'clang! ’

A spear flew down from the tree, and it slammed into the heart of the leader of the white dragon, but with a crisp sound, the spear was flew out of the armor of the lord and landed on the grass. in……

"There is an enemy! Don't run around!" The leader jumped on the back of the big dragon and shouted at the flustered white dragons around him, but the white dragons seemed to be inaudible, and most of them hid in the surrounding bushes. And some are running wildly.

Only the seven white dragons holding the weapons stood by the leader. Lin felt like they were like the emerald dragons. These were trained soldiers, and those who ran around were just ordinary dragons. They didn’t know how to fight.

The ‘general dragon’ is the word of the jade dragon, which seems to refer specifically to the ordinary layer and the lower layer of the jade dragon.

The white dragons that ran into the jungle quickly screamed one after another, which was their scattered end.

It seems that this is just a force that has not received any training, and then a few soldiers, they are estimated that this is just a trip to the investigation, I did not expect to encounter so many conditions.

The leader couldn’t help but see this situation. This group of white dragons couldn’t even climb the tree. They could only watch the sudden attack on the tree. In this case, the leader’s screaming, it was riding. The dragons and dragons rushed in the direction of the road, and the white dragon soldiers around it immediately followed.

"Oh!" A soldier took a step and was pierced by a spear and fell to the ground.

"Leave here!" The leader yelled and ran ahead, but it kept the unpleasant speed, letting other white dragons follow it.

"They have to escape. Quickly chase!" At this moment, six gray figures jumped from the tree. They held spears and quickly caught up with the goal of escape. And Bai Xiaolong saw the other party jump from the tree, and immediately turned around and raised the sword to fight back!

A very crisp sound sounded...

The dragons used their spears to stab their opponents before they cut themselves. The white dragons were shaken back by a powerful force, so they had armor on their chests, so they were not pierced, but they It seems that they have all been hit hard, and they all look very painful in their chests. It is estimated that they have suffered from internal injuries.

These white dragons should be trained. However, their physical fitness is still much worse than that of the dragon, especially the dragons of these exploration teams are the masters of dreams and hunting training in the community...

"Hey!" At this time, the leader of Bai Xiaolong slammed the back of the big dragon, and slammed into the dragon.

Watching the behemoth rushing, the dragons flashed directly to both sides, and then slammed them with a spear from the side. The body of the big dragon was suddenly pierced by six spears, and it made a scream, madly Run away in front. The leader on its back can't control this crazy creature, can only sit on its back and run with it...

But this didn't last long. Two seconds after the big dragon ran out, another dragon jumped out of the tree. It fell directly on the back of the big dragon. It quickly grabbed the head of the white dragon's head with both hands and then twisted it hard.

‘Kara. 'Like the sound of something broken. The head of Bai Haolong suddenly fell from the back of the big dragon.

The dragon immediately took a sharp stone cone from the side of the bag, and it slammed it down against the back of the big dragon with a stone cone. After a huge sorrow, this huge creature fell to the ground.

"Hey!" When this dragon walked down from the body of Dalong. The other dragons immediately gave a cheer.

Lin thinks that this group of white dragons may not have fought for a long time, but Lin did not expect that Tucker is still very old at this age, and the cells have begun to slowly weaken.

Next, the dragons easily killed the remaining white dragons, although some still fled to the jungle, but the team can be said to have been completely destroyed...

"These white dragons are very strange, I have never seen such armor..."

Tucker was sitting on the body of the leader, tapping the armor on his hand and listening to the crisp sound that echoed above.

"They may be an unknown community." A dragon next to Tucker said: "We should probably go back and report this to the Liddell leader..."

"No, we should explore their settlements," said another dragon.

"We don't have a lot." Tucker said at this moment; "If you encounter a lot of white dragons, it is very troublesome. Although they are weak, we can't continue to explore here. We must go back, but we have to take Some of their things go back and see."

"Yes, the leader of Tucker." Tucker said, there is no opinion of any dragon.

Tucker took away some of the armor of the white dragon and the skin of all kinds of things, and then left here... At this time, Lin’s spy showed his figure.

Although it is a pity that the expedition team is dead, Lin wants to observe more of their habits, but they will be killed by the Emerald Dragon anyway, and they are almost the same.

Now is it better to look at the other side first?

The mad squad is still slowly moving, they are completely ignorant of the demise of the leader team, but how long does it take for them to reach their destination...?

Although the crystal madness has been urging, but because they carry too heavy things, they take turns and take rest, the speed of advancement has been very slow, which makes the crystal mad is quite impatient.

Lin found that the crystal madness would even play these white dragons to make them go faster, and they would not fight back. They would only complain a few times when the crystal madness did not notice.

Some of them are very tired, but the crystal madness completely ignores their fatigue, and the beginning of the madness will let them rest, but in the back it can be said that they are constantly driving them forward.

Maybe Crystal Mad and they are similar to the relationship between 'the people' and the 'lower people' in the Jade Dragon? They are all afraid of the crystal madness, and they are a bit like the relationship of slaves. They are like the habit structure of the jade dragon.

Because of their slow speed, the spies quickly caught up with them, and when they followed them for almost a day and night, they finally reached their destination.

There are some differences between Lin and Lin’s imagination. Their destination is not the seaside, but a huge open space.

At the edge of this open space, there are many protoceratops that are eating grass, but what makes Lin pay attention to is the giant blue creature at the center of the open space...

That is... empty jellyfish? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ I am stunned~ I miss you, I miss you, the monthly ticket~

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