4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 219: Above the blue sky

When the body was more than 50 meters long and the seemingly chubby blue creature appeared in the glade, Lin was slightly surprised. In fact, this creature is not completely empty jellyfish, but is called Subspecies of 'sea-air jellyfish'.

This kind of creature has always been quite large, and it is rarely close to the depths of the land, because they are still aquatic creatures and need water to live.

What makes Lin even more amazing is that this giant jellyfish is now floating in the low air of about ten meters high. The tentacles underneath it are tied with a large number of plant-made ropes, and these ropes are tied to one. A wooden basket about half the size of a jellyfish.

In the basket, there were five white dragons staying inside. When they saw the crystal mad with the team coming over, they began to greet them loudly.

It turns out that... They are not going to the beach directly, but using this empty jellyfish? Did this group of white dragons fly in with this empty jellyfish? They can actually think of flying in this way is really not simple, Lin began to be a bit strange, so the level of battle of this group of white dragons should not be able to cross the forest.

But how do they command this jellyfish? Although the empty jellyfish is much more intelligent than the average jellyfish, it is still unlikely to be controlled.

"Hey! Take it in!" Under the command of Crystal Mania, the two white dragons first put the crystals into the basket under the jellyfish and put them in the tentacle. Then they put everything else in, and finally climbed themselves. Go in.

Lin also climbed into the basket, and Lin found that there were a lot of things in the basket, like food or something. There are also some unidentified objects wrapped in leather. The entire basket seems to be constructed by a small number of branches bonded together in some way. It looks very unstable, but since it can fly with so many white dragons, there should be no problem.

The whole basket is more than 20 meters long and about 5 meters wide and wide. I don't know the weight, but it will not be very heavy, and its 1.5 meter high edge allows the inside passengers to see the outside environment.

"Come on!" "Hey! I have to wait!"

At this time, Lynn heard a quarrel, and the five white dragons that had been waiting for the crystal madness and the empty jellyfish had quarreled. They think that they should wait for the leader of the team to return, and the crystal mad wants to let them go directly.

Lin wants to see how they are 'departing'. Is it necessary to use the instructions to let the jellyfish fly?

"We can't go! We need to wait for them!" This white dragon seems to be determined, and it is not afraid of the crystal madness, it seems that it has the same status as the crystal mad.

"You! Think! Die! Hey!" When Crystal Mad said this, the white dragons who had helped him to crystallize also stood up. Although they were previously "ill" by the crystal madness, they are now standing. Crystal mad side.

There are nine of them, and there are only five white dragons against the crystal madness, and there is no soldier here. This has already decided who wins and who loses.

Under the madness of the madness, four of the five white dragons were retreating. There is only one, that is, the most powerful one who had been arguing with the crystal madness is still standing there, and its position is very firm.

Unfortunately, its power is rather weak.

"Throw it out!" Crystal screamed, and the nine white dragons behind him immediately surrounded them, yelling at each other, grabbing it and throwing it out of the basket.

The white dragon also tried to climb back, but when it climbed to the edge of the basket, Crystal Mad slammed his foot and then yelled at the back: "Now, fast! Depart!"

The four white dragons seemed to be afraid of being thrown out. They immediately acted. They saw that they had turned out a powder from a purse in the corner of the basket. It seemed to be a kind of plant ground powder, and then they took out a can. This jar seems to be ceramic, and they originally have a manufacturing method similar to the jade dragon.

Bai Xiaolong put the powder into the tank, raised it with a drilled wood, and then took out a twig and lit it into the tank.

Soon, the jar began to emit a smog with a strange smell that spreads out, mostly around the belly of the empty jellyfish.

"Oh..." With the spread of smoke, the giant creature made a low-pitched sound, and its body began to move slowly.

This gas seems to be an irritating gas for the empty jellyfish. It seems that the white dragon uses this gas to make it move.

With the action of the empty jellyfish, it began to inhale a large amount of gas, so that the body became more swelled, slowly rising, and the basket below also broke away from the ground and rose into the sky!

"Hey!" The white dragon that was thrown out by the crystal mad yelled at the basket in the air, as if it was saying insulting words like "嘎瘪" to the crystal madness, but the crystal madness did not I care about it, it is sitting on the crystal now, it seems quite happy.

In the process of slowly rising the empty jellyfish, the white screaming dragon below, as well as everything around it, began to slowly become smaller and smaller. The empty jellyfish flew with the basket to the sky above the jungle. The appearance of the jungle began to appear. Except for the crystal madness, all the white dragons gathered at the edge of the basket, feeling the view from the top.

Staying on a wooden basket and looking at everything below in the sky is indeed a very special feeling. These white dragons should have flown at least once, and they are still sighing at the surrounding scenery.

In addition to the crystal madness, it prefers to look more like its own crystal. Maybe it thinks that as long as the empty jellyfish flies up, this crystal has completely belonged to it. So much hard work, experienced so many dangers, killing With so many companions, it’s all worth it... It finally, can return to its city...

However, compared to the crystal madness, now Lin is more concerned about a problem, as if there is no Bai Qilong responsible for controlling the flight direction of the empty jellyfish.

Now, the tail of the empty jellyfish is slowly spraying the gas, and it is completely flying by itself.

Did the gas burned by the white dragon have told the empty jellyfish where to fly? It’s impossible to think about this...

This group of white dragons does not seem to care at all. It should be no problem. Maybe the place where the empty jellyfish want to fly is exactly the same as their destination. It is not too late to make it clear. But Bailong will use this. Flying in the way, this is indeed a very strange thing.

Looking at the large jungle swiftly passing underneath, the white dragons were enjoying the surrounding scenery, and suddenly there was a sound around them. I saw a large group of pterosaurs appearing in the air, flying around the empty jellyfish.

This scenery is really rare. The white dragons began to talk about these pterosaurs. Some of them used branches to throw these pterosaurs. Although they did not hit them, they also caused some pterosaurs' anger.

However, because of the huge size of the empty jellyfish, no pterosaur dared to be too close.

However, Lin felt that this group of pterosaurs seemed to be a problem. Most of them had the feeling of panic, as if they were running away...

"Ah!" Suddenly, the pterosaurs yelled a few times, and then they all dispersed.

When the white dragons are wondering why these pterosaurs will spread out, there are some black creatures in the air around them.

Is it... standing?

A large number of flying scorpions appeared around the empty jellyfish, which caused a burst of exclamation from the white dragons. They apparently never saw this creature, and they began to discuss it one after another, and several others took out the skin and tried to draw the raft. Come down.

It turns out that there are also researchers in this group of white dragons, but why did Fei Lizhen appear here? Do they want to attack an empty jellyfish? There are quite a few **** traces on the lips, it seems that they have just preyed on the group of pterosaurs...

Lynn felt that they had no intention of attacking now, perhaps because of the relationship they had eaten.

But the empty jellyfish is not a good deal. This giant creature seems to have no defense ability, but it is actually a very dangerous creature.

However, this group of flying scorpions has been flying around the empty jellyfish and has not made any special moves.

Although I don't know why they are going to follow them, maybe they want to go to other places to build a city? Li Yi should have completely abandoned the original city.

The empty jellyfish flies slowly in the air. The speed of its flight often changes, sometimes even completely, and the flying scorpion maintains the same speed as the empty jellyfish. They are always moving in one direction regardless of the speed.

The empty jellyfish flew over the jungle, the plains, and the direction turned from the beginning to the south and turned to the west. Its flying height was also higher and higher. When the surrounding environment was covered by a cloud, Fei Lijun did not continue to follow. .

But they are only flying low, or keep flying at a speed with one empty jellyfish.

Lin found that the empty jellyfish had the idea of ​​eating clouds. It might rely on this to add water. In the sky, the temperature became cold. This is fatal for the white dragons that have never experienced winter. They are The baskets are crowded together to warm up, and under the temperature drop, there is a white dragon's thoughts that start to be a bit abnormal, and it even tries to ignite to make the temperature higher.

Lin can see that they did not have the ability to command an empty jellyfish. Eventually, the empty jellyfish lowered their height, and the white dragons were freed from the cold.

However, the empty jellyfish still flies in the clouds, it is difficult to see the things and scenery below, and the white dragons have no interest in watching the scenery before, they are nestled in the hanging basket, while eating dry food while waiting Holding...

Waiting for the night after another, the sun in the starry sky is constantly changing, a vast blue has finally appeared below... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ 588~

Thanks ~ Frozen Rune ~ rewards~

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