4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 222: Past history

We are born in the hands of the creators.

Innumerable years ago, the omnipotent creator came to this land. It found that the world was in a chaos, and terrible monsters were everywhere. When I saw the world, the creator felt sad and wanted the world. It became more energetic, so it created everything that could be moved with earth, stone, and water.

It created the island with stone pulp, moistened it with water, and the plants grew on it. The creator solidified the remaining stone to form stones, and some of the stones became various shapes, and they moved. , formed a variety of creatures, and some have been stone, they are in a state of immortality.

In the end, the creator used the earth to create us. It sprinkled its own blood on the mud, giving us the power to live. The creator then changed the world. It drove away the monsters that ran across the earth. Let us It was safe to live, then the creator left, it was tired and needed rest.

However, because it is shaped by mud, we are more vulnerable than other creatures. Our ethnic groups are attacked by various creatures and are on the verge of extinction.

However, we have the advantage that creators have given us. We have inherited the wisdom of the creators. We use the unchanging stones to build houses and build weapons. We gather together, drive away other creatures, and create our own... ... home, this is probably what the creators expect.

We thrive in the world of creators, we have won again and again, and we are getting more and more, and ultimately. We have become the king of this world.

We set up our city. We have chosen the member closest to the creator - 'Minos' to be our leader. It took us to the era of prosperity, we planted plants, raised creatures, which gave us a source of endless food...

However, there are also members of our ethnic group who are stupid and cannot be saved. We drive them out of the city. We call them ‘cursed people’ and they will never step into our city.

There are also some who are treated as slaves by the cursers, and they and their descendants will always work for us.

Our houses can withstand the storm, our high walls can withstand monsters, we are no longer threatened by outside, we have been here for a long time, for a long time... Our art has been passed down from generation to generation, and the descendants of the king have always been the highest The leader leads us, we, have a pretty happiness... We believe. Wait until some time, the creator will come back again. Accept us.

We should be the creature closest to the creator, but no one can think of a new threat that is among us...

Perhaps it was too comfortable, some of them began to feel dissatisfied. They thought that although the current life is full, we should expand the territory, they begin to violate the creator's will, they want to leave the paradise created by this creator.

The creators let us not leave this land. This land is a symbol of peace and tranquility. How can they leave?

But this group of people does not believe in the dangers outside, they think we are strong enough to defeat the threat outside!

This is a stupid idea, the creator has told us that you can't leave here!

But they don't listen, they call themselves ‘land pioneers, and they create huge... ‘something’ and leave this wonderful world.

Then they came back very quickly, with the punishment they had suffered because they didn't listen to the words of the creator... When they came back, they lost more than half of the members, and the rest died after a series.

However, this matter is not over yet, and the horror of things follows them into our city!

Then everything is over... it drowns our city and destroys everything! We have no chance to resist, but all this is caused by the stupid people. We should not be punished like this...

At the most desperate moments, we gathered together and prayed to the creators, hoping that it would reappear and end the disaster. Perhaps our prayers have been passed to the highest, and the creators have responded to us. Even though it did not show up again, its messengers came to our city and promised us that it can save us.

We believe in it... But the power of the horror is too strong, and the messenger of the creator is not even enough to compete with it. It infects the land of the creator, where there is no safe place anymore. When we were warfare with horror, our king also died...

In the end, we chose to leave. We left the land we have been living for a long time. We took the ‘something’ made by the pioneers and marched toward the unknown world.

But the horror thing has been chasing us, it is never willing to give up...

Until there is a great dragon called 'Adejee', it finds that if you hide in the water, you can get rid of the pursuit of horror. Water is one of the sources of life created by the creator. The creator's blessing is still inside. Let us succeed in getting rid of this horror!

After that, Adeni became our new king. It was very intelligent, led us to avoid all kinds of dangers, and finally landed on a new land.

We call this land ‘Crete’, we land here and rebuild our lives.

When we first landed, we encountered many difficulties. Dark and horrible monsters threatened us. They were not created by the creators, but monsters living in ancient chaos.

However, our countless heroes have defeated them, and we have succeeded in living here. We have once again established cities and established our own country.

We have a new land, and we look forward to seeing that the creator may be able to come here to see us, but we have turned away from the creator, and forever, will not wait for it to return...

But at least, we have been very calm, and we hope that peace will last forever...

This record has been written by countless recorders from generation to generation, and has undergone numerous changes during the period to show such a complete history. We will pass on our history forever, tell our descendants, let them know, we Everything that has gone through.

The spy stuffed the last recorded stone into the stone pillar.

... So, is this the history of them? This race...

Very interesting. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ monthly ticket ~

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