4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 221: Among the castles

This place...is big.

Lin's spy is now located in the giant building made by the white dragon. It is full of various passages, various rooms, and it feels like even a few days and nights around it.

Lin can of course release more eyeballs for observation, but that level of fun will be lower, or it is more interesting to turn around first.

In this building, Lin has a word in her thoughts that is more suitable for this building...that is, ‘castle’.

This word usually seems to refer to a large building, just like this one, but it is so big, and there is a pool at the top. It’s really strange, it feels like a mountain, although not very high. But it is quite spacious.

Inside the castle, there are walkways and rooms everywhere. The room usually has one every few meters. In the city, a can of burning is used to hang on the wall for lighting. The ground is also covered with a lot of white sand. The grain is used as a decoration for the walkway.

It seems that the sand is taken from the beach? And there are all kinds of things hanging on the walls, some are lithographs, some are statues or something.

Many of the creatures that Lynn encountered like to make statues, but the statues of these white dragons are less creative. At present, all the statues that Lin sees in the castle are statues of guards.

There are often a lot of guards here, and I don’t know what they are doing with the statue of the guards.

As for the rooms, they usually live in the white dragons, and they should all be 'precious peoples'. They are very similar to the jade dragons. They like to hang various decorations on their bodies, and their rooms are also. The tone of speech is also different from that of a general guard. I also like to compare each other.

and. It seems that the size of the rooms owned by the different dragons is different.

Because of the return of the crystal madness, it seems that a lot of white dragons have gathered to the top, which makes the place seem relatively empty, and Lin now pushes the entrance of a room.

Bai Xiaolong likes to block the room in the entrance of the room with the ‘door’ that can be pushed. It is usually made of stone. It feels very troublesome, but it can prevent the thief from doing anything. The jade dragon should learn.

but. Is there a thief in this castle? There should be some, Lin feels that this selfish personality creature is definitely not the only one who is worthy of the people. It will definitely be like the emerald dragon. It is like a carnivorous creature in a jungle...

These creatures, like the Jade Dragon, are clearly the same race, but they are as harsh as the competition between the different species of the jungle.

Inside this room is a bed covered with golden leaves, and there is a stone ‘counter’ next to it with lots of decorations.

It seems that there is nothing interesting, but there is also a pool here.

Lin found that most of the rooms in Bailulong had a pool of at least two meters long and one meter deep. The inside was fresh water. I don’t know what it was used for. Give them something to drink? Some of them still have fish and trilobites, and Lin is the first to see freshwater trilobites...

Lin looked at the opening of such a room. Most of the rooms are similar. It is unlikely that the inhabitants of the 'normal level' or the 'lower level' will be encountered in this castle. Maybe they will come out of this castle.

But just this castle is enough to investigate for a long time.

At the time of Lin's investigation, the crystal madness also came into the largest building at the top of the castle with great crystallization.

Around the building are some shiny guards, each with a full armor, which is clearly an important building.

Bai Xiaolong should also have the role of ‘king’.

However, after the crystal madness did not go to see any special characters, but went to a house in the building, it seems to be the place where it lives.

It can be seen that the crystal madness should be a very high-ranking white dragon, and the white dragons that helped it to crystallize should indeed be the role of slaves. They are left after crystallization and they seem to live elsewhere. .

The king of Bai Xiaolong, Lin has not seen it yet, listening to the crystal madness, they said that the king does not seem to be here, it will take a while to come back.

No matter how much, it’s good to continue the investigation. Think of it, Lin went to the next room.

This room... seems to be very special. Most of the white dragons, including the guards, went to the top floor, and there are still a few guards here, but these guards are also absent-minded. Every white dragon here wants to see it. What is the crystallization of the crystal madness? This is called curiosity. The creature grows up with curiosity and dies because of curiosity.

Will they grow? Or is it due to leaving the job and dying? Both sides should be unlikely.

Thinking, Lin let the spy release a smell, which is the latest 'information gas' made by Lin. Although it smells no smell, it can affect the brains of these two white dragons, which will make them The curiosity is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time dispelling the thoughts of 'not being arbitrarily' in their thoughts, only need to affect their brain secretions, you can achieve this effect...

Under the influence of Lin, these white dragons became more and more uneasy. They kept looking left and right. In the end, they could not resist curiosity. They left the guards and ran to the passage leading to the top of the castle.

This kind of gas is really fun. Looking at them, Lin feels that it is necessary to use more in the future.

‘Boom...’ Now, the spy is trying this stone door. This door seems to be particularly heavy. In the process of pushing, it is constantly making a heavy voice. Lin is thinking about what might be different here...

Sure enough, it is not the same!

At the moment Lin opened the room, a wonderful scene appeared in Lin’s vision.

The location of Lynn’s spy is actually on a high wall. There are many doors around the wall. It seems that it can be accessed from various places. The whole room is about 30 meters high. There are many large stone pillars, and the stone gates on the surrounding walls are connected to these pillars, which allows the spies to walk straight.

These white dragons really made quite a wonderful thing...

However, the key is on the stone pillars, which are generally tall and the rooms are covered with square and round holes, and a large number of objects are placed in the hole.

After the spy approached, Lynn discovered that these 'articles' were all leathers for record, or slate.

Every piece of leather or slate has a lot of text written on it, and some of them are also painted. Here... it seems to be the room where the white dragon is used to place these things. It feels like the underground cave used by the old emerald dragon to record various creatures. The same, however, it is much bigger than the Emerald Dragon. Maybe Lin can find a history of the white dragon in this place.

And each stone pillar is surrounded by a spiral stone bridge, which makes it easy for white dragons to go up and down, read anything here.

But before that, you have to fully learn their language first, and at the same time understand which of their words represent which sound, it seems very troublesome, but for Lin, this is not difficult.

Lin first observed the size of the room. The entire room seemed to be almost two hundred meters in length. I don't know how many things were recorded here.

Moreover, Lynn also found that most of the records used are slate, and Lin thought that they would use leather to record it, but it should be better to use slate records.

Next, it’s time to learn...

At this stage, I don't know how long it will take. In short, Lin has been observing these white dragons. Most of the white dragons have the habit of recording daily life. This seems to be called 'writing a diary', which makes it easier for Lin to learn their language and find out Which tone corresponds to which word.

The language of Bai Xiaolong is very interesting. They are not more complicated than the language of Emerald Dragon, but they have come up with a way to turn it into a symbol or a text, but this may not be what they think, but some...more Powerful things teach them.

During the period when Lynn learned their language, Crystal Mad has been staying in his own house. Every day and night, there are a lot of white dragons who want to see it, but they are rejected by it.

Crystal Mad seems to have been waiting for the king to come back, it is very anxious, but there is no help.

As Lin knows more and more, she also finds from the dialogue that the king has gone outside the castle, and there is indeed a city like the emerald dragon outside the castle.

However, Lin has not yet seen it, and it is more interesting to study the things here...

Bai Xiaolong's language is mainly composed of several sounds into one word. A single sound can usually represent some meanings. As Lin thinks, the white dragon's text is indeed changed from the picture.

In this 'between the pillars', Lin found some special 'ancient' records, which show the changes in the characters of the white dragon. Initially they draw a picture almost the same as ordinary objects, but they slowly grow behind them. The change of the earth has become the shape of the present text.

But what is the reason for the change? Why do they want to change the picture to this symbol? And how do they pair these words with the pronunciation?

There seems to be a lot of complicated reasons, but Lynn’s research focus is not here, mainly to find out where they came from. This may have a major relationship with the Yate population or any other species, otherwise it is impossible to The white dragons are in the 'primitive' state, only they have developed.

When Lin asked a large amount of information, she found some records about the 'age'. The wonderful thing is that Bai Xiaolong also has the recording method of ‘year’, and it is 1060 days and nights as well as the year of the brainworm.

This can't be a coincidence. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ section power ~ monthly ticket ~

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