. After the calculations, they will turn off their own thinking... It can also be said that their brains 'Stop activity completely, but other parts of them will continue to act according to their calculations. When the activity reaches the end of the calculation, they will activate the thinking organs again, and then perform calculations for the next period of time.

The environment in which this group of creatures live allows them to live in this way, but not all of them live in this kind of ‘computational creatures’, there are many other types of creatures.

It's just that in this new void, the thoughts included in the Devouring Domain are all thoughts of this kind of ‘computational creatures’, and the thought data previously included come from a large number of different ideas of different creatures, causing considerable confusion.

The thinking of these computational creatures was relatively stable, and Ersh felt that it seemed to be for this reason...its thinking was slowly'forming' at that time.

After the Devouring Domain had been in contact with the new void for a period of time, it went back on its own. When it returned to its original position, the void had split into a normal void and a solidified void.

And the Domain of Devouring is still wandering on the edge of the void as before, swallowing the material in the void.

But this time it not only swallowed, it would also'spit out' something into the void.

This led to some situations, for example, it vomited some residue from the new void into the normal void and solidified void.

The thinking in it also led to the birth of some creatures.

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