"At that time... the feeling was full of chaos."

The Domain of Devouring has been wandering outside the void for a long time.

During this time, it has also acquired many biological thinking data.

Ersh believes that part of its thinking may be born from these thinking data, but its thinking is not entirely born from it, to be precise, it is only a part.

Its thinking is mainly born from countless...Void creature thinking.

These void creatures have powerful intelligence and can shuttle in the void, and some of them have just evolved their thinking structure...wild animals.

A large amount of data is constantly gathering in the Devouring Domain, but these data will not stay in the Devouring Domain for a long time. They will be thrown outside in some way after a while.

Where these data converge, a certain kind of thinking is slowly born.

There is a place similar to the “nerve center” in the domain of swallowing, which is responsible for receiving data, storing it, and then throwing it out. This center has always been used as a storage for a long time, until the domain of swallowing goes to the “new void” and obtains it. After some biological thinking data from the "New Void", the center has undergone some wonderful changes.

It becomes ‘foreseeable’.

Generally speaking, when the Devouring Domain acquires biological thinking data, it will connect with the biological thinking when these creatures are in a trance, that is, when they perform behaviors like sleep, and then transmit the data.

And the “nerve center” of the Devouring Domain will automatically generate thinking data about the creature when it is just connected to the creature and has not yet transmitted its thoughts, which means that it does not need data to come in, it only needs to “see” the creature, It's almost enough to guess the thinking mode of this creature.

But even so, the Devouring Domain will still absorb biological thinking data.

This will make the nerve center produce two pieces of data, one is predicted and generated by itself, and the other is transmitted from the outside.

At first, the two data will be somewhat different, but the predictive ability of the nerve center is gradually strengthened, and in the end the two data will become exactly the same.

This has also led to the accumulation of a large amount of data, because the data stored by the Devouring Domain has a fixed time and a fixed component, and the part of the data generated by the nerve center prediction will not be thrown out.

They piled up more and more, and finally these accumulated data plus the nerve center itself led to the birth of Ersh's thinking.

To be precise, it is ‘prophetic thinking’.

It is the usual thinking mode of Ersh before. This mode of thinking makes it not a creature that lives in the'now'. It always looks at the current situation from the perspective of the future, and this future perspective is not single. But after countless calculations, the different selves produced by various possibilities also contain the different thinking modes of many kinds of void creatures.

This can make it infinitely close to perfectly predict the various situations that will happen in the future, or that it thinks that it is in the future, so everything it encounters is extremely backward.

In short, Ersh believes that his prophetic thinking is generated in the domain of swallowing.

At some point, the Devouring Domain threw away the nerve center and the large amount of biological thinking data accumulated in it.

Then I don't know what happened afterwards, but in the end this center and the mental data in it should become part of Ersh.

This nerve center is not a physical organ or something, but something similar to a thinking space, which may be similar to Lin's thinking.

In addition to Ersh, this Devouring Realm also led to the birth of many wonderful things, most of which were born outside the Devouring Realm, and only a few were born inside the Devouring Realm.

So... what kind of place is Devouring Realm?

As far as Lin knows, it seems that this is a very old space, constantly wandering around different voids.

As for whether it is a living thing or not, it is still unclear whether it has any ideas or the like. In short, it seems to be more...random in action.

I will not go to certain places or act according to a certain rule. It seems that everything I do has a purpose, but it seems that a long time has passed and no major incidents have occurred.

In other words, Lin hasn't discovered any major impact it has caused, and it seems that Ersh's thinking was not deliberately caused.

Now, the Domain of Devouring has some special behaviors.

Although it is still moving, it no longer moves ‘outside’ the void, but has entered the merged void, causing many things in the void to continue to ‘miss’.

It was moving fast in the void now, as if it was going somewhere.

Some of Lin’s pompoms are now investigating this... So now some of Lin’s units have flown to the location of the ‘Giant Brain’.

This giant brain was generated in the Devouring Domain, not the one from the previous Void Origin, and Lin was able to come here without being attacked mainly because Ersh remembered something about this place before.

So Lin can create some units that resemble patchworkers. Although these units look like ordinary pompoms, they are considered patchworkers by the local creatures, so they won't be attacked.

And the giant brain in this Devouring Realm... it is also a kind of patchwork.

The completeness and size of the pieces are directly related to the thinking data that constitutes them. The reason why this giant brain is generated is also because the giant brain data from the source of the void is almost completely obtained.

Although Ersh left here a long time ago, it can still perceive the various changes here.

It believed that after the domain of Devouring had thrown out the nerve center, it was still collecting data, but it had changed the form of data storage.

For example, it now embodies the data into a...creature like a patchworker, instead of putting it somewhere like before.

The previous data did not have the ability to ‘activity’, and it can also be said that there is no such entity as a patcher.

And now the patchworker is the realization of data, Ersh believes that the largest and most complete patchworker here should understand the current situation of the Devouring Domain.

This is the giant brain.

When Lin came into contact with Giant Brain, Ersh told Lin some special ‘language’ to see if he could communicate with it.

After Lin sent these words to Ju Nao, Ju Nao also replied with some special ‘language’.

The general meaning is that the Domain of Devouring is now chasing some huge mental data and is moving.

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