4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 220: Gray city

It took more than a dozen days and nights to fly under the basket of giant jellyfish. Because the speed of the jellyfish is slower and slower, it is lower and higher. This makes the white dragons suffer from cold and heat. It is indeed very good to take this flying object. Not easy, but it's really much better than facing the various threats in the jungle.

Now, the blue sea is finally showing up in Lin, and in front of all the white dragons, the white dragons are very happy about this, perhaps because the city is getting closer and closer.

The coast here is the same as Lin's original north landing point. There is only a barren land, but there are some large arthropods on the beach. Lin found that the thing should be called... 'lobster', they are five meters long. Left and right, it seems to be a very dangerous creature.

As the sea approached the sea, the empty jellyfish lowered its height. It flew off the clouds and approached the choppy shores. The former group of crickets followed, but when they approached the sea, they all rushed into the sea.

I don't know where they are going? Want to live underwater? Just like the previous Astra group?

The empty jellyfish flies at a height of about 100 meters above the water. All the white dragons, including the crystal madness, are squeezed at the forefront of the basket because they can see a huge shadow on the far sea, which can be seen obviously. It was an island, and all the white dragons had a feeling of great expectation there.

This is exactly what Lin thinks, the white dragons live on the islands, but why do they suddenly go to the mainland to explore?


With a cry of crystal madness, Lin also turned her attention to their side, and the huge island finally appeared. This seems to be a very beautiful island.

The white sand beach, which is hundreds of kilometers long, spreads like a white line. On the beach, there are huge lobsters and brogues. To the top of the beach is a dense green jungle with no trees, but a combination of pure vines. Some of them are like twisted trees, coiled together, reaching a considerable height, allowing the entire jungle It seems quite complicated, and some creatures that Linde has never heard sounded in the jungle.

This is for Lynn. It was an unknown island. The empty jellyfish flew over the jungle. Lin found that the jellyfish was flying towards a huge building in the jungle.

That... Is it made by Bai Haolong?

The building is one hundred meters high and has a square shape as a whole. Each side has a width of 500 meters. The whole building is made of white and gray stones, which is many times larger than the largest pyramid built by Litchi. .

For the first time, Lynn was amazed at the architecture of these individual creatures. How did these white dragons cause this kind of thing? How long have they been used? How many stones?

At the top of the building is a huge platform with many small houses of various sizes. Most of these houses are domes, and in the center of the platform. There is a square pool that is more than 100 meters wide.

I really didn't expect them to make such a huge thing.

The empty jellyfish slowly flew over the building. It stopped above the pool and began to slowly descend. With the appearance of the jellyfish, a lot of white dragons appeared on the surrounding platforms. They gathered in the pool and cheered. It seems that they are welcome to return to their madness.

As the empty jellyfish landed, the lower basket had touched the surface of the water, and the water penetrated through the gaps in the branches. Lin's spy touched some water with his fingers and put it into his mouth and tasted it.

Is this sea water? And there are still a lot of plankton inside.

Now the empty jellyfish is still pressing down. It seems to want to sneak into the water. At this time, the white dragons jumped out of the edge of the basket and jumped into the water. Two white dragons also carried crystal mad crystals and lost them into the water. Then I jumped in myself.

Did they still have to dive when they came down? Thinking, Lin jumped into the water before the empty jellyfish pressed down...

The water in this pool is very turbid, and there is no deepness in it. There are many fish and various tiny creatures inside. Although the white dragon does not climb trees, it seems to have a strong swimming ability. They wiggle their bodies like crocodiles. Soon I swam to the shore of the pool, except for the crystal madness and a few white dragons, because the crystals sink to the bottom of the water, they have to swim to find...

Lin also followed them to swim. In the end, Lin also tested the depth of this place, about 30 meters, it is not very deep...

There are many small arthropods in the bottom of the pool. There seem to be a lot of trilobites. Do you still have these creatures? The bottom of the pool is also made of the same stone as the building wall. It is really wonderful that Lynn feels that this kind of thing can withstand so much water without collapse.

Crystal Mad and a few white dragons are trying to get the crystals up. It’s not easy to move this thing in the water. After they have been in the water for a while, they start to move up. This time the jellyfish is also pressing the basket completely. In the water, then it seems to have entered a state of sleep, how is this jellyfish active?

But now I care about Bailulong better. Lin feels that this group of white dragons are also very strong in their ability to shut off. They feel that they are a race that is used to water.

When Lin and they swam to the surface of the water, a large group of white dragons appeared in front of them. They gathered at the pool. When these white dragons saw the crystal madness and the other two white dragons brought the crystal to the surface, they all surprised. sound.

Lin noticed that these white dragons are very similar to the "Guimin" of the Jade Dragon. They have various decorations on their bodies. They seem to be mainly shells of snails and shellfish, and some are also shining like crystals. Decoration, but they are very small, basically no more than one centimeter. It is no wonder that this piece of crystal that has been brought back by the crystal madness is sighed.

The crystal madness seems to be very smug. It deliberately ignores the surrounding Bailong, who asks about it to the west, but walks toward the largest house in front.

Among the white dragons, there were still some guards wearing cyan armor with weapons. They pushed the dragons away, which allowed the crystal madness to pass better, while Lin’s spies did not follow it.

Lin just put an eyeball and watched the crystal madness. As for the spy, Lin thought of going shopping and looking at this group of white dragons, what kind of ethnic group they are.

What kind of habits do they have? What is the relationship between members, as well as the army, the things of worship, etc., of course, the most important thing is... their history and the source of their birth. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ dew nkysun~'s reward~

Thanks~ I miss you, I miss you, the monthly ticket~

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